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Nearly two years after the unbelievable story about nine Colleyville, Texas high school athletes who admitted to using steroids broke; the town was once again awakened by the arrest of the possible mystery dealer in the case. And when you find out who he is, it will shock you!
There are whispers and rumors around every community about the suspected steroid use by certain high school students. Some of these rumors may arise do to an average individual coming back from a summer break freakishly bigger and stronger than ever before. Other rumors may be simple heresy and gossip that can be attributed to those who are unfamiliar with the concept of a growth spurt.
It is always my hope though that the case turns out to be the latter as high school guys aren’t ready for steroids. Just about every one of them already has enough testosterone and hormones running through their body that they don’t need the extra boost steroids can provide adults with. Oven i dette, most of these teenagers aren’t informed enough to make sound decisions when using gear. They may be forced to rely on what their friend at the gym tells them or, even worse, what advice a pusher gives them.
But despite the logic behind not using steroids at an early age, many high school kids continue to do so. Faktisk, there’s probably a few kids who choose to do roids at every high school. At least “a few” is what I used to think until last year when the infamous Colleyville, Texas steroid scandal broke out. In this event nine athletes (seven of them football players) from Colleyville Heritage High School were pressed into admitting that they had juiced in order to improve their performance.
The story began when a mother found syringes and vials full of liquid in her 17 year-old son’s closet. Alarmed, she rushed to a drugstore to check out what was in the vials and it was revealed to her that the substance was an anabolic steroid. After confronting her son about the incident, she was told by him that a senior on the football team gave him the drugs. She called the school’s administration only to be ignored which prompted her to go public with her findings.
After mounting pressure from local media outlets around the Dallas area, Heritage school officials decided to do their own investigations. This is when the school administration started questioning students about the use of steroids by some of the athletes on the sports teams. After the nine athletes admitted to using the drugs, shockwaves were sent through the affluent community of Colleyville.
But the drama had subsided nearly a year and a half after Heritage High School’s wakeup call. Men, waves would soon ripple throughout the Dallas suburb once again after the possibility that a recent apprehension of a steroid dealer may turn out to be the mysterious man who sold them the gear.
Harold Bright Jr., of Arlington, Texas was picked up outside of a health center called Life Time Fitness for suspicion of having controlled substances under his possession. It turns out that police authorities’ suspicions were correct when they found quite a bit of juice in his car in addition to the drug Tamoxifen - an anti-estrogen. The drugs were said to have been manufactured in Mexico and the labels were written in Spanish, further proving this point.
Police were tipped off to Bright’s activities after an anonymous e-mail was sent to them that stated Mr. Bright had been selling steroids to teenagers in the Colleyville area. Tilsyneladende, the person who sent the e-mail had been told about the activity around the gym by a member who overheard some people talking about Harold Bright.
Hr. Bright had been working under the title of physical fitness trainer at the Life Time Fitness center while he was supposedly dealing these drugs to teenagers. Many around the Colleyville community were angry when they found out that a person who was working as a trusted physical fitness trainer would go so far as to sell steroids to teenagers.
Although authorities can’t yet prove that Bright had any connection to the Colleyville athletes who had used the drugs during the fall of 2004, many still believe that it is indeed Harold Bright Jr. that made these sales. And while Bright’s sentencing didn’t include any mention of these sports players, he still will have a long time to think about his mistakes of dealing to kids.
He’d had trouble with the law before in the form of a controlled substance violation for possession of cocaine. For det, he was still on probation and assuming quite a bit of risk to undertake the role of a steroid dealer. But Bright went ahead and put his neck out on the line and started selling gear. After his arrest and trial, the court determined that his actions were deserving of a nine year prison term.
Is nine years in prison too harsh for dealing steroids? Many around the bodybuilding community would say yes to this question. Men, considering the circumstances that existed with the Colleyville area’s previous track record with roids, the hammer was bound to come down on somebody. And that somebody became Harold Bright Jr.
Når alt kommer til alt, not only had nine Colleyville High School athletes confessed to steroid use thus angering the town, but an even more tragic event took place at nearby Plano West High School. En 17 year-old standout baseball player, Taylor Hooton, hung himself amidst a bout with depression. While there were other things going on in Hooton’s life, his use of anabolic steroids was immediately blamed for the suicide which added more fuel to the fire.
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I certainly don’t agree that Taylor Hooton’s suicide was, in any part, due simply to his use of steroids. But I do believe that it is just plain wrong to deal steroids to kids.
While I definitely think that our media and government responds way too negatively towards steroids, I still support actions by them to keep these drugs out of the hands of high schoolers. Maybe by throwing the book at Harold Bright Jr., a message will be sent to dealers to steer clear of those who aren’t ready for the use of steroids.
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