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Now I’ll be the first to tell you that I think the current laws against steroids in the United States and other parts of the world suck. I believe it’s a no-brainer that steroids should be decriminalized everywhere for personal use with a doctor's supervision. People should be free to juice as they see fit provided they know what they’re doing and aren’t putting their health in any danger.
But as it is, just being in possession of a single pill could land you behind bars. And if the Nazi-like laws are going to stand like this, I really think that everyone should have to abide by them the same. No one should be above the law – especially the same law enforcement officers that bust people for using steroids.
I know that I’ve complained before about how it seems that cops get away with using steroids and if they do get caught, their punishment is usually just a slap on the wrist. en attendant, gear users have to fear for their freedom simply because of a choice to use the best method of muscle enhancement available.
And this seems kind of weird to me seeing as how those who are supposed to uphold the law and took an oath to do so are getting away with breaking it. en fait, shouldn’t these people be held to an even higher standard than the rest of us since they’re the ones enforcing it?
Cela étant dit, I’m now at the point where I am used to reading the news and seeing stories where officers get caught using roids and receive very little punishment for their actions.
toutefois, one thing that I’ve never seen is a high ranking law enforcement officer publicly argue that cops should be allowed to get away with using steroids while every other juicer suffers. That is until I heard about the war that Arizona sheriff Joe Arpaio has been recently waging...
For those of you who may be wondering just who in the world Joe Arpaio is, I will give you an introduction. Arpaio has been the sheriff of Maricopa County for the past 16 années. He is not your stereotypical, tobacco-spitting hick sheriff who is constantly after the “Duke boys” and Maricopa County is not Hazzard County. Au lieu, Arpaio is a sheriff who has attained some level of national exposure and Maricopa County is home to America’s fifth largest city in Phoenix.
Being sheriff of the Phoenix area has given Arpaio a direct line to the media outlets of the city which he has certainly taken advantage of in his four-term stint. His tough, no-nonsense approach to crime and keeping the peace has earned him a billing as “America’s Toughest Sheriff”.
He has not only attained fame within the Phoenix metropolitan area for his tough-on-crime tactics, but he has also been the subject of many news and magazine articles across the county. toutefois, the same tactics that have made him famous have also made him notorious as well.
And most of these tactics revolve around the harsh treatment of his inmates at Maricopa County Jail. Some of these include serving them outdated food, limiting TV access, removing weightlifting equipment from the jail, publishing photos of people booked into the county jail on the Internet, making them live in a tent city in the 120+ degree Arizona heat, wear pink underwear, and making them listen to a god-awful in-house radio show he started. He also imposed an illegal immigration hotline for people to call and narc out any immigrant not living in the county legally.
Now that I’ve given you a thorough introduction to Arpaio, I want to let you in on how “America’s Toughest Sheriff” plans to deal with his deputies when they’ve been caught juicing.
You see the state of Arizona has been trying to push litigation that would punish officers who were busted for gear more severely. This is mainly in response to the growing pressure that the state – namely the Phoenix area – has been facing after various stories began circulating about its lax standards for juicers in uniform. Here's a link to another story I wrote on the subject recently.
Well every county in Arizona agreed that it was a good idea to hold law enforcement to the same standard as everyone else with regards to steroids except for one. Maricopa County, behind Arpaio and his staff, is the only county rejecting the proposal to ban officers from working the streets if they’re caught using anabolic steroids.
Fondamentalement, Arpaio and his people don’t believe that deputies or any policemen should lose their jobs if they’re caught using steroids. And their grounds for why not? Because they don’t want to be hit with anymore lawsuits.
While Arpaio has refused to be man enough to talk to the media about why he thinks his fellow law enforcing peers should be above everyone else when it comes to juicing, Chief Deputy of Maricopa County Dave Hendershott did shed some light on the situation.
He explained that the new policy against officers caught using steroids would open up the floodgates for lawsuits by officers who would claim that they were wrongly disciplined or fired. Hendershott further stated, “I'm really concerned we're going down a rat hole we're never going to climb out of again. Franchement, I've been sued enough.”
Never mind that fact that the reason he’s been sued enough is because of the widely acclaimed brutal treatment of inmates by the Maricopa County Jail. The same treatment that has various human rights organizations such as Amnesty International after Hendershott, Arpaio, and the rest of their cronies.
À mon avis, this is a ridiculous alibi for covering up the fact that their deputies are juicing and they know it. Because let’s be honest, the Maricopa County Sheriff’s office obviously can’t be too worried about lawsuits since they seem to constantly be inviting more and more of them through their harsh treatment of inmates.
I mean earlier this year $2 million was awarded to the family of a man who was beaten in the jail and later died from his internal injuries. And this goes on despite the fact that the Maricopa County Jail has been under investigation since the mid-90’s.
It seems more likely to me that “America’s Toughest Sheriff” is only tough on those who aren’t of his kind. There have probably been lots of people who’ve passed through his county jail having to eat green bologna and sit in the weightless jail rec. room all because they were simply busted for having gear.
en attendant, he thinks that his officers should get away with juicing because of possible “lawsuits”. But who knows if Arpaio really believes that deputies and policemen should be treated with a double standard when it comes to using steroids. Maybe this is just another way for the sheriff to get his name in the news at the expense of justice.
Personnellement, I wish everyone was free to responsibly juice – even if they are law enforcement members. And I don’t buy into the argument that cops won’t be able to correctly perform their job if they are using steroids (Ronnie Coleman never seemed to have trouble as a police officer).
toutefois, as the law stands now, I am decidedly against one group of people getting away with light punishments compared to the rest of us with regards to roids. Especially when this policy is backed by some quasi-politician masquerading as a sheriff. Heureusement, the rest of Arizona doesn’t seem to think that officers are better than the rest of us.
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