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EGRIFTA, o qual é utilizado para reduzir a gordura da barriga em doentes com VIH, poderia ser a chave final para fisiculturistas que têm dificuldade para obter rasgadas abs. Descubra o que a droga é, como usar EGRIFTA (tesamorelin), e quanto vai custar-lhe.
Há uma grande variedade de drogas que podem ajudar fisiculturistas alcançar maiores ganhos musculares e reduzir a gordura rapidamente e eficientemente. But despite the large number of drugs already out there, I’m always on the lookout for new things that can help bodybuilders. And one of the latest potential bodybuilding drugs that I’ve been looking into is EGRIFTA the brand name of the drug tesamorelin.
Traditionally used to help HIV patients reduce body fat around their abdomens, EGRIFTA is now being tested for use in non-HIV patients. Even more interesting is the fact that some bodybuilders have already gotten a hold of the drug in hopes of vanishing body fat around their waist, and building the ultimate set of abs. So is EGRIFTA the answer for people who have trouble getting ripped abs? Let’s dive a little deeper into the subject, beginning with the basics of EGRIFTA.
What is EGRIFTA (tesamorelin)?
EGRIFTA (tesamorelin) is an FDA-approved treatment for HIV-related belly fat. Mais especificamente, this injectable prescription medicine cuts down on abdominal fat that’s brought on by lipodystrophy (abnormal body fat composition). The way EGRIFTA works is by acting on the pituitary cells in the brain so that your body produces more human growth hormone. Em suma, the drug contains a growth hormone-releasing factor (GRF).
As of right now, EGRIFTA is not approved for anything other than treating HIV-related abdominal fat deposits. No passado, the drug had been considered a possible solution for improving cardiovascular health in HIV patients, but nothing definitive has been discovered on this front. de fato, there are concerns over whether the product could be just as damaging as it is helpful when treating anything related to the cardiovascular system.
Em qualquer caso, the only current benefit to using EGRIFTA is the aforementioned reduction of belly fat in people affected by HIV. But with this being said, many bodybuilders are wondering what the drug can do for their physical appearance.
EGRIFTA and Bodybuilding
Those looking to use EGRIFTA (tesamorelin) to cut down fat around their mid-section should know right away that there’s no proof it will reduce fat that comes from overeating or not working out. But assuming you’re still intent on using the product in order to reduce fat, we’ll discuss the subject of EGRIFTA and bodybuilding.
In regards to using EGRIFTA, you’re supposed to take a daily injection in the fatty area around the abdomen (*never inject the drug directly into a muscle or bruised area). As with pretty much any drug, your chances of properly using EGRIFTA increase greatly with the help of a doctor; but unless you’ve got HIV, you probably aren’t going to be getting this drug from a doctor.
Moving to the drug’s appearance, EGRIFTA comes in dry powder form and is packaged in vials; you’re supposed to mix two vials of EGRIFTA along with one vial of sterile water (comes with the product). Once you’ve mixed the vials together, you’re ready to inject the solution into the aforementioned area to meet daily recommended amounts (2 mg). With everything already being measured out in vials, this cuts down on the confusion for how much EGRIFTA you’re supposed to take.
The obvious benefit to using EGRIFTA for bodybuilding purposes is that you could get rid of excess belly fat that normally takes years of religious training and eating clean. Além disso, the side effects of EGRIFTA (muscle pain, fluid retention, injection site redness, numbness) are fairly mild in comparison with some of the other fat-cutting drugs that bodybuilders take.
But while all of this sounds great, the unfortunate downside to using EGRIFTA is that it’s a relatively new drug, so there aren’t a whole lot of non-HIV-related results available. As I said before, the drug is currently in FDA trials to measure its effectiveness in non-HIV patients. Claro, it could take years before any solid findings come out of this. Além disso, there aren’t a ton of bodybuilders out there using EGRIFTA to cut fat either, so finding experienced users is pretty tough.
If you’re still interested in using EGRIFTA (tesamorelin) to melt abdominal-area fat, beware because it’s not going to come cheap. Assuming you were able to get the drug directly from the manufacturer, EMD Serono Inc., a month’s worth of treatments would run you around $3,000. Considering the fact that it takes 2-3 months to see major results from using EGRIFTA, you could be in for $6k-$9k before things are said and done.
Now you might say, “Well I’ll just opt for the generic version of EGRIFTA, and see where that takes me.” Unfortunately, there are no generic EGRIFTA versions, and it will be quite a while before we see generic EGRIFTA because EMD Serono Inc. has a patent on the drug until 2015. Once this patent ends, we will probably see several more companies making the drug, Mas 2015 is still a few years away.
So for the time being, it doesn’t look like there is any cheap alternative to EGRIFTA. Por outro lado, it’s also worth mentioning that EGRIFTA doesn’t cost nearly as much as Serostim, which also shows the potential to significantly reduce excess abdominal fat in HIV patients (though Serostim isn’t FDA-approved for this purpose). Those wanting to use Serostim would have to shell out around $10k per month just to get the same benefits.
Going back to EGRIFTA, if you’ve got the money and some way of getting a hold of the drug, it could be worth a try in the quest to get a great set of abs. But if you do choose to go this route, just keep in mind all of the previously discussed hang-ups such as a lack of measurable results from non-HIV subjects and fairly high costs.
Here's a link to discuss your experiences with EGRIFTA (tesamorelin) sobre os fóruns de
EGRIFTA (tesamorelin) Discuss the New AIDS Drug Bodybuilder Take for Fat Loss
And here's a link to discuss Esteróides anabolizantes & HIV.
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