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I don\'t have any new program or product reviews to share with you this week. Así, over the next few days, I'd like to share with you a little information on the top 4 natural estrogen blockers for 2013 and why you need to get a hold of them fast to keep from falling victim to the Estrogen Epidemic.
So what is this Estrogen Epidemic and why should you be concerned?
We all know that athletes and bodybuilders want to elevate their testosterone production - to build more muscle, quemar grasa, increase strength, and to maintain a healthy sex drive. But over the past decade, increased estrogen levels in men have become a more serious problem than ever. Men are becoming less manly than ever. I\'ve written over and over again about how in men, increased testosterone - above normal levels - whether done naturally or with anabolic steroids - can convert to estrogen.
No obstante, what I have not written about nearly as much is how the changes in the environment and in our lifestyles have literally led to an estrogenic epidemic. More on that little tragedy and on the dietary supplement ingredients you can use to keep from falling victim to the estrogen epidemic later.
Today I\'ll tell you about two of the more common estrogen blocker/testosterone support supplements. And tomorrow and the day after, I\'ll tell you about two of the more exotic ones.
Why do you think there is an Estrogen Epidemic?
Female pattern fat distribution in men, ginecomastia, decreased testicular size, and even problems with male genital development - ranging from underdevelopment to abnormalities. You need only go to the shopping mall to see many prime examples of estrogen-related fat distribution in men of all ages. Tristemente, man-boobs are more common than ever.
So what is causing this estrogen epidemic?
The causes are numerous, but many of them are beyond our control. I\'m working on an entire article about the causes of the estrogen epidemic, but I\'ll tell you a few of them right here. A major cause of the epidemic is pollution. Sí, analysis of soot in the environment has shown it to contain numerous estrogenic compounds. These compounds have been released into the environment by business as smoke, vapor, or dumped directly into our rivers.
Another culprit is pesticides. Agri-business sprays them on our produce where they run off into our lakes and rivers. Chemicals on the paper used for cash register and ATM receipts. Certain household cleaning products. Chemical estrogens can be found in plastic bottles, Espuma de poliestireno, productos cosméticos, champú, alfombras y demas fibras textiles, ciertas pinturas, algunos aerosoles, conservantes de alimentos, ingredientes artificiales, and personal care products. Otras fuentes incluyen jabón antibacteriano, cortinas de ducha de plástico, Ollas de Teflon, even the chemicals found in a new automobile that give it that "new car smell."
What can I use to keep from falling victim to the Estrogen Epidemic?
Sino, two common dietary supplements can help you fight the estrogen epidemic. One would be 3,4-Divanillytetrahydrofuran, the most potent extract from the Urtica dioica plant and the other would be zinc aspartate.
Read about fighting the estrogen epidemic with 3,4-Divanillytetrahydrofuran and with zinc aspartate.
Phytoserms-347 Fuerza Profesional Testosterona Booster y activador anabólico - La entrega de la oleada de testosterona 347% Por encima de lo normal.
Diezma estrógeno - Ideal para Publicar esteroides anabólicos Recuperación Ciclo.
Inigualable Side Pro-sexual Efectos incluido: Insane Erecciones, Cargas eyacular radicales, Insuperable Libido Enhancement.
Insuperable Bio-disponibilidad - Contiene SHBG calidad farmacéutica Encuadernación lignanos 3,4 Divanillytetrahydrofuran, Secoisolarciresinol, Luego Fadogia, ProLensis (P.E Bulbine natalensis), y Zinc Aspartato.
Here\'s the link to Descubra Phytoserms-347 Fuerza Profesional Testosterona Booster y activador anabólico.