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Today I am proud to bring you some extremely exciting news. In this
email you will get info about the hot brand new products GK
Prohormoner. These exciting new products are complete anabolic cycles
in a single bottle.
The Gate Keeper to muscle gains, GK prohormones, has done
all of the work in gathering the very best Prohormones,
steroid-precursors and analogues, to put into their one-bottle-cycle
produkter. This is a true brand for all you guys that love ProH products
and have learned to use them responsibly.
GK ProHormones is the new era
of ProH product development. You could say these are the phase 2.0 af
ProHormone product formulation. Read on to understand what makes GK ProHormone formulas so different from everything you\'ve ever seen in the past...
Indtast realm af ubegrænset fremskridt.
the days where we were all experimenting with ProHomones like
Beastdrol, Halodrol and Pheraplex we still only had a basic knowledge
of the different ways to use and stack these products. I
beginning, the ProHormones brands released products with
single-hormones in them, labeling them with nice names and putting them
out for the masses. As time went on, the users started stacking
and using these products in cycles, sometimes stacking several
different ProHormone products at once. The beginning of
ProHormone stacking and full ON cycles was born!
As Bodybuilders and Athletes started stacking different ProHormones together like Epistane and 4-Chloro(Helladrol) and 6-chloro(6-mdrol),
their gains grew and their muscular progress increased like never
before. By stacking these powerful anabolic products with
Estrogen Inhibitors and Prolactin control agents like 6-Bromo, L-Dopa
and Liquidex AI many bad side-effects where avoided. Ved hjælp af en
bottle of a complete cycle protection with a ProHormone cycle, like N2
Guard, would keep their liver, blodtryk, kolesterol, lipids,
etc. very safe. Bodybuildere, and Athletes across many realms
loved their ProHormone cycles and were performing at peak levels while
staying healthy. Their muscles grew, their strength increased and
their physiques drastically changed but unfortunately so did their
supplement bill every month. The facts are that we spend a lot of
money on each one of these bottles and the cost adds up quickly.
Supplement manufactures are not trying to rip you off, but the facts
are that these products cost a lot of money to make, not just the raw
materials but also the manufacturing. You have the time in the
machines to set up the raws, ingredient importation, labels,
plastic bottles, shipping of all those thing to manufacture and then
back out to the warehouse etc.
GK prohormones made the whole process cheaper for you by putting all of your favorite
ProHormones products in one capsule and one bottle, thus saving you a
ton of cash in manufacturing overhead, and also making dosing much
easier. Practically your whole cycle is coming in one
flaske. Similar to Sustanon250, which has four different
Testosterone Esters in the same vial for easy dosing, now you can have
4 og 5 different ProH ingredients, all specifically dosed for your
cycle needs. The average supplement capsule can hold about 700mg,
yet most Prohormone products made by companies with outdated formulas
only use around 100mg or less of that capsule, making the other 600mg
wasted space. This wasted space that is costing you, den
customer, money. If you do the simple math, you can fit an
entire cycle of 200mg of NON-Methyl ProHormone products, med
around 50mg of a nice strong Methyl-hormone and add some TUDCA in there
where you only need about 250mg of TUDCA to support your liver.
Instead of making one little bottle of each ingredient, and making YOU
pay for the overhead, it all comes in a single compacted capsule you
take every 12hrs and is much affordable cost wise to buy on your end.
GK ProHormones puts the right amount of each ProH that you already use
and love, into each capsule, and you are all set. There is no
guess work required on cycle dosages either as these formulas are top
notch... Not only that but for those of us who must take our
supplements with us to work and the gym, it really makes things a lot
easier to have a single bottle to carry around, or maybe just 2
concentrated capsules for a whole day, instead of dozens of
tiny capsules with different fillers and bottles and labels. Af
adding a slow-release agent like Carbopol to this stack, GK prohormones
has now made these powerful GK ProH capsules into time-released caps,
so one capsule every 12hrs is all you need to run your cycle...
You won\'t have to spend a ton of cash buying up five and six different
bottles for your cycle, GK ProHormones has them all in one (scroll
below to read about the formulas). You will never have to spend
countless hours online trying to piece together a cycle, because GK
ProHormones has already put one together to fit your individual
mål. If you are cutting, or bulking or trying to just gain lean
masse, and not wanting spend a ton of cash, yet get the drastic results,
then GK ProHormones has resolved this issue for you as you are now
going to save more cash than ever before and get BETTER more stacked
products for your dollar!
If you are an advanced bodybuilder then once you see the formulation
you will immediately understand the strength and value of these
produkter. If you are a newbie, then you are in luck because the
guys over at GK ProHormones have done all of the research and work for
du. The cycles are quite perfect for your individual goals – No
guess work on your end, it is all done for you.
Each and every guy who uses strong Bodybuilding products like
ProHormones products, is generally looking for one of three main goals,
along with a set of Universal goals:
1- Trying to gain a lot of muscle mass. Enter: DianaBulk
2- Trying to lose bodyfat while maintaining their muscle mass. Enter: OxandroVar
3- Tying to gain lean and hard muscle mass without any fat or water retention at all. Enter: PrimobolDex
Universal goal: Get stronger, hurtigere, meaner in bed and have more
vitality for activities. These capabilities are built into all three
Based around these main goals, GK ProHormones has developed 3 Top
products that you really need to try if you are interested in running a
whole cycle in one bottle. 4-ugers serier, that you can run:
4uger på og 2 weeks off then 4 uger på og 4 weeks off and 4 uger
on – rest or Bridge for at least 8 uger.
So if say you want to bulk up now during winter, then lean out clean
for summer - then during the Mid summer months run a small
maintenance run to gain lean mass without losing your abs in the
process, you can run this cycle:
DianaBulk (Bulk now while it is still cold) – After you finish your
DianaBulk bottle, take two weeks off then run: OxandroVar (Få
cut and lean in time for the warm weather - After you are
done with OxandroVar take 4 weeks off to enjoy your new cut and lean
physique – then run Primo Dex for 4 uger, to gain even more lean mass,
while keeping your abs looking sharp! - rest and Bridge for at least
eight weeks.
If you are a hard gainer and just need sheer mass, then run 3 cycles of
DianaBulk in that same rhythm of 4wks on – 2wks off – 4wks on – 4wks
off – 4wks on and at least 8wks of rest and Bridge...
Using something like N2 Guard and HCGenerate during the \'off\' weeks
would be very beneficial.
If you are already a pretty thick guy, but want to get leaner and
meaner then just run OxandroVar in that same way. Three 4-week mini
cycles in a row...
For those guys who just want lean gains that are easily kept, then you
have to use Primo Dex in the same pattern. While the gains won\'t
be as massive and quick as with DianaBulk, every ounce you gain, du
get to keep. Three different stacks, all full cycle within each bottle,
the best ProHormones products stacked together to fit the task, along
with liver protection.
So for you guys that are reading this going “Where are the
formulas?” You\'ll be happy to know that the formulas and their
full in-depth explanations are all coming in the next emails. For nu
below is the teaser so you can feast your eyes on the goods.
These are serious products guys, the absolute top of the food chain in
Anabolic ProHormone product formulations. Please please read my
email tomorrow to see more details about these extreme muscle building
Hvis du ønsker at diskutere GK prohormoner med andre medlemmer skal du gøre det ved at klikke her.
Hvis du ønsker at drøfte DianaBulk med andre medlemmer, formuleringen og hvordan du bruger produktet skal du gøre det ved at klikke her.
Hvis du ønsker at drøfte OxandroVar med andre medlemmer,
og hvordan man laver denne skæring cyklus bedst ud af dit liv, skal du gøre det ved at klikke her.
Hvis du har spørgsmål om produkterne og hvordan man bruger dem og ønsker dem besvaret, skal du gøre det ved at klikke her.
Hvis du søger for at få en masse af muskel masse. Du har brug for: DianaBulk
Hvis du ønsker at tabe bodyfat samtidig opretholde musklen masse. Du har brug for: OxandroVar
Hvis du virkelig ønsker at få lean og hårde muskelmasse uden noget fedt eller væskeophobning på alle. Bare bruge: PrimoDex
YohimFlame is the spray
packed with fat-burning ingredients in a transdermal matrix that will
deliver these fat burning compounds right to the fat cells you want to
target the most.
Lose fat from targeted areas like the chest and oblique areas. Product is safe for women too!
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