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En previsión de la de enero 20, 2005 prohibición, culturistas y deportistas están almacenando para arriba en precursores de esteroides en un frenesí nunca antes visto. En particular, algunos de los precursores de esteroides tercera generación son completamente fuera de stock o casi desaparecido partir de este escrito. Estos precursores de esteroides tercera generación son todos muy apreciados por los culturistas, porque son legales (at least until January 20, 2005) and they can promote massive muscle growth and enable you to get as HUGE as humanly possible in just a few short weeks. Here\'s what\'s in stock and what\'s out-of-stock (descriptions of these and more can be found on the right in the sidebar).
As the bodybuilders that I train began using these third generation steroid precursors, ninguno de nosotros podía creer que era legales (y en menos de 10 día, Gracias a nuestro Presidente, no serán legales). Why couldn\'t we believe that they are legal? Porque estos cuatro esteroides fueron permitiendo a mis clientes a obtener, 20 libra, 30 libra, 40 libra, y en un caso incluso 50 libras de sólidos, masa muscular magra en un ciclo de once semanas. Other athletes have already said screw it and are turning to the black market like never before to find pharmaceutical Anabolic Steroids. De hecho, sales of my eBook, Los secretos del éxito de esteroides de pedido por correo 2005 Edición, have doubled in the past month. I attribute this to the coming ban on steroid precursors and to the fact that Misterios 2005 es la única guía de compra de esteroides que necesitará. Encuentra todo lo que quieras para conseguir el físico ideal, ahorrar dinero y no ser atrapado! The following is an article that appeared in PRNewswire about the January 20, 2005 Steroid Precursor ban. It includes bodybuilder and attorney Rick Collins\' opinion and is an interesting read. NEW YORK, Diciembre. 30 /PRNewswire/ -- Fitness consumers are stocking up on bodybuilding supplements in the weeks before a new federal law bans their possession and sale. The dietary supplements, referred to as steroid precursors or "prohormones," can be converted by enzymes in the body into testosterone-like substances that consumers report help to build bigger muscles. As the end of legal availability looms close, they\'re stockpiling bottles for the future. "Our sales are way up for November and December," said Jim Vercelotti of ATF Fitness in Pennsylvania. "Customers love these products and say that they\'re furious about the new law." Signed on October 22, 2004, the new law takes effect on January 20, 2005. The inclusion of a 90-day delayed effective date, so that businesses in an orderly manner could sell off existing inventory, was due to the efforts of the United Supplement Freedom Association (USFA), (// ), a non-profit organization of supplement companies and consumers. According to USFA executive director Michael DiMaggio, "Most prohormone consumers are not competitive athletes. They are mature adults seeking to look better. Overnight, these Americans will be changed into federal drug criminals." Anyone caught in possession of the products will face arrest and prosecution under the new law. "There were better ways to protect our children than to confront adult consumers with imprisonment." Will we see an epidemic of body-conscious adults arrested and dragged into court for violating the law? "No one can say for sure," says lawyer Rick Collins, a nationally recognized legal authority on bodybuilding drugs and supplements. "The war on steroids is certainly heating up. But since prohormones aren\'t classified as steroids under most state laws, only federal courts will have jurisdiction. Until state legislatures begin to schedule them, state and local authorities will probably have little interest." This leaves enforcement in the hands of federal authorities who may themselves have little incentive to aggressively prosecute. "Based on current federal sentencing guidelines, a first offender caught possessing even ten thousand prohormone tablets would likely receive a sentence of straight probation without any jail," dice Collins. "To target prohormone users as a drug enforcement priority at this time would be a major misallocation of our government resources." Collins surmises that the sponsors of the new legislation believed it would curtail steroid use in competitive athletics. "Their hopes are well- intentioned," dice, "but if past experience serves, don\'t hold your breath. El original 1990 steroid law was pitched as the solution to the problem of steroids in sports. But the problem is bigger today than ever. Criminalizing consumers who aren\'t competitive athletes for possessing prohormone products misses the mark." DiMaggio is not surprised at the consumer buying frenzy. "Adult consumers will always want safe and effective dietary supplements," says DiMaggio. "As long as Americans continue to care about being healthy and physically fit, they will continue to demand supplements that may help them achieve. In closing, if you need some motivation to finally build the body of your dreams, en ese caso I highly recommend you check out my friend and fellow bodybuilding guru, Sr. Autor L. Rea\'s two steroid books: Mejora muscular Química y Construyendo el perfecto Bestia. Mejora muscular Química is the steroid book that shows you how you can safely take the drugs used by today\'s mass monsters to create the cartoon-proportioned, superhéroe físico que la mayoría de los hombres sólo soñar. Mejor aún, there\'s special savings on this amazing book for the next 72 Sólo horas. Construyendo el perfecto Bestia es el primer y único libro para el usuario de esteroides AVANZADA. Si usted ha estado usando esteroides u otras drogas para mejorar el músculo y los suplementos por más 2 años. Or if you have hit your plateau and just can\'t seem to gain any more muscle mass or strength. Or if you have tried pretty much everything and still can\'t seem to get "ripped to the bone" y mantenerse delgado AÑO. O si usted está cansado de perder más tiempo, money and energy on your "gear" y entrenamientos sólo tienen el mismo aspecto, año tras año, sin ningún progreso real significativa. Luego hay que leer Construyendo el perfecto Bestia. Y, there\'s special savings on this amazing book for the next 72 horas más que. |
El primer y solamente la guía para el usuario avanzado de esteroides! | ||||||||||||||||||||||
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