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Elite Fitness Platinum Member and my friend "Citruscide" may be a mild mannered attorney when he\'s at the office, but once he get\'s on the Elite Fitness Discussion Boards, he transforms into one of our wildest and most extreme members -- making sure to stir up controversy with his every post. In this weeks Elite Fitness News, I\'ll tell you a little bit more about Citruscide in an interview I recently had with him. It also gives me great pleasure to announce that Citruscide will become our first moderator of the soon to be created forum Bodybuilding and the Law. Take a look at Citruscides transformation when he get\'s to the Boards! GS: Congratulations on becoming the new moderator of the Platinum legal issues discussion board -- the soon to be created Bodybuilding and the Law. Tell me a little about your legal career. | ![]() |
![]() | Citruscide: I am an attorney. My specialization is Intellectual Property (Trademarks, copyrights, patents) but I do have a great knowledge in many other areas including criminal law, tort and contract law, etc. For my current employer, I\'ve worked in the tax side of law as well as everything to do with the SEC. On a typical day, I might be researching whether or not a trademark is VALID, or if a mark someone has is in violation of someone else\'s mark. All in all, I love intellectual property... mostly because it is what I call a "Hurtless" field. Many of the attorneys involved in it are chill like I am and there aren\'t a lot of people getting destroyed financially or having everything they own taken away out of hate. |
![]() | GS: What did you study in school? My undergrad was in Criminal Justice, so I have a great understanding of how law enforcement operates, how they investigate various crimes or offenses, and how evidence is gathered for prosecution. Being an attorney, I\'m also keenly familiar with the entire prosecution stage of trial as well. However, I have never gotten into criminal law because of ethical concerns on my end. GS: And why is that? I could only defend a criminal if I knew they were 1. Innocent or 2. Violated a law that I believed was unfair... These would be the only two situations where I could see myself defending someone in a criminal case (unless, of course, they were good friends of mine |
GS: Tell us a little about your lifestyle.
I\'m not a big partier. The way I look at it is, if I\'m going to be going to a club, I\'m going to be working at one. That way, I\'m not tempted to drink, I get PAID, and I get the in route with all the chickie babies. 🙂 I live a pretty healthy life-style, in that I\'m not eating garbage ALL the time, I don\'t smoke, frivolously drink alcohol or do any recreational drugs. I try to live an educated life. Everyday, I try to learn something new, or on rare occasions, find out that something I thought was true, is not. I do this by reading. I read various books, magazines, articles, etc. | ![]() |
Elitefitness is part of this "learning" aspect of my life. I enjoy the outdoors, so whatever I can do outside, I love. I love walking on the beach, listening to the sounds of things around me. I guess you could say I live a pretty mellow and laid back lifestyle ... kind of like my personality... kick backed, not ill and full of chill.
GS: Are you married or single?
Single. Once engaged... I\'m allowed my one mistake.
GS: Have kids?
No children, although I\'d like to have a child prodigy much like myself one day.
GS: How did you find out about
I was introduced to it by a friend. I was totally surprised at the personalities and amount of information that I found on this site. There really aren\'t any other sites on the web like EF... it\'s kind of the trendsetter in the field... many have followed, but there is only one EF .
![]() | GS: Thanks! So how did you come up with the name Citruscide? During track and field at Indiana University I used to eat 6 oranges before a meet, and during the actual jumping, I would drink OJ mixed with Cayenne pepper... I\'d take a slug before every jump.... eventually the guys on the team told me I would be putting Florida out of business and that I was killing off the Orange population of the world... One guy said it was kinda like Orangecide... then another said "No, Citruscide" -- the name stuck through the year... and I use it to day for logons. |
GS: You\'re really very big. What are your stats?
Age: 28 Weight: 240 Height: 6\'1" GS: How about your measurements? Neck: 18.25"(cold) | ![]() |
GS: Do you know your percent bodyfat?
About 12.5%.
GS: Tell me about your diet.
Morning - 9:30am:
- 7 eggs (7whites/2yolkes)
- 4 strips fat free turkey bacon (12g protein)
- Cup of Oatmeal + Honey (no particular brand of oatmeal)
- I then eat something else, because the above is never enough...
2 pb&j\'s, or some pop-tarts or bowl of cereal or 2.
Morningish - 11:30am:
- Protein shake (right now I\'m drinking either EAS or MEGA with fat free milk 66g protein total!)
Lunchtime- [1:30]/2pm:
- 3/4 lb of either sirloin ground beef, chicken, fish or some sort of meat.
- 1 1/2 cups of rice or boxed potatoes (boxed... lazy)
- And if I\'m not watching my diet... an Extreme whopper or Six
dollar burger fits in nicely here!
Midday - 4-5pm:
- SHAKEY POO! 66 more G\'s of protein.
Dinner 8pm-8:30pm:
- Again, 3/4 lb of turkey, beef, chicken etc.
- At night, wheat pasta or rice -- mountains of pasta or 2 cups rice!
Workout 10pm:
- Post workout Shake - 66 more g\'s
GS: Anything else?
I also eat constantly throughout the day... whether it be food that is GOOD for you or BAD for you. I will drink OVER a gallon of water a day... I have a diet pop every now and then, but I make sure to match it with the same amount of H2O.
GS: Any cheat days?
I really don\'t have CHEAT days... as I pretty much eat what I want during the day, In between meals.
GS: Let\'s talk about your training. Do you do any cardio or aerobics?
Walking 3 times a week for 30 minutes -- low, low, intensity walking.... I feel that any more cardio than this will really hurt my muscle growth. Having 2 CPT\'s I have learned a lot about this. I would really like to try sprinting again, in the future, once my knee is ready for it. 🙂
GS: Tell me about your weight training program.
I train 4 times a week for 45 minutes to 1 hour depending on the body part.
GS: How long have you been training?
8 or 9 years
GS: Tell me about your progress. Starting out at a small (but defined) 165lbs when I was 21, I\'ve worked my way up to 240lbs through hard work, sacrifice and a lot of pain. In Chicago, I made great gains because I worked out with professional bodybuilders who gave me various keys to open doors in my workout routine... but that only took me so far. | ![]() |
Through Elitefitness, I have learned volumes about my body and a workout routine that I could totally benefit from. Through Elite... I have gone from 220lbs to 240lbs and have been getting stronger than I have ever been in my entire life... even stronger than before I hurt my back and shoulder! Knowledge really is a huge part of the game... and the knowledge I\'ve gained through EF, and the two personal training certifications I got SINCE being here, has proven to be invaluable.
GS: What are your bodybuilding goals?
My goal is to be the next LIVING LEGEND! Seriously, I would like to be around 270lbs and 10-12% bf. THAT my friends, is my goal. Only 30lbs off!!!!
I\'d like to someday, see more definition in my abs... but as of right now, I don\'t really care about that.. as size does matter to me.
LBM Gain Goal: 237.6lbs - 243lbs
Fat Loss Goal: maintain, maybe lose 2%
GS: What is your major interest?
Get huge. Strength training couple with bodybuilding.
GS: What is your Body Type?
40% ecto, 30%meso, 30% endo
GS: Tell me about your past experience with anabolics.
I have done much research and reading on many anabolics and steroids. I feel, given the proper education and research, they could be a valuable tool to someone who is seriously trying to improve their overall athletic performance. Through this research, I have expanded my overall knowledge on this and have completely shattered the stereotypes associated with anabolics. I feel, that through this knowledge, and knowledge like it, others can be enlightened to the benefits of properly used and not ABUSED anabolic usage. Far too often, you read stories of a punk teenager using or an adult who abuses it without knowing anything about it. Education is the key, and when it comes to anabolics, knowledge is GOD. I have and am happy to tell people I know the benefits, effects, side effects and how to counter the sides or eliminate them completely of anabolic steroids.
GS: Describe your Past Experience with Supplements.
I\'ve used a WIDE variety of supplementation in my life. Many, have been pretty useless. The best have been the basics. Protein, Creatine, Glutamine, and so on. I\'ve always had a tough time finding protein that had exactly what it claimed to have. The standards in the health industry aren\'t as strict, and many companies CLAIM to have ingredients they do not. I would love to KNOW exactly what is in my protein BEFORE I use it, rather than finding out my protein isn\'t really stacked up to be what it is. I\'ve tried Cell-Tech, Nitro-Tech... they performed AVERAGE on a scale where perfection is desired. EAS has been my best bet as of yet, although, many smaller companies are surprising me to this date... and I am always keeping an open mind as to different supplementations I would be willing to use.
GS: Any specific interests or needs? I do have a great interest in plyometrics... as I used them effectively in my Track and Field training. I need lots of protein, I\'m a growing man. GS: Do you have any relevant past medical history? I have had surgery for naturally occurring gynecomastia at age 24, I have had surgery on my right wrist (a piece of bone was taken from my hip to replace one in my wrist). I have an injured back (2 compressed disks) and a recently sprained knee. Other than that, I\'m 100% healthy! GS: How many years have you been on our site? I registered in Aug 2001, but have been checking the sites (reports and such) out since around May of 2001. |
GS: What parts of the site do you use? The boards? Free encrypted email? Free web pages? Articles? Dating?
I use the boards, articles, and free picture storage aspect (for platinum members) of the site. I will be starting to use the free web pages aspect soon too... as I was unaware this was even a benefit. I do use the elitefitness e-mail, it\'s good to have another encrypted e-mail that is "thrown in" with the package that is Elite.
GS: What got you interested in weightlifting?
Coming from my "track star" background, and after an incident in 1996 that resulted in an injury to my ankle, I decided that I wanted to add muscle... and from then on out it was a never ending learning process that I am still on today... much more educated today, however... but still learning. I started out just wanting to "get bigger", but after I started doing it... I started seeing and meeting guys that did it professionally. It really sparked my interest. I started reading books on training, checking out diets, asking question after question to my pro-bodybuilder friends in Chicago (Many of whom I met while I was working at a nightclub).
| When I started getting bigger and bigger... I really started to get into it more, especially the first time I benched 225... and then 250 and then 275.. and then 300... it was like an awesome feeling... a rush. Those of us that have it know what I\'m taking about... but it\'s hard to explain to others that don\'t have it. All I know is that many people I know... just don\'t ZONE when they workout. It\'s really amazing... you can have your headphones on full blast, but all you hear is blood pumping and every primal urge that impulses through your body... sometimes, you can\'t even SEE what you should be seeing... sometimes all you see is red... THAT is what it is all about... without that... there is no ZONE. GS: What are your plans for the future? |
My plans for the future include becoming a successful attorney. I\'d like to help represent people who are wrongly accused by the system or victim of bogus laws and restrictions. I plan on, someday, starting my own business... perhaps related to law, perhaps not. A gym, a clothing line...maybe going into business with one of my best friends from Elitefitness (you know him is Kronk. Also Saint and Clint are like Brothers to me)...
With my doctorate degree, good looks and charm, there really is no ceiling that I can\'t reach. My parents both have had successful careers. My father was a professional pilot for American Airlines for 31 years, and my mother for a good part of her life was the best painter/artist I know... she then switched over and became the best animal photographer in the country. You can see a lot of her work on calendars, magazines and such. I used to remember seeing my father come home in his airline uniform and just feel so proud... All I knew was that he flew planes, but that was all I needed to know. My parents built a life for me that I consider privileged, they instilled in me values and morals that I couldn\'t shake if I tried.
My brother owns his own landscaping business and is looking into building a new house soon... he has 2 little girls (my nieces!!!) and is happily married. As of now, I have not accomplished my goals for the future, but have nailed down many in the past. Among my goals are to be as knowledgeable as my father, as patient and wise as my mother and perhaps, as open-minded as my brother... I want the same and better for a family I might have in the future, and I want a life that is good for me... THAT is my BIG plan for the future.
GS: Are there any obstacles you have overcome, personal or training related? Yes. Bodybuilding/training totally structured my life throughout law school. Many a semester my class schedule, work schedule (clerking at a law firm) and weekend shenanigans working at night clubs only afforded me time to workout at 6am. By being regimented and setting out a schedule, I was able to organize my time more efficiently. | ![]() |
I ended up having MORE free time than I did when I was just moping around. It all starts with ONE thing. I did ONE thing and did it with everything I had. I concentrated on my workouts, and then my studies followed quickly behind, because I wanted to do as well as I did in my workouts as in my studies... the first semester of this "re-organization" resulted in a 3.73 GPA at DePaul School of Law. Today, it is my foundation. No matter how many times I quit a job, move, get laid off... I will always have my weights... the Iron is there for me... just like my friends... pain, sacrifice and suffering.
GS: Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years, 10 years?
I see myself as King of the World, a LIVING LEGEND! In 5 years, I see myself working, in a law firm, for a six figured salary. I see myself 270lbs of solid man. I see myself not forgetting who I am today. A loving son, an unwavering friend, and a contributor to society. In 10? Well... as much as I\'d hate to say it, I hope I\'m married by then. I hope I\'ve started something of a family... I would like to be looking into (seriously) starting my own business at that time... perhaps a gym or my own fitness related company... or even my own law firm. I see myself buying a condo for my mom and dad to come live in, right next door to me. Or, having a house big enough to have them stay at... it\'d be real important to me not to just shuttle them off to a nursing home, which is why it is important to me to start earning my earning potential now.
But in 10 years, I see a slightly older version of myself. I still see the same playful heart, the same caring toward those I love... and probably the same malcontent toward those I dislike![]() | ![]() |
PS, you can chat live with Citruscide and the other Platinum Members when you become a Platinum Member of the Elite Fitness Discussion Boards.
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