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Desperate for a way to build muscle fast, Major League Baseball players are using deer antler spray because it allegedly boosts IGF-1. But the MLB is sternly warning players not to take deer antler spray because it will cause them to fail steroid tests.
Let me start off by admitting that I’m going to talk about Major League Baseball and steroids in this article. And right away, I can feel you rolling your eyes and thinking, “Oh god…not another MLB-steroids story. Didn’t we get enough of those in the mid-2000’s with the BALCO scandal?”
Heureusement que, this story about pro baseball players juicing actually brings something new to the table because they’re using deer antler spray to get big. Et non, this isn’t some kind of ridiculous joke I’m setting you up for because deer antler spray is supposedly very effective at building muscle. Ceci étant dit, let’s discuss what exactly deer antler spray does for athletes, and why Major League Baseball is warning players about the product.
Deer Antler Spray and IGF-1
While deer antler spray might sound like some weird hunting product that brings bucks your way, it’s actually more revered for its supposed anti-aging and muscle-building benefits. en fait, selling deer antler spray has become big business for a lot of supplement companies – especially spray made from immature deer antlers.
Soi-disant, the velvet from the antlers of young deer contains small amounts of insulin-like growth factor, alias. IGF-1, which helps control the level of HGH in a person’s body. Aller plus loin, many bodybuilders put IGF-1 into their stacks in order to build more muscle and help cut fat. toutefois, there is no oral IGF-1 or oral HGH so these claims are clearly BS.
Using Deer Antler Spray
Before we get into the whole MLB/deer antler spray controversy, it’s worth discussing how this product is made, as well as how people use it. The actual process that companies use to create deer antler spray is kind of brutal since they take the immature antlers, and grind them up into something that can be used by consumers.
People then use the deer antler product by spraying it under their tongue, as according to the directions. Some manufacturers claim that once people use the spray, they’ll lose weight, build muscle, combat erectile dysfunction, reduce the appearance of wrinkles, and stave off potential diseases.
En bref, those selling deer antler spray make this out to be some kind of wonder product – although I’ve personally never heard any legitimate testimony to back these incredible claims. But regardless of what I think, this hasn’t stopped Major League Baseball commissioners from taking the matter very seriously.
Major League Baseball warns about Deer Antler Spray
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Because of the fact that steroid testing in the MLB has improved tremendously over the past few years, professional baseball players have fewer options when it comes to building muscle as quickly as possible.
Ceci étant dit, some players are willing to use unproven spray made from prepubescent deer in hopes that it will pack muscle on.
The only problem with this is that IGF-1 is on Major League Baseball’s list of banned substances, so if the deer antler spray really could boost IGF-1, players could be busted for using the product. And the MLB has taken this into account, which is why they recently issued a warning to players to avoid using spray made out of deer antlers.
Bien sûr, there is no urine test that can pick up IGF-1, which means that the stern warning will probably fall on deaf ears. Now the MLB could catch players who’ve used this magical deer antler spray with a blood test; toutefois, the Major League Baseball Players Association hasn’t agreed to blood testing, encore une fois, athletes are in the clear to keep using this product.
Deer Antler Spray and Methyltestosterone
As was just discussed, the MLB doesn’t have much of a chance to convince players that using deer antler spray is wrong because IGF-1 doesn’t show up on urine tests. So Major League Baseball has taken to scare tactics in an effort to discourage deer antler spray use, which they ultimately liken to a toned-down steroid.
The latest warning from the MLB claims the spray could be tainted with other banned substances that do show up on drug tests – most notably methyltestosterone. This may strike a little more fear into players’ hearts because methyltestosterone, which is closely related to testosterone, can actually be found through a pee test. But along with this, you also have to consider that this steroid isn’t actually an ingredient in deer antler spray products - although it wouldn't surprise me if it is in there anyway, so maybe the MLB is blowing smoke up players’ butts in an attempt to curb the product’s usage or they want to inoculate themselves from players' testing positive for steroids claiming all they took was deer antler spray.
Here's some related links on the Forums:
IGF-1/ Deer Antler Velvet Spray
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