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When Marc Drury became a personal consultation client of mine, he was pretty much overweight and depressed about his physique. You see, Marc had always wanted to be a competitive bodybuilder, but he had no idea how to get started. In fact, Marc told me that when he was a kid he had always wanted to have the physique of a superhero -- The Incredible Hulk to be more specific. Marc had no trouble gaining weight - unfortunately, most of what he had gained in the past was fat. The following is the complete program that we used to transform Marc\'s physique and get him into contest ready shape. I call it George Spellwin\'s Ultimate Physique Recomposition Program because it represents the state-of-the-art in muscular enhancement. This program is difficult, but if followed correctly, you can use it to get your physique into contest ready shape too.
Let\'s take a quick look at Marc\'s first before picture. You\'ll likely agree that he has a lot of work to do. Marc worked as a personal trainer during college and has always dreamed of one day becoming a competitive body builder; however, several nagging injuries and a time consuming occupation after college forced him to give up weight training for almost a year. Initially, Marc and I discussed at length Marc\'s anabolic steroid choices, but as he worked in law enforcement at the time, he felt that this was not an option and wanted to stay on the good side of the law. Marc wanted a program that would detail diet, training, supplementation, and contest preparation. His goal was to get into contest ready shape in fifteen weeks without drugs. So Marc and I made a deal, I promised him I would have him trained by a posing coach, photographed by a professional photographer, and help him get ready to compete in the spring - if he would make me proud and follow my Ultimate Physique Recomposition Program to the letter. For additional motivation, I told Marc that I would not only instruct him on his physique improvement goals but I would also publish his favorable results on our website along with his diet and training routine. Our goal was to cut his body fat in half while adding close to 40 lbs. of lean muscle. As you saw in his picture above, Marc has the body of a classic endomorph; he has a rather round body shape, slow metabolism, and has always had difficulty losing body fat. Like other endomorphs, we discovered that he could gain muscle rather easily. Before beginning his cycle, Marc knew that losing fat was going to be the most challenging part of this program. For this reason, we decided to make fat loss our first goal and then follow up with a bulking phase. I started Marc on a fat loss program to lower his body fat as much as possible before beginning his bulking phase of the program. I broke up Marc\'s Ultimate Physique Recomposition Program into three parts; a metabolic stimulation and dieting phase, a lean mass bulking phase, and a contest / photo prep diet with water and mineral manipulation. I decided to dedicate Marc\'s first 6 weeks to losing as much body fat as possible. This would allow him to use weeks 7-12 to increase his calories and build lean muscle mass. After the building phase, Marc used a pre-contest diet for the final 3 weeks to lose additional water and fat so his body would peak for his August 12th pictures. Following this letter are links to the secrets to Marc\'s success. But, if you would like to take an advanced peak at how things turned out for Marc, here you go. I know it is hard to believe that Marc made this much progress in only 15 weeks. In fact I was so impressed with Marc\'s work that I hired him to work for me at the Elite Fitness offices in New York. Furthermore, I guarantee that with the program and the supplements used in my Ultimate Physique Recomposition Program, you can have amazing results just like Marc did. Perhaps even better. Mass Quantities offers an unconditional money back guarantee on all of their supplements. And everything that they sell is independently lab tested for quality, purity, and efficacy. Visit their site for more details. I have also arranged for Mass Quantities to offer our readers a substantial discount on the supplements that Marc used during his cycle. If you order either the cutting phase or bulking phase of this cycle, Mass Quantities has agreed to offer our readers a 40% discount if you place your order in the next 72 hours. Give yourself the gift of a perfect physique for the new year. For the complete Ultimate Physique Recomposition Program, please follow the links below made available only to the readers of Elite Fitness News. This program includes:
Your perfect physique is just a few clicks away. |
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PS: A cycle is the best way to make real changes in your physique and dramatically improve the way you look. These programs are guaranteed to help you achieve your goal of developing a hard, lean, muscular physique -- or your money back. And if you invest in one of these quality programs in the next 72 hours, you save 40% off the regular price. This is the perfect way to start the new year!
George Spellwin\'s Ultimate Physique Recomposition Program - Phase I Normally $382.53 Save 30%! For 72 hours $267.77 ea. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
(4 Norabol, 1 Andro Infusion, 1 Phenyltropic PPA, 1 Triple Threat 3/60 - Chocolate, 1 Triple Threat 3/60 - Vanilla, 1 Flax Seed Oil) | |||||||||||||||||||||||
I started Marc on a 6-week fat loss program to lower his body fat as much as possible before beginning his bulking phase of the program. In just 6 weeks, he had gone from from 17% body-fat to 8% and also added 9 pounds of lean muscle in the process. [read more...] | |||||||||||||||||||||||
George Spellwin\'s Ultimate Physique Recomposition Program - Phase II Normally $652.23 Save 40%! For 72 hours $391.34 ea. | (4 Norabol, 2 Andro Infusion, 2 Phenyltropic PPA, 6 Tribulus Gold, 2 Chrysin Deluxe, 1 Triple Threat 3/60 - Chocolate, 1 Triple Threat 3/60 - Vanilla, 1 Flax Seed Oil) | This 9 week lean muscle bulking cycle will completely redesign the musculature of the athlete. This cycle is specifically designed for the hard gainer with low body fat levels. Click "Read More" below, for transformation pictures. [read more...] | George Spellwin\'s Ultimate Physique Recomposition Program - Phases I & II Normally $1034.76 Save 40%! For 72 hours $620.86 ea. | (8 Norabol, 3 Andro Infusion, 6 Tribulus Gold, 2 Chrysin Deluxe, 3 Phenyltropic PPA, 2 Triple Threat 3/60 - Chocolate, 2 Triple Threat 3/60 - Vanilla, 2 Flax Seed Oil) | This cycle is the ultimate program for radical fat loss and lean muscle gains. You too can experience proven results as documented in our 15 week before and after case study. Click "Read More" below, for transformation pictures. [read more...] | Growth Explosion Stack Normally $382.73 Save 40%! For 72 hours $229.64 ea. | (3 Norabol, 2 Andro Infusion, 1 Chrysin Deluxe, 1 Tribulus Gold, 1 Triple Threat 3/60 - Chocolate, 1 Triple Threat 3/60 - Vanilla) | This cycle is for athletes who are ready to bring their physiques to a completely new level of muscle development. It is designed to be a realistic alternative to anabolic steroid use. [read more...] | Testosterone Cyclone Normally $214.82 Save 40%! For 72 hours $145.09 ea. | (3 Andro Infusion, 1 Tribulus Gold, 1 Chrysin Deluxe, 1 Volumex) | The Testosterone Cyclone cycle is specifically designed for the athlete who wants to get as big and strong as humanly possible through the use of the proven strength and muscle builder--TESTOSTERONE. [read more...] | The Hard Gainer\'s Muscle Explosion Cycle Normally $701.29 Save 40%! For 72 hours $420.77 ea. | (5 Norabol, 3 Andro Infusion, 3 Chrysin Deluxe, 2 Tribulus Gold, 2 Triple Threat 3/60 - Chocolate, 2 Triple Threat 3/60 - Vanilla, 1 Flax Seed Oil) | The special cycle George Spellwin used to enable a classic hardgainer to pack on 40 lbs of muscle in 10 weeks and how you can achieve the same explosive results saving time and money! Click "Read More" below, to see pictures of the transformation. [read more...] | The Metabolic Furnace Normally $262.62 Save 30%! For 72 hours $157.57 ea. | (1 Phenyltropic PPA, 2 Norabol, 1 Flax Seed Oil, 1 Triple Threat 3/60 - Chocolate, 1 Triple Threat 3/60 - Vanilla) | This radical cycle will speed up your metabolism and turn you into a fat burning furnace -- all while protecting muscle mass. No starvation diet or hours on the treadmill required. Break the rules of fat burning ... and get away with it. [read more...] |
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