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Så i går, Jeg skrev til dig om, hvordan ændringer i miljøet har resulteret i os bogstaveligt svømning i et hav af østrogen. Here\'s the link to my article Bekæmpelse af Østrogen Epidemic - Hvordan man ikke at blive ofre i tilfælde glemte du det. I dag, Jeg vil gerne fortælle dig om en anden en af de øverste kosttilskud rundt for at hjælpe dig med at bekæmpe østrogen epidemi. Bulbine Natalensis is a powerful phyto extract that both raises your testosterone level way past normal and also lowers your estrogen level at the same time.
Using a supplement containing Bulbine Natalensis is important, because many of the sources of estrogen pollution in our environment are beyond our control. Toxins in the polluted air we breathe and chemical run-off found in the foods we eat all raise estrogen. Mercury in fish and hormones in meats can raise your estrogen levels too. Household cleaning products and chemical estrogens found in plastic bottles, Styrofoam, kosmetik, shampoo, carpet and other textile fibers, certain paints, some aerosols, konserveringsmidler, artificial ingredients, and personal care products can all contribute to higher levels of estrogen. Other sources include antibacterial soap, plast badeforhæng, Teflon cookware, even cash register receipt paper and the inks used to print on it can lead to higher levels of estrogen.
Desværre, it seems that as we get older, our estrogen susceptibility increases. Who wants to be the guy with female pattern fat distribution, gynækomasti (man-boobs), and decreased testicular size? Nobody! But there is help.
Bulbine natalensis - øge din testosteron niveauer 347%
If you’re looking to fight the estrogen epidemic, raise your testosterone levels, increase your strength and shock your body into rapidly building bigger muscles, and at the same time get leaner, then Bulbine Natalensis is a potent weapon to have in your arsenal. Og hvis du har brug for at hæve din naturlige testosteron produktion, når de kommer fra et anabolsk steroid cyklus gennem PCT (terapi post cyklus), then Bulbine Natalensis is a må have.
Clinical research shows that Bulbine Natalensis can boost testosterone levels 347% sammenlignet med en kontrolgruppe baseline. Desuden, Bulbine Natalensis not only boosts your testosterone levels by promoting a major anabolic surge, but it also promotes prosexual side effects that can be beneficial in the management of low libido and erectile problems.
Bulbine natalensis ikke bare øge testosteron niveauer bedre end noget andet på markedet, det sænker også østrogen med op til 35%. Mens andre testosteron boostere mislykkes, fordi de vender brugeren til en oppustet rod, Bulbine Natalensis will actually have the opposite effect, og støtte dine bestræbelser på at tilføje kvalitet, lean, muskelvæv, uden de sædvanlige gevinster i fedt, der ledsager vægtøgning. This is why Bulbine Natalensis isn’t just a great natural testosterone booster and an excellent estrogen reducer, det er også den alvorlige bodybuilder valg for Post Cycle Therapy.
desværre, så vidunderligt som Bulbine natalensis kan være, det er stadig en urt; det betyder, at fra batch til batch, kan der være store forskelle i styrke. Men bare rolig, the most potent, standardized extract available comes from the the ProLensis™ brand. ProLensis ™ var den første Bulbine natalensis importeres til USA, den første, der er standardiseret for sikker potens, og det er fortsat den ubestridte industristandard. So when looking for a Bulbine supplement, make sure your look for the ProLensis™ brand.
Tomorrow I\'ll send you an email about the fourth supplement compound you can use to help you successfully navigate the estrogen sea and not drown. You\'ll be swimming in our emasculating world with alpha-male levels of testosterone guaranteed to keep your testosterone levels way above average guys.
Phytoserms-347 Professionel Styrke Testosteron og anabolske Activator - Leverer Testosteron Surge 347% Over det normale.
Decimerer Østrogen - Ideel til post anabolske steroid cyklus Recovery.
Uovertruffen Pro-Seksuel bivirkninger, herunder: Insane Erektioner, Radikale ejakulere Belastninger, Uovertruffen libido Enhancement.
Uovertruffen biotilgængelighed - Der indeholder farmaceutisk kvalitet SHBG bindende lignaner 3,4-Divanillytetrahydrofuran, Secoisolarciresinol, Han Fadogia, ProLensis (Bulbine natalensis P.E), og zink aspartat.
Here\'s the link to Oplev Phytoserms-347 professionel styrke testosteron og anabole aktivator.