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In een aantal grote nieuws met steroïden testen en sport, de NFL heeft aangekondigd dat het de eerste competitiewedstrijd zou worden om te testen voor menselijk groeihormoon (HGH). De HGH test komt als een gevolg van de nieuwe CAO van de NFL met spelers, en het hen onderwerpt aan onaangekondigde testen op elk moment.
Iedereen die wordt betrapt injecteren HGH zal worden geschorst voor vier wedstrijden - just like those who are caught using steroids. Further punishments beyond first time offenses haven't been discussed, but being caught twice with HGH is likely to draw a season-long suspension.
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Moving past the punishments, many people may wonder why sports leagues haven't rolled out HGH tests in the past. Na alles, it seems to be America's second favorite past time to catch pro athletes who are juicing, then lambaste them afterward. And the answer is that HGH tests are a lot harder to prove than steroids because this substance occurs naturally in the body.
Echter, Olympic officials came up with a somewhat reliable test after the 2004 Athens games, and it's supposed to tell the subtle difference between the body's HGH, and an injected product. In elk geval, it will be interesting to see how the HGH testing matter plays out in the NFL next year, and if anybody gets caught.