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Gymnema Sylvestre est un supplément qui est dérivé d'un arbuste d'escalade qui est originaire des régions tropicales de l'Inde et l'Afrique. Il a été utilisé pendant des siècles pour toutes sortes de maux en médecine orientale. Dans les temps modernes, Gymnema Sylvestre a été adopté par ceux dans le monde de la forme physique et du culturisme pour sa perte de graisse et ses avantages de gain musculaire. Dans ce profil, nous vous dirons pourquoi vous devez l'utiliser dans votre arsenal de supplément pour de meilleurs résultats.
Comment Gymnema Sylvestre bénéficie culturistes
1. Inflammation help: Everyday people complain on bodybuilding forums about a new injury. Although injury prevention isn't the main benefit for using Gymnema Sylvestre, this supplement still does a good job of decreasing inflammation and speeding up healing from nagging injuries. The main way it does this is by reducing the amount of sugar that’s absorbed. Sugar is a natural magnet to disease, so limiting it will help the bodybuilder in serious ways. It will help keep you kicking ass and healthy, so you can stay in the gym, and avoid having to sit out a workout session.
2. Perte de graisse: There is no such thing as a fat bodybuilder. If you walk into a contest at over 10% graisse du corps, you are likely to be laughed off the stage. Keeping body fat low ensures that your abs pop out and keeps your muscle cut. In a human study of obese individuals, Gymnema Sylvestre was found to cause a 6% loss of the participants’ body weight and helped them curb appetite. Another study showed subjects who were given high fat foods gained less weight than expected.
3. Santé cardiaque: Guess what happens on a steroid cycle? Your cholesterol levels go sky high every time. La raison est simple: steroids hurt your heart health. Add the sheer amount of food that bodybuilders consume, and you can easily understand why many of these athletes have a shortened lifespan and get strokes at a young age. The good news, bien que, est que Gymnema Sylvestre peut aider à baisser le cholestérol LDL en affectant les niveaux de lipides et l'absorption des graisses. Des études ont également montré qu'il augmente simultanément le bon cholestérol.
4. Diminution de l'appétit: Beaucoup de culturistes prennent des brûleurs à base de stimulants pour abaisser l'appétit. La vérité est que ces produits ne fonctionnent qu'à court terme. Avantage, ils nuisent au cœur tout en abaissant l'endurance, ce qui n'est pas bon pour votre condition physique dans n'importe quelle capa cité. Gymnema Sylvestre n'est pas un stimulant du tout, ce n'est pas non plus une hormone, nor does it have any negative effects on the body.
Au lieu, it has a component called gymnemic acid, which will help you lose your sugar cravings by blocking the sugar receptors so you don't taste sweet foods. Since sugar is so horrible for weight loss, the less you consume of it, the more fat you will lose. If you can manage to eliminate sugar from your diet, you not only will lose fat but also make your body healthy.
5. Blood sugar: Gymnema Sylvestre is so good at lowering blood sugar that it’s called a 'destroyer of sugar' in parts of India. It does this by blocking intestinal receptors from sugar, which means you won't get as much of a sugar spike after eating even high carb meals. 4 This means less fat is stored after you eat, and less insulin is released by the pancreas.
6. Insulin production: Gymnema Sylvestre will help balance insulin release after you eat food and aid the body in clearing out sugar from the blood much faster. It will also help the pancreas run more efficiently, thus making your entire body more insulin sensitive. The problem with anabolic steroid use is that steroids can cause your body to become more insulin resistant. Ainsi, you may gain more fat on cycle than you’d like.
Those who are insulin sensitive experience a much easier time losing fat, have more energy, and can take better advantage of the nutrition in their meals. Bodybuilders absolutely must be insulin sensitive if they are to succeed in the sport. Autrement, they won’t be able to lose fat and gain muscle properly ahead of a show. Pour cette raison, whether you are a natural bodybuilder or use anabolic steroids, Gymnema Sylvestre is a very important supplement to use.
Gymnema Sylvestre can be taken 30-45 minutes before meals or periodically throughout the day. It will work far better when stacked with other nutrition partitioning and fat storage blocking supplements like Crape Myrtle Tannis, Bergenin, Green Tea extract, 4-Hydroxyisoleucine, etc.
N2slin contains 150mgs per serving of Gymnema Sylvestre along with a half dozen additional ingredients, including the ones we mentioned above. This synergy helps you utilize the food you eat and feed your muscles, along with helping blood sugar and blocking fat from being accumulated on your body. Bodybuilders and serious athletes should take 2 capsules of N2slin before their meals, ou 1 capsule throughout the day for best results. N2slin is sold at
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