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I hope you will enjoy reading this anabolic steroid profile for Equipoise aka EQ aka boldenone undecylenate. Ce profil gratuit vous est offert par nos amis de
EQUIPOISE - EQ - boldénone undécylénate
Aujourd'hui, the substance boldenone undecylenate can only be found in steroids for veterinary medicine. The American Equipoise is for horses; the Colombian Ganabol is used for cattle; and the German Vebonol for dogs. Athletes do not care, which shows the enormous popularity and far reaching application of these steroid compounds. Boldenone undecylenate is also very effective in humans and offers the athlete interesting characteristics which other steroids simply do not have.
Equipoise has a relatively high anabolic effect which is usually connected with a moderately distinct androgenic component. Pour cette raison, Equipoise is not the steroid that will cause enormous gains in strength and muscle mass in the shortest time. Equipoise has a very favorable effect on the organism\'s nitrogen balance so that the main effect consists of a distinctly increased protein synthesis in the muscle cell. The resulting gain in body weight consists of a solid quality increase of the muscles which occurs slowly and evenly. The high quality is caused by low water retention of the substance. An additional advantage is that Equipoise aromatizes only slightly, thus making it an effective drug to use when preparing for competitions. Athletes who are dieting combine Equipoise with Winstrol Depot and report a dramatic increase in muscle hardness. Together with a sufficiently high supply of calories and protein this combination offers its users a large increase in strength and a rapid gain in quality muscles.
Many will notice that Equipoise stimulates the appetite. The advantages achieved can usually be well maintained over several weeks after use of the compound is discontinued. Equipoise also stimulates the erythropoiesis which is manifested by improved development and the formation of red blood cells.
Bodybuilders thus experience an improved pump effect during workout and an improved vascularity For most male athletes the weekly dosage is usually 150-300 mg. Often since only the 25 mg version can be found, frequent or very voluminous injections are necessary For most athletes 50 mg (corresponding to a 2 ml injection) taken every second day is sufficient. Advanced and ambitious bodybuilders usually take higher doses (50 mg/jour) and achieve dramatic results. Women also usually respond well to Equipoise and with 50- 100 mg/week they gain good muscles with a low water retention. A dosage in this range is usually well tolerated. Higher dosages can cause virilization symptoms such as deep voice, increased production of the sebaccous gland and acne, increased libido and in some cases increased hair growth on the face and legs. Men have few problems with Equipoise. Since water and salt retentions are low, the blood pressure usually does not increase.
Acné, gynécomastie, and increased aggressiveness occur only in rare instances. The feared "steroid fever," which can occur when using veterinary steroids, is rare with Equipoise since the product by Squibb is highly sterile and pure. Those who experience flu-like symptoms when they begin taking the compound should reduce the dosage for a short time. The price on the black market for a 10 ml vial is usually around $90. La 50 ml vial is usually around $250.
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