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Vroeger, veteraan gewichtheffers zou het gebruik van Clomid en hCG(Humaan choriongonadotrofine) om te herstellen van een steroïde cyclus. Deze drugs werden onderzocht en ontwikkeld voor de vrouwelijke vruchtbaarheid. But bodybuilders would self-prescribe these compounds to alleviate symptoms of suppression and testicular shrinkage in the time immediately after discontinuing steroid use (sometimes during the cycle as well.).
In dit artikel, I’ll tell you how these drugs actually work and how you can use them – along with other compounds – to run a powerful Post-Cycle therapy (PCT) protocol that helps you recover from any steroid cycle while keeping all your muscle gains. You are here for knowledge about performance-enhancement drugs, en post cyclus therapie is het allerbelangrijkste deel van je cyclus die, Indien net gedaan, helpt u houden de meeste van uw winst. Dus lees op....
Clomid en hCG bestaan al sinds de jaren 1960, en ze hebben beide zijn goedgekeurd voor gebruik door bodybuilders op steroïden. Deze beide geneesmiddelen werken op verschillende manieren, maar ze bereiken over dezelfde resultaten van het verhogen van de natuurlijke testosteron productie na een cyclus.
Elke samengestelde kick-start testosteron productie op haar eigen unieke manier. Daarom, bodybuilders stapelen vaak deze drugs samen om een volledig herstel na een cyclus.
- Onderdrukking van de natuurlijke testosteron & waarom het gebeurt
- Hoe werken Clomid en hCG Reverse onderdrukking
- Waarom Clomid en hCG pijn uw doelen Bodybuilding?
- Natuurlijk herstellende is van het gebruik van synthetische drugs
- Hoe kan deze extracten eigenlijk werk?
- De beste manier om de kracht van fytochemicaliën
- More Videos about HCGenerate.
- Forums
Onderdrukking van de natuurlijke testosteron & Waarom het gebeurt
Er zijn verschillende factoren die met de hypofyse de productie van afsluiten kunnen LH(Luteïniserend hormoon) en FSH(follikelstimulerend hormoon). In het geval van bodybuilders gebruik van steroïden, hoge oestrogeenniveaus veroorzaakt door aromatisatie van de steroïden die u inspuit zal hechten aan genoeg receptoren in de regio van de hippocampus van je hersenen. Dit veroorzaakt een afsluiting van de hersenen LH en FSH-productie.
Zonder deze twee hormonen, uw testikels’ Leydig cellen krijgen niet de juiste prikkels om te werken op volle capaciteit. Dit is manier van uw hersenen throttling testosteron productie. Remember that your body making more testosterone causes you to be more active, retain more muscle and drives your desire to mate – all of which require massive amounts of energy.
Your brain is wired by evolution for survival. Whenever disease or hormonal imbalances plague the body, your brain can reel back testosterone production. This leaves you spending less energy looking for sex or fighting, and your muscle mass is reduced to make the body more energy efficient. Some studies show that once a man gets married and starts living with his spouse, his body produces less testosterone. This could be an evolutionary way to help curb the male desire to stray, thus creating a stronger pair bond.
The brain has a built-in mechanism to throttle production of this powerhouse hormone, so the body can quickly adapt on a day-by-day basis to many natural factors. Echter, it wasn't until the last 60 jaar, when steroids were synthesized in a lab and introduced to the human body, that anybody experienced anything close to these mega levels of androgen being injected by bodybuilders. The introduction of these synthetic hormones sets off the mechanism responsible for controlling the male body’s production of female hormones.
In the case of steroid use, higher levels of anabolic hormones cause an unnatural rise in estrogen levels. Your brain detects the higher levels of estrogen, but it’s wired to react as if the higher estrogen levels come from too much of your own natural testosterone being aromatized.
The way the body reacts to detecting too much estrogen being made is by shutting down testosterone production. Because your male body makes its estrogen by converting your testosterone to estrogen, the logical evolutionary mechanism is to lower testosterone production. Your brain does this by shutting down LH and FSH production in the pituitary. Without these two hormones to stimulate activity within the cells making up the testicles, these cells shrink down and atrophy over time.
Hoe werken Clomid en hCG Reverse onderdrukking
Clomid acts as a tissue-specific estrogen receptor antagonist, which targets the hippocampus of the brain. Clomid molecules seek out estrogen receptors in the brain and attach to them. As an antagonist, it never sends a signal to the cell nucleus; it’s only job is to keep out receptors from the real estrogen.
By keeping out estrogen signals from the receptors in this tissue, the pituitary gland is never affected by high estrogen levels. It just doesn’t detect them, thus the FH and LSH production remain at optimal levels. FH and LSH are the two hormones that your brain uses to send signals to your testicles to make testosterone. An animal should only produce FH and LSH in quantity when it’s healthy and well fed.
hCG, aan de andere kant, works by mimicking the activity of LH and FSH. Eigenlijk, the human chorionic gonadotropin the hCG injection is comprised of will activate the same receptors as the LH(Luteïniserend hormoon) en FSH(follikelstimulerend hormoon), de twee hormonen die de Leydig cellen produceren testosteron stimuleren. De manier waarop een hCG-shot is van invloed op het lichaam is door vervanging van de LH en FSH die uw hypofyse stopt als reactie op de hogere oestrogeenniveaus te maken. De toevoeging van deze synthetische LH en FSH aan het lichaam, via je hCG schot, signalen de testikels om testosteron op volle snelheid.
Deze cellen vervolgens deelnemen aan voedingsstoffen voor energie en synthese, die hun groter, dus terugkomen je ballen op grootte. Daarom, many bros describe the effects of hCG as helping to “kickstart” the production of testosterone again by the leydig cells.
Dus, hCG serves to temporarily replace the signal from FH and LSH that your testicles require to continue producing natural levels of testosterone. And the Clomid actually blocks estrogen from being fully detected by the brain, thus it continues to produce LH and FSH even as your hormone levels are sky high. Klinkt geweldig, rechts? Not really, omdat er bijwerkingen zijn aan het gebruik van deze twee vrouwelijke vruchtbaarheid drugs op de manier die ik zojuist beschreven. Zeer ernstige bijwerkingen die.
Waarom Clomid en hCG pijn uw doelen Bodybuilding?
Hoewel de therapie met deze twee drugs werkt goed op mannen die deze drugs hebt gebruikt om testiculaire grootte en hogere natuurlijke testosteron productie te herstellen, de bijwerkingen van het gebruik van deze twee drugs zijn vrij massale.
Zowel Clomid en hCG waren oorspronkelijk niet bedoeld om te worden genomen door mannen en vandaag nog steeds gebruikt regelmatig door artsen als vrouwelijke vruchtbaarheid medicatie, so it’s no surprise that these drugs have profound, unintended side effects on men using them to combat suppression from steroid use.
Along with helping you return to natural testosterone production, using Clomid and/or hCG during Post-Cycle Therapy makes you rather moody and emotional. Some would argue that this state is much worse than so-called “roid rage” from steroids. Some guys have reported hCG increasing their estrogen after administration, causing symptoms of Gynecomastia and water retention. Andere bros hebben zelfs verweten Clomid een gebrek aan motivatie om de opleiding hard blijven terwijl het afstappen van de steroïden. Sommige hebben riep in de bioscoop en op bruiloften, alle emotionele na cyclus van enige Clomid en hCG worden uitgevoerd.
In het laatste decennium of zo, bodybuilders heb ontvet de aarde voor betere PCT opties om te vervangen of aanvullen van de vrouwelijke vruchtbaarheid drugs. We zochten iets sterk genoeg om te helpen jongens herstellen van een cyclus en het herwinnen van onze natuurlijke testosteron productie, without making us moody and borderline suicidal. During post-cycle therapy, feelings of depression and sadness become a sharp contrast to the God-like emotions experienced during a steroid cycle. And this is part of what makes steroid use such an addictive lifestyle.
I believe that if more guys using steroids were able to recover their testosterone production fully after a cycle, with effective Post-Cycle therapy protocols, they would need fewer dosages steroids, in the long run, to look just as good. This not only means less drugs for your body to have to process, but also less money spent on steroids since you keep most of your mass. When you’re a steroid user, you pay good money for each pound of muscle you gain. Dus, keeping most of it on your frame will keep you from spending so much cash to achieve your desired look. The key to it all is getting your hands on the proper Post-Cycle therapy products, the ones that help you recover testosterone production while still retaining your gains.
Natuurlijk herstellende is van het gebruik van synthetische drugs
In more recent years, old ideas and traditions have re-emerged from antiquity to help us solve the problems brought about by our modern synthetic steroid drug use. Through the history of humanity, thousands of generations of tribespeople from Europe, Asia, Africa and the Americas all found their medicines in the world’s greatest pharmacy, the plant kingdom.
Herbs like Tribulus, Fadogia, Fenegriek, Ginseng, and many others have been used across the world for centuries to help men with their fertility and vigor, to cure impotence, reduce infertility, and to boost energy and mental state. For thousands of years, these plants been used to alleviate the natural occurrence of the same symptoms we suffer from today after a harsh steroid cycle.
The depression, lack of motivation, erection problems, and infertility that we create out of synthetic drug use can be treated in the same way. Using these very same herbs for boosting your natural vitality is not a new concept, but rather and an age-old practice that’s thousands of years older than the pharmaceutical industry producing Clomid and hCG to the masses today.
The reason why there are currently so many plants used across the world to help with male vitality and libido is that ancient people had to use what was growing around them. They couldn’t travel miles in the quick manner that we do today. Through trial and error, tribespeople consumed all the plants growing in their vicinity, passing down knowledge of their effects. This is how people in the region of modern-day Bulgaria found Tribulus to help with libido thousands of years ago. It’s also how the Chinese found Ginseng, people of Malaysia and Indonesia grew Tongkat Ali, and African men used the herb Fadogia Agrestis to gain libido and fertility. Medicine men of their time have always found and used the most-effective medicines in their immediate area. And this practice has worked for humanity for thousands of years before synthetic drugs came on to the scene.
For a modern-day bodybuilder, the industrialized world allows us to harvest massive crops of these medicinal herbs mentioned above and ship them across the globe. Dus, vandaag, a Natural Testosterone Booster like Hcgenerate (N2Generate) classic will contain extracts from herbs grown in several different continents. All these plants work synergistically to give you a boost in your workouts and in the bedroom. This is a much-more powerful Testosterone-Boosting formula than any potion an ancient medicine man could make from just his local herbs. Modern life is great, isn’t it?
Hoe kan deze extracten eigenlijk werk?
Plants are carbon-based lifeforms. And we share a common ancestor, because such plants use very similar chemical structures as signal carriers to control functions across the whole plant. Many of the chemicals used by the plant to signal its flowers to release pollen, or its fruit to ripen, or its stem to thicken its bark, are using the same ring structures that our bodies use to signal different functions in the body. This is how a plant extract can hijack your reproductive system and signal your testicles to take in more cholesterol and produce more testosterone, the way Fadogia Agrestis has been found to do.
You have phytochemicals that are the equivalent of Clomid and hCG, but in a more natural way, without the harsh side effects from the synthetic drugs. Your whole body just seems to have a much easier time dealing with the compounds in these herbs. Either that or just thousands of years of testing by ancient peoples served as the long-term human study to find the best herbs for the job. A process of testing and selection that’s impossible to match, even today for the modern pharmaceutical industry, with its expensive operational costs, which limit the variety of compounds that can be tested.
It always amazes me when I see newbies on the forums trying to discredit the age-old practice of using herbs to affect the way our bodies work. What’s funny is that most of them are probably sitting at work drinking a cup of coffee as they write this stuff, ignoring the fact that the coffee’s caffeine, which makes them wired up with the wrongful opinions, is in fact synthesized by a plant so that it can be delivered into their system orally. They just don’t get it and pay for their ignorance by suffering the ravages of a synthetic-only Post-Cycle Therapy regimen.
Plants have such powerful effects on our bodies that many plant compounds have been deemed illegal across most cultures of the world because using them can change a person completely and even make them dependent on the powerful chemicals these plants synthesize. A heroin addict is a good example of a plant extract having such a profound effect on the body, to the point where a person can die if they’re suddenly withdrawn from the substance.
There are many more herbs in the plant kingdom that can affect us in more subtle and internal ways, while not immediately and directly affecting our brains. There are other phytochemicals plants synthesize that can interact with the cells in organs, such as testicle and penile tissue. This gives you more testosterone production and blood flow to reproductive areas. Using the herbs to mega dose on phytochemicals that mimic signals of LH and FSH, as well as other reproductive hormones, puts your body’s sex hormone production into overdrive.
De beste manier om de kracht van fytochemicaliën
Look brothers: plain and simple, with all I know about the subject and my many years of research, I can confidently tell you what I feel is the most-powerful product you can get your hands on for Post-Cycle therapy. It’s called N2Generate ES, formerly known as HCGenerate ES.
It’s a huge, heavy bottle of the most-powerful ancient herbs from around the world. It was formulated to be taken during PCT as a recovery agent and can even help you during a cycle to prevent suppression. You can take it as an add-on along with pharmaceutical Clomid and hCG. I found that N2Generate ES in my Post-Cycle Therapy really helped me recover from suppression of my natural testosterone production due to running a steroid cycle. I also maintained a strong libido, continued to make progress in the gym (niet heel graag op cyclus, maar beter dan natuurlijke) en natuurlijk het onderhouden van al mijn spier massa.
Maar het beste deel van alles is dat ik nooit gevoeld huilerig, depressief, en ongemotiveerd, de manier waarop ik altijd het gevoel na mijn steroïde cyclus. Op N2Generate ES, Ik voelde dat krachtige "op” gevoel van vertrouwen en kracht. Mijn erecties werden zeer solide, en ik was in staat is seks te hebben meerdere malen met slechts een paar minuten tussen de sessies. In de spiegel, Ik kreeg slanker en meer vasculaire vanwege de bloed stroom agenten.
Here’s how to take N2Generate ES along with Clomid and hCG. Your hCG dose may vary, but the timing should be like the one I describe here.
You will need about:
35 tabs of Clomid 50mg.
You can also use liquid Clomid just have to use a dropper to get the proper dosage.
5 amps of hCG.
Get what you can find legit. The lower concentration is better, no need to overdo it.
2 flessen van N2Generate ES (same as HCGenerate ES. Same product from the same great brand, just a new name for 2018).
Enough for 4 weeks of post-cycle therapy. Optional one bottle of BRIDGE. The money you spend on N2Generate will be the best investment you can make to secure the muscle mass already on your frame from the steroid cycle, so you can maintain it permanently. Not just maintaining the mass you have now but helping you continue to drive noticeable progress in the gym. It’s not a good idea to cheap out on your post-cycle therapy, omdat, at the end the day, you’re going to pay later when you lose your mass and are forced to use higher and higher dosages on your next cycle, because you lose so much of your last-cycle gains. In the long run. You’ll save money by needing to use lower doses of steroids as you’re able to accumulate mass from cycle to cycle, never losing a pound in between. This is the cycle insurance that every steroid user needs.
Here is how to run these items in a Post-Cycle Therapy.
Week 1
- Clomid ED 100mg ED
- HCGenerate ES (same as N2Generate ES) 5 tabbladen ED
- hCG, een schot op dag één. Tweede schot op dag drie.
Week 2
- Clomid 50En Mg
- HCGenerate ES(same as N2Generate ES) 5 tabbladen ED
- hCG, een schot op dag één. Tweede schot op dag vier.
Week 3
- Clomid 50En Mg
- HCGenerate ES(same as N2Generate ES) 5 tabbladen ED
- hCG, een schot op dag 3
Week 4
- Clomid 25En Mg (het tabblad doormidden breken)
- HCGenerate ES(same as N2Generate ES) 5 tabbladen ED
Week 5-11
- HCGenerate ES(same as N2Generate ES) 3 tabbladen ED
- BRIDGE (Facultatief) 2 capsules ED
More Videos about HCGenerate.
Wilt bespreken HCGenerate ES op onze forums? Lees verder:
- HCGenerate ES Review
- HCGenerate es
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- HCGenerate es tijdens cyclus
- HCGenerate ES profiel
- Het gebruik van HcGenerate ES?
- Hcgenerate es of test stapelen 17 voor pct
Yours in de sport,
George Spellwin