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I\'m asking all readers and members to take the Legal Steroids Poll on Facebook. The legal steroids poll is titled "Should all Anabolic Steroids be Decriminalized?"
There\'s 4 choices about how steroids could be made legal or not. Sie sind:
Should anabolic steroids be decriminalized?
1. Steroids should be legal and available over the counter.
2. Steroids are legal with a doctor\'s prescription for medical and cosmetic use.
3. Legal steroids only for medical use - illegal for cosmetic use - like now.
4. Illegal for medical use and illegal for cosmetic use.
Choice #1 would mean anyone age 18 and over could go to a store and buy legal steroids just like they can legally buy alcohol now.
Choice #2 is what has always advocated. Working with a doctor, you can use legal anabolic steroids for both medical purposes and for cosmetic proposes. Jetzt, if a doctor prescribes anabolic steroids for anything other than a medical condition, both you and the doctor have committed a felony. If we had choice #2, athletes and bodybuilder could safely use legal steroids under a doctors supervision - kind of like a doctor can now per scribe other pharmaceuticals like Botox or Retin A for cosmetic use. The black market for steroids would shrink and we would keep steroids away from kids as a result.
Choice #3 is what we have now. A doctor can prescribe legal steroids for a medical condition, but it is a crime to prescribe them for physique enhancement. If the doctor tries to write you a script for say testosterone to help your bodybuilding goals, both you and he can get in big trouble. zuletzt, choice #4 would be even more draconian that what we have now - this would be a total ban of all legal steroids.
Please help make your opinion know and vote on the Facebook poll should anabolic steroids be decriminalized. I look forward to reading your comments and checking out the results.
Here\'s some links to discuss legal steroids on the Foren.
Do you think the government should legalize steroids?
Nevada congressman proposes bill to make steroids legal!
Do you think we should legalize drugs?
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