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Coleus Forskohlii è una pianta tropicale originaria dell#8217India. It contains the active ingredient known as Forskolin, un composto che’'s trovato in abbondanza nella radice della pianta. It has been used in Eastern medicine since ancient times to treat various ailments, like bone issues, asthma, and constipation.
Coleus Forskohlii is a very powerful and complex compound that’s still in use today. The majority of its modern users are bodybuilders. As it turns out, two of Forskolin’s main benefits are to simultaneously burn fat and boost testosterone levels, Naturalmente.
Alcuni anni fa, Coleus Forskohlii was mentioned on the popular, US-based health TV show Dr. Oz. It has become mainstream since then. Many users report successfully losing fat just by using the herb alone every day. But all of us on steroid forums have known about it and used it to supplement our cutting cycles for years. We know that it works great with steroids and a low-carb diet for weight loss.
Fat metabolism
Coleus Forskohlii has been studied and found to boost the release of fat that’s stored within the fat cells. Altrimenti, the only time such a thing is possible is when the body needs to use up energy by tapping into fat. This mode of action would suggest that the chemical structure in Forskohlii hijacks fat-cell receptors, fooling the cell into acting as though the body is in starvation mode.
When you consume food, the body will store excess energy as fat deposits in your fat cells, shuttled in by insulin, which is the opposite of what we want. Dopotutto, has anyone ever said "I want to gain fat?.” Of course not! We all want to lose fat in bodybuilding and fitness.
When you take Coleus Forskohlii before a meal, it will signal the fat cells to release fat instead of storing it automatically. Anche, when you exercise and eat in a deficit, this phenomenon is increased because you’re not only signaling the cells to release the fat, but you are also forcing the body to use excess fat for energy during and after exercise. This is why it works so well for those of us who lift weights and do cardio at the gym.
Losing fat and gaining muscle
Coleus Forskohlii works great for losing weight in both women and men. It does not affect sex hormone pathways. One study had a group of men take Coleus Forskohlii for 12 settimane, while the placebo group took fake pills. The fascinating thing is that the men who took it barely lost any weight at all, yet their fat mass dropped significantly. Abbastanza stranamente, la loro massa magra corpo rosa. Ciò significa che durante il 12 settimane, hanno perso massa grassa corporea, ma ha guadagnato massa muscolare magra A THE SAME TIME!
I ricercatori hanno scoperto che c'era anche un aumento dei livelli di testosterone naturale (un altro effetto favorevole di questo composto), che li ha aiutati a guadagnare muscoli e anche bruciare più grasso. Dopotutto, uomini che mantengono i livelli di ormone sano hanno un tempo molto più facile perdere grasso. Coleus Forskohlii ucciso 2 uccelli con 1 pietra. Questa è una grande notizia per culturisti seri che vogliono ricompilare i loro corpi.
Blocking weight gain
Another study on Coleus Forskohlii showed promise for blocking weight gain. In this research, women were given Coleus Forskohlii for 12 settimane. The results of the study show that the compound aids in preventing weight gain and confirms that it does indeed help the body burn more fat for energy.
Steroid users
Anabolic steroids are used by serious bodybuilders to help them reach their fitness goals. By adding Coleus Forskohlii, you’ll help build muscle while also losing fat. While on cycle, questo composto impila grande con steroidi e ti aiuta a fare quei guadagni davvero magra.
Quando si scende il ciclo di steroidi, i tuoi ormoni andranno in crash. Così, avere un buon ciclo post in atto conserverà il muscolo e anche prevenire il rimbalzo del grasso. L'aggiunta di Coleus Forskohlii al vostro post ciclo contribuirà ad aumentare i livelli di testosterone naturalmente, rendendo anche più facile per voi di rimanere magri e bruciare i grassi. Si dovrebbe anche considerare l'utilizzo tra i cicli per tutti i suoi benefici per il vostro fisico senza influenzare le funzioni riproduttive.
Dosage and how to stack
Vedrai in tutto il Internet che tecnicamente è possibile eseguire fino a 400mgs a 500mgs al giorno di Coleus Forskohlii, diviso prima dei pasti, o 2-3Volte al giorno. però, Personalmente ho scoperto che funziona molto meglio a una dose più bassa. Questo è particolarmente vero quando il composto viene utilizzato come parte di uno stack di supplemento completo, along with nutrient partitioning and fat-burning compounds like Green tea extract, Crape Myrtle tannins, Bergenin, and 4-hydroxyisoleucine.
Luckily there is a product that contains all of these ingredients and more that was designed to help you lose weight and fat without side effects. Più, it stacks great with any steroid cycle that you put it. This product is called N2slin.
N2slin has 40mgs per serving of Coleus Forskohlii, along with what we mentioned in the last paragraph. All of these ingredients work together in synergy. Prendere 2 capsule di N2slin 30 minuti prima dei pasti più grandi della giornata, o prendere 1 capsula periodicamente durante il giorno prima dei pasti più piccoli. N2slin è venduto a
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