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Since I\'ve been writing about Author L. Rea\'s designer steroids for the past few weeks and how athletes are stacking them to get as HUGE as humanly possible in just a few short weeks, I\'ve received quite a few questions from our readers about these phenomenal muscle builders. Denne uge, we\'ve got the questions and answers.
Men først, a little more about these new steroids. It\'s been a long time since I got really excited about a new steroid. Men, Forfatteren L. Rea, af Kemiske muskel ekstraudstyr og Bygge det perfekte dyret Fame, recently sent me some samples of four new designer steroids that he designed himself in his private laboratory.
Så du kan være undrende hvad præcis sendte han og hvad kan de gøre?
Godt, at være specifik, Han sendte fire hætteglassene i alt. En af 4-Hydroxy Testosteron Decanoate, 17a-Methyl-4-HydroxyNandrolone, Formestane, og 17aa-4-androsten-3 17-diol. Endnu vigtigere end de kemiske navne, disse fire steroider, alle højt værdsat af bodybuildere, can promote massive muscle growth and enable you to get as MASSIVE as humanly possible in just a few short weeks. Here\'s a few links to the drug profiles and the brand names that correspond to the pharmaceutical names.
- Testosteron-OH™ (4-Hydroxy Testosteron Decanoate)
- Oxanavar™(17a-Methyl-4-HydroxyNandrolone)
- Aromabolan P.C.T.™(Formestane)
- Testriol²™(17AA-4-androsten-3, 17-diol)
Er de lovlige? Teknisk set, de er juridisk på nuværende tidspunkt, but are scheduled to be banned. Faktisk, deres juridiske status er i sådanne spørgsmål, når det aktuelle udbud løber ud, probably by the end of the month or early next month, Hvis ikke hurtigere, there won\'t be any more. Nogensinde. Du kan Check priser og tilgængelighed her.
Og nu, here are our members\' questions. Læs videre.
1. One a couple of the message boards, people are saying they are getting really good results by injecting your products, versus taking it orally. Is this true? Is this safe? They claim to use less of the product and get 2-3 times the results! [Read the answer here.]
2. Can I still get as big or ripped by using your products and NOT steroids? [Read the answer here.]
3. My buddy says you can not really get like the pros without using illegal steroids. Is this true? [Read the answer here.]
4. I want to get really big ... which one of your products is best for that? [Read the answer here.]
5. I\'m starting to thin up top and going bald, especially after my last cycle of Winstrol and Trenbolone. I don\'t want to go bald ... can your products help? What do you recommend? Which of your products should I take and which should I stay away from? [Read the answer here.]
6. Can you give me a summary of your products compared to regular "street" steroids and how I should take them or stack them for best results? [Read the answer here.]
7. I\'m a woman ... can I use any of your products safely without having any "male" bivirkninger? [Read the answer here.]
"So tell me more about what this stuff does!"
Testosterone is known as the "King Of All Steroids". It\'s super potent, anabolske, androgen, you feel young while you\'re on it. It increases sex drive, gives you better muscle pumps, mere styrke gevinster, etc., etc., etc. Den perfekte stand-alone steroid.
Men, noget at magtfulde kommer normalt med sin andel af kraftfulde side-effekter samt. Høj konverteringer til østrogen og dihydrotestosteron (DHT), hvilket betyder, gynækomasti ("bitch tits"), bloat, væskeophobning, mandlig-mønster hårtab, female-pattern fat distribution and it even quickly shuts down your testicles (dermed, din bolde skrumpe!).
Please keep in mind that testosterone is a very old steroid and what Mr. Forfatteren L. Rea has done is basically use 21st century technology and research to tweak this "grandfather" steroid. What did he do? Godt, for the technically minded, by adding a hydroxyl group, he virtually removed all of testosterone\'s side-effects, samtidig holde og endda forbedre dens positive virkninger. (Forresten, this is a process that was patented by Searle Laboratories.)
Det betyder flere muskler, mindre fedt gevinster, fewer side-effects and enhanced recovery of the HPTA axis. Plus, you end up saving TONS of money by not having to buy "anti side-effect drugs." Here\'s a link where you can learn more and check pricing and availability.
Even ahead of testosterone, probably the two most sought after and highly regarded steroids are Nandrolone (Deca Durabolin) og Oxandrolone (Anavar). These two steroids are among the safest steroids ever developed - so much so that women and even children take them. Endnu, they are also some of the most ANABOLIC steroids ever developed.
Alle i steroid verden har brugt og/eller hørt om Deca Durabolin. Der er virkelig ikke noget negativt at sige om deca andre derefter sin progesteron bivirkninger, der fører til oppustethed, væskeophobning, gynækomasti og den værste bivirkning af alle - after prolonged use - IMPOTANCE!
Nu, går videre til den dyreste steroid nogensinde skabt - that would be Anavar. Anavar is everyone\'s favorite steroid. It\'s everyone\'s favorite steroid because it is extremely safe, it makes you super strong and very hard - men damn det, it\'s also incredibly expensive. The great news is that Forfatteren L. Rea has created Oxanavar™ - a compound which is a cross between Deca Durabolin (minus alle sine progesteron side-effekter) og Anavar (at literally a FRACTION of the cost, yet almost 3 gange så stærk!)
Igen, for the technical folks, Forfatteren L. Rea modified the original nandrolone compound with an alteration in the "position 4" with a hydroxyl group and the end result is an amazing compound that\'s very similar to that of Deca, men uden bivirkninger.
Then he methylated the compound and due to the "alkylation," it now acts almost identically to Avanar; dog, now it is 2 til 3 times stronger. This means more muscle gains, less fat gain, no estrogen or progesterone bloating, no gynecomastia ("bitch tits"), og vigtigst af alt, NO "deca dick" eller nedsat sexlyst. Bedst af alt, you\'ll enjoy the highest post-cycle muscle retention of any product on the market! Here\'s a link where you can learn more and check pricing and availability.
Here\'s the quick links to the the four steroid profiles:
- Testosteron-OH™ (4-Hydroxy Testosteron Decanoate)
- Oxanavar™(17a-Methyl-4-HydroxyNandrolone)
- Aromabolan P.C.T.™(Formestane)
- Testriol²™(17AA-4-androsten-3, 17-diol)
Here\'s the quick links to the four more of Author L. Rea\'s cycles:
- Fyldemiddel & Opskæring Supplement stakke
- Fyldemiddel & Skære kost cykler
- Fyldemiddel & Skæring kost prøver
- Hår holde cykler
Husk, som nævnt ovenfor, den retlige status af disse stoffer er i sådanne spørgsmål, når det aktuelle udbud løber ud, sometime early next month, there won\'t be any more. Here\'s a link where you can Check priser og tilgængelighed.
If you\'re not familiar with Mr. Forfatteren L. Rea, Jeg opfordre kraftigt dig til at tjekke hans to steroid bøger: Kemiske muskel ekstraudstyr og Bygge det perfekte dyret.
Kemiske muskel ekstraudstyr is the steroid book that shows you how you can safely take the drugs used by today\'s mass monsters to create the cartoon-proportioned, superhelte fysik, at de fleste mænd vil kun drømme om. Endnu bedre, there\'s special savings on this amazing book for the next 72 kun timer.
Bygge det perfekte dyret er den første og eneste bog for en avanceret steroid bruger.
Hvis du har brugt steroider eller andre muskel præstationsfremmende medicin og kosttilskud til over 2 år. Or if you have hit your plateau and just can\'t seem to gain any more muscle mass or strength. Or if you have tried pretty much everything and still can\'t seem to get "ripped to the bone" og ophold lean året rundt. Eller hvis du er træt af at spilde mere tid, money and energy on your "gear" og træning kun at se det samme, år efter år, uden nogen reelle fremskridt. Så skal du læse Bygge det perfekte dyret. Og, there\'s special savings on this amazing book for the next 72 timer kun for.