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Although an often neglected exercise, the deadlift is outstanding for pretty much working EVERY muscle and forcing tremendous muscle growth for nearly every muscle in your body. How would you like to add as much as 10% onto your maximum single effort power deadlift in a short time? For instance let\'s say you are now deadlifting 400 lbs. for a single rep... How would you like to be deadlifting 440 lbs. within a few short workouts? Sounds good eh? Sure it does!
And you can do it, believe me, because in this weeks Elite Fitness News, my friend Dennis Weis will tell you how to achieve this goal in just five workouts. Using one of The 13 Secret Exercises Of Physique Champions that he describes in his free eBook of the same name. First, Dennis will show you how to make amazing improvements in your deadlift and then I\'ll tell you how to get a free copy of his eBook The 13 Secret Exercises Of Physique Champions - filled with Unusual Exercises for Unusual Results.
In case you have not heard of Dennis, here\'s a little more about him. Dennis is perhaps the ultimate bodybuilding trainer. He\'s been in the iron game for well over 40 years. And he\'s the author of the best selling 19 volume Digital Encyclopedia of Massive Bodybuilding. At his age, some would probably call him an old man. I consider him a wise veteran of the iron trenches. And the athletes that he has trained over the years call him "The Yukon Hercules" (yes, he really does live in Alaska)!
For more than 4 decades, Mr. Dennis Weis traveled the world meeting the great champions and experts of all time and he still does today.
- He\'s interviewed thousands of bodybuilders.
- He\'s trained with them.
- He\'s challenged them.
And he\'s discovered their muscle building secrets.
Now for the first time, he\'s compiled all of his writings from the past 40 years into the ultimate anabolic training system ever available. Here\'s a link where you can read more about his Digital Encyclopedia of Massive Bodybuilding guaranteed to show you how you can build a massive, ripped, muscular body using all the superior and highly secretive training methods of the bodybuilders Dennis interviewed over the past 40 years.
The Measured Movement Power Deadlift (Wooden-Plank Concept)
by Dennis Weis
The deadlift is a compound exercise that attacks the muscle groups in the lower and upper body including the latissimus dorsi, trapezius, erector spinae, gluteals, hamstrings, quadriceps, and psoas (hip flexors). Your forearm muscles, which grip the bar, are highly involved, so too are your muscles that stabilize your trunk such as your obliques and abdominals.
Roughly three quarters of your total muscle mass is involved in performing a deadlift. When compared to isolation exercises, compound movements that involve larger muscle groups force a hormonal training response that results in greater strength gains and the dynamics of the lift itself may also lead to greater gains in muscular hypertrophy. In basic terms, you will get stronger and build much bigger muscles!
Back in the early 1970s my maximum single deadlift record was in a slump at around 500 lbs. I decided to seek out a solution to this problem and immediately got in contact with Ernest F. Cottrell (who had been giving highly professional bodybuilding and powerlifting instruction for more than 20 years) through his personalized mail-order bodybuilding instruction service. Ernie sent me a Power Deadlift Specialization workout that literally catapulted my deadlift poundage almost overnight. The deadlift specialization program was performed twice per week on Monday and Thursday (Tuesday and Saturday is another option I used from time to time).
Here is the schedule that Ernie outlined for me:
MONDAY: Power Deadlift Workout
TUESDAY: Squat/Bench Press
THURSDAY: Power Deadlift Workout
FRIDAY: Squat/Bench Press
Since my primary goal was to specialize on the deadlift Ernie had me only doing maintenance work on the squat and bench press, just enough for slight improvement. POWER DEADLIFT WORKOUT
CONVENTIONAL DEADLIFT: Load a bar to your best 10 rep maximum poundage. Perform: 2 set x 6 reps (rest 3 minutes between the sets). This exercise is performed like the regular conventional deadlift except for two important differences: First, as you reach the vertical lockout position, shrug the shoulders up and back as far as anatomically possible while slightly bending the arms to activate the biceps; hold this position for 2 seconds, and then lower the barbell until the plates are about 2-inches off the floor, stop any further movement and hold for about 2-3 seconds, then begin the upward pull again and repeat the whole process again for 2 sets of about 6 reps. Upon completion of the 2 sets of 6 reps, I was advised to rest 8-10 minutes. Next is the . . .
MEASURED MOVEMENT POWER DEADLIFT (Wooden-Plank Concept): This is the secret exercise that will give a person that fantastic boost of power they are looking for in the deadlift . . . ! Prior to beginning this exercise you will need to obtain a couple dozen or so 2" by 12" by 2" long planks . . . and arrange them in even stacks (George Spellwin uses the "steps" from aerobic step classes instead) so that when a barbell is placed on them the bar will be positioned at the knees. Place a barbell on the planks or "steps" and load it up to a poundage which is 10% over your maximum single effort. My deadlift was 500 lbs., so I added 50 more pounds. If your best deadlift is 300 lbs., add 33 lbs., etc., etc. . . Now begin performing this lift in a conventional deadlift style, but for only one single effort in a s-l-o-w deliberate manner and with a firm lock-out. Do 6 to 10 single attempts (depending upon your existing energy level), resting 3-5 minutes between attempts.
Though you are deadlifting 10% more poundage that you could normally, the pull will psychologically seem easier because the heavier than normal weight is easily lifted only a few inches (from knees to lockout).
Ernie mentioned in the letter correspondence to me that the key to this exercise is to remove one 2" by 12" plank from each stack each workout - or a step if you\'re using George\'s modification. Ernie further went on to say that sometimes two and three planks could easily and safely be removed.
Ernie advised me to continue with the plank removal until I was finally doing the single rep deadlifts from the floor. Personally I found that removing one plank each workout wasn\'t always possible and sometimes I would remove a plank from each stack ever 4th workout instead. Regardless if I was removing a plank every workout or every 4th workout, the wooden plank concept is a really fast way to gain strength in the deadlift.
Note: Always begin the first single effort of the Measured Movement Power Deadlift from knee level to lockout even if you have graduated to the removing of many planks; work your way down to your present "level" of strength. Once you are down to pulling the deadlifts from the floor, add 10% more to the barbell and begin the procedure all over again as described.
After two cycles of the Measured Movement Power Deadlift(s) eliminate them out of your deadlift program for two or three months and then implement them back into your workout again if you wish.
The Measured Movement Power Deadlift (Wooden-Plank Concept) is one of 13 exercises in Dennis Weis\'s free eBook The 13 Secret Exercises Of Physique Champions - filled with Unusual Exercises for Unusual Results. If you\'re a Platinum Member of the Elite discussion forums, then I\'ve reserved a free copy for you. To download it free, sign in to with your user name on the Elite Fitness Discussion Forums and your password on the forums. There is no charge.
And while you\'re logged in, there\'s never been a better time to upgrade your Platinum Membership. No matter what billing cycle you\'re on, here\'s a promotional coupon code you can use for the next 72 hours to take $10 of the price of any Platinum Membership F4B60AFDA2 and here\'s another promotional coupon code F5D22926F8 you can use to take $100 off the price of a Lifetime Platinum Membership.
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If you\'re not a Platinum Member already, and you join today, you can use the promotional codes too and your membership will be activated right away. And if you are a Platinum Member already and you use the coupon to upgrade your membership for more savings, we\'ll add the remaining time on your current membership to your new membership. So for example, if you\'re a $11.97 month to month member with three weeks remaining before renewal, and you upgrade to the \'three months plus one month free membership,\' we\'ll add the remaining three weeks to the new membership. Here\'s a link to all of our Platinum Memberships. And when you become a Platinum Member, you\'ll get a free copy of Dennis Weis\'s eBook The 13 Secret Exercises Of Physique Champions - filled with Unusual Exercises for Unusual Results. When it comes to exercises, physique champions are not bound by the shackles of just doing the regular so called core exercise movements all the time; rather they are always experimenting, looking for unusual or more efficient exercises to perform. Do as the champion bodybuilders do by closely examining the exercises you are currently performing and see if they are giving you the results you desire. Here are just a few of the 13 little know secret exercises physique champions use to keep their muscles big & defined - all found in Dennis Weis\'s eBook The 13 Secret Exercises Of Physique Champions.
Be warned, the speed with which these little know secret exercises stimulate large scale gains in size and strength, may shock you. These private but secret exercises are T.N.T.! They will transform a dull, arduous, run-of-the-mill workout into an exhilarating and inspiring, enjoyable and productive experience! Become a Platinum Member of the Elite Discussion Forums today and get your free copy.
[sc:signoff-std]PS: The new Federal law on anabolic steroids has been passed and signed by the President! In less than 90 days, everything -- all the arrest and prosecution horrors depicted in LEGAL MUSCLE will now apply to prohormones and steroid precursors as well. The information in this book will be PRICELESS to ALL hardcore bodybuilders. The timeliness and relevance of LEGAL MUSCLE has never been greater. Ignorance is no defense. There is absolutely NO steroid book more important right now.
Plus, Mr. Rick Collins, author of Legal Muscle has a new "Winter 2004 Supplement" to the book which covers the NEW LAW. The supplement will now be included as a FREE insert for all LEGAL MUSCLE purchasers. Please advise your members that NOW is the time to be armed with LEGAL MUSCLE.
PPS: Important Note 1: HM Gear Testosterone-OH and Nandrolone-OH sterile solutions have been BANNED by President Bush - they will be legally available for less than 90 days.
PPS: Friday, October 22, 2004, President Bush signed the Anabolic Steroid Control Act of 2004 into law. It has been 14 years since anabolic-androgenic steroids (AAS) were added to the federal schedule of controlled substances placing them in the same legal classification as cocaine, heroin, and methamphetamines. Regrettably, we are moving backwards rather than making progress in our educational efforts against anabolic steroid ignorance!
The current law further expands the scope of the Anabolic Steroid Control Act to include all prohormone and prosteroid supplements (excluding DHEA, estrogens, progestins, and corticosteroids).
This has removed a loophole that has allowed many bodybuilders and athletes to use hormonal supplements for non-medical uses. The law specifically reclassifies some extremely potent over-the-counter androgens as controlled substances. For example, all of the following will be banned in under 90 days.
- Testosterone-OH™ (4-Hydroxy Testosterone Decanoate)
- Oxanavar™(17a-Methyl-4-HydroxyNandrolone)
- Aromabolan P.C.T.™(Formestane)
- Testriol²™(17aa-4-Androstene-3, 17-diol)
- Var™(4-Hydroxy- 17a-methyl-hydroxyestra-4ene-3-one)
- Max-Methyl Dien™(methyl-1-testosterone)
The criminalization of AAS in 1990 has been a dismal failure. It has dramatically increased the size of the underground black market. The passage of the 2004 Act can reasonably be expected to send many otherwise law-abiding citizens to the black market in their desire to use steroids for non-medical purposes. [Read more here...]
We can continue to enjoy our freedom to use these designer steroids legally and openly for a few more weeks or until HM Gear and ALR Industries run out of stock which will probably happen by the end of the month.
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