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Most people associate carb loading with either long-distance runners or giant lardos who have no regard for their body. però, the truth is that even ripped people can engage in carb loading – provided they do it right. In some instances, this practice can even offer some major benefits for you.
I don’t know about you, but when I hear the term “carb loading,” I conjure up images of some bony runner stuffing pasta down his gullet so that he has more energy for a 10k the next morning. Suffice to say, an overly-thin, long-distance runner puking fettuccine alfredo down his shirt during the last mile of a race isn’t going impress the hotties.
Keeping this wonderful picture in mind, I’ve done my best to avoid binging on breadsticks and pasta for meals. My thoughts here are twofold: 1) my cardio doesn’t consist of a marathoner’s schedule so the carbs won’t burn off easily, e 2) I’d rather use other foods/nutrients to pack on pounds during a bulking phase.
But I’ve been lightening up on this stance lately after reading some new materials on the subject of carb loading. And the truth is that carb loading – or just eating these nutrients in general – isn’t as bad as everybody thinks. Detto questo, let’s discuss this subject further, beginning with the notion that people can eat plenty of carbohydrates and still lose weight.
Carbs without Consequences?
I’m not going to feed you a line of bull about how new research shows that people can eat buckets of starchy, sugary food and keep an eight-pack. Plus eating too much starch and sugar not only packs on pounds, but this habit can also lead to diabetes and heart disease. però, grabbing a dinner roll or making a sandwich once and a while isn’t going to put you on the operating table.
Celebrity fitness and dieting expert David Kirsch is one person who strongly believes that it’s alright to indulge in some bread. As he says, “You can have some bread, it’s not going to kill you.” Kirsch suggests that carbs are fine, provided you put in at least 20 minutes of solid cardio and eat lots of protein and green veggies on a daily basis.
John Kiefer, who has written two best-selling books called Carb Back-Loading e The Carb Nite Solution, also holds a belief that people can ingest carbohydrates without fear. He expanded on this notion by saying, “If you have a lot of muscle mass, it’s amazing how much you can eat without doing damage.” Kiefer went on to add, “If you had a day where you just didn’t have a chance to eat a lot or you missed several meals, then at night, it’s almost completely safe to splurge almost as much as you want.”
The author also advocates an extreme diet that includes limiting carbohydrate consumption to 30 grams daily. però, people can also binge on lots of carbs several times a week – assuming they do so at night. The idea here is to prevent your body from knowing how to store carbs as fat; once you’ve done this, your carbohydrate splurges don’t result in fat storage (provided binges are infrequent). Anziché, your body burns these extra carbs off through body heat. Considering that Kiefer himself has a pretty ripped and muscular body, I’d definitely recommend giving his diet a look.
Eating Carbohydrates without getting Fat
If you’re not quite ready to hop on board an ultra-low carb diet, there are plenty of simpler options that’ll help you stave off weight while still eating carbohydrates. Taking this into account, here are some basic things you should do when eating carb-heavy foods:
Focus on Good Carbohydrates – Simply cutting down on the amount of carbs you eat isn’t enough because you also have to watch where your carbohydrates are coming from. Per esempio, potato chips and apples both contain plenty of carbs; but commonsense tells us that the processed carbs in potato chips are much worse than those found in an apple. You can find good carbohydrates in plenty of fruits, verdure, riso integrale, and products made with whole grains. Assuming whole grains are too chewy and/or bland for you, look for half-whole grain products.
Weight Loss comes back to Calories – No matter what kind of carbohydrates you eat or how many grams you’re getting daily, it’s still really important to focus on calories. In other words, just because you aren’t eating carbs doesn’t give you an excuse to consume 10 steaks and 30 eggs daily. The key is to eat a moderate amount of good carbohydrates along with a reasonable number of daily calories.
Consider spreading your Carbs across Meals – Earlier, we discussed how author John Kiefer recommends limiting your carbohydrates, expect for the occasional binges throughout the week. But if this doesn’t sound like the approach for you, another good route involves spreading carb consumption throughout multiple meals. So instead of eating spaghetti, breadsticks and pecan pie in one meal, allow yourself to eat one of these foods per meal (or better yet, per day). You might even look at each individual food as your “dessert” for the meal.
Track Carbohydrates – One of the biggest problems that people have in regards to carbs involves not knowing how many they consume each day. Some people will start lowering carb intake and think that they’re doing better than they actually are. But the truth is that it’s hard to get an accurate gauge on carbohydrate consumption unless you are tracking yourself. So keep a log of how many carbs you’re eating to see where you are at in this matter; then plan from here.
Putting Everything Together
As you can see, the subject of carbs is much more complex than simply not eating them – like the famed Atkins diet suggests. Anziché, there are a variety of factors to consider such as the quantity and type of carbohydrates that are being ingested. Per di più, you also have to think about the overall number of calories you’re consuming – rather than focusing solely on carbs.
abbastanza interessante, some people even claim that you can go crazy with carbohydrates on certain days without worrying about weight gain. And while this may be true, the key is to focus on a long-term strategy when it comes to eating these nutrients. So think about what you can realistically stick with over a number of months – or even years – to eat the right carbs and lose (or maintain) peso.
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