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HGH fait-il jeune? Ou est-ce un mythe?
Les gens ont discuté de la proverbiale "Fontaine de jouvence" des milliers d’années. L’historien grec Hérodote a offert un des récits plus anciens de ce au Ve siècle av. J.-C.. Et le conquistador espagnol Juan Ponce de León aurait cherché la fontaine de jouvence au début du siècle 15h.
Aujourd'hui, personne ne croit vraiment qu’il existe une fontaine aux pouvoirs réparatrice. But some think that human growth hormone (HGH) is the next closest thing.
This reputation has fueled the boom in anti-aging clinics, which can legally administer HGH to patients who have low growth hormone levels. Many patients come to these clinics hoping to use this polypeptide hormone to turn back the clock.
But does HGH really make you younger? Or is this simply a myth that's been blown out of proportion? Find out as I cover what exactly HGH does along with if it truly makes you more youthful.
Burn Fat and Improve Skin Thickness
Human growth hormone is one of the most-impressive drugs in terms of its ability to burn fat. Patients in one study lost 13% body fat when using HGH over a prolonged time period (1).
Losing weight makes you look younger, which is no doubt one reason why HGH is considered to have anti-aging properties. Bien sûr, there are many fat burners that can do the same. So what separates HGH in this regard?
Research shows that it can improve skin thickness (2). HGH also has a positive effect on reducing wrinkles and improving saggy skin. (3). These are obviously traits that can make people appear more youthful.
Comme vous le savez peut-être, many older people suffer from osteoporosis, which is when bones become weak due to the loss of bone strength and mass. HGH can help with this problem, bien que, because it improves bone density (4).
Other Youth Benefits of HGH
Growth hormone increases the release of Insulin-like Growth Factor One (IGF-1) when it travels to the liver. IGF-1 shuttles nutrients to the muscles and helps them grow larger (5). Elle imite l’insuline et métabolise les glucides, ce qui signifie qu’ils sont utilisés comme énergie plutôt que stockés sous forme de graisse.
L’augmentation de l’IGF-1 est une des raisons pourquoi HGH provoque un changement total dans votre recomposition du corps (6). Ce changement n’est pas aussi immédiate et prononcée que lorsque vous utilisez des stéroïdes anabolisants. Mais la perte de graisse, combiné avec plus de muscle masse, vous donne une plus forte, aspect plus sain de corps.
Encore un autre avantage de promotion de la jeunesse de HGH est qu’il vous aide à mieux dormir. Un homme nommé Ryan a déclaré à New York (magazine) that his sleeping habits improved along with many other things on HGH (7).
“My sleeping habits had never been better. My overall mood was more positive,” said Ryan. “My skin was tighter, and I felt more rejuvenated.”
He also noted that his workout recovery time was cut in half, allowing him to get in the gym quicker and pile on more gains.
HGH the Fountain of Youth?
Yes and No?
De nouveau, there's no such thing as a fountain that you can jump into to take years off your life. Nor is there any magical product or drug that you can use to become the next Benjamin Button.
Au lieu, a good diet, working out, and sleeping right are the biggest keys to health and youthfulness.
But human growth hormone is the best drug available that can make you look and feel younger. It increases skin thickness and can improve the appearance of wrinkles. This is why it's so popular anti-aging clinics.
Based on HGH's ability to burn fat, improve bone density, Poussée d’IGF-1, and increase lean mass, you can also count on living longer thanks to this drug.
Cela dit, you should consider using HGH if you want to burn more fat, avoir une peau mieux, and get quality sleep. And Juvetrope is a good source of HGH that you can buy online. This is high-quality HGH that will deliver the anti-aging benefits that I covered in this post.
Acheter HGH
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Voulez discuter HGH sur notre forum? lire la suite:
- Whats la plupart HGH vous pouvez injecter simultanément?
- Croissance des cheveux sur test/hgh WTF?
- Quelle taille/ga. broches pour HGH?
- HGH et gyno
- HGH + Cycle de masse?
Sportivement vôtre,
George Spellwin
1. Blackman, M., et al. Effets de l'administration de stéroïdes hormone de croissance et/ou de sexe sur la composition corporelle chez les femmes âgées en bonne santé et les hommes, Présenté à 1999 Conférence de la société endocrinien, San Diego, Californie
2. N Engl J Med 1990; 323:1-6Juillet 5, 1990
5. J Clin Invest. 1993 Février;91(2):391-6.
6. Crist DM, et al. Réponse de composition de l’organisme à GH exogène au cours de la formation en fortement conditionné adultes. J Appl Physiol. 1988 Août;65(2):579-84.