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Ad Blocker for IE8 easily block ads from third party ad servers so you can surf the web and see 90% fewer ads.
IE8's InPrivate Filtering feature can be used for a number of things in Internet Explorer 8. And one of the most interesting InPrivate Filtering IE8 feature is blocking ads and the software these ad sites use to track you. I use this feature to block about 90% of the third party ads that I would normally see.
How would you like to block the ads from appearing on all the major sites you visit? For eksempel, go to the site and you 'll see a banner ad at the top of the page and a square ad in the right column. This is how to block all these ads!
Here's a link to an XML file containing a master list of all ad servers to block with InPrivate Filtering. Første, download this file then unzip it. This is a list of all the URL's from Adblock Plus, a FireFox addon that blocks ads. In order to Import these URL's into the InPrivate Filter so you can block ads in IE8, you must enter your "Manage Addons" window, accessible via:
Tools->Manage Addons->InPrivate Filtering->Import
Locate the XML file you just unzipped and import it. The result should be IE8 blocking content from all the various ad servers outright, without the need to train IE8 based on your browsing habits. Doing so has blocked about 90% of the advertisements I see while browsing with IE8.
Go back to and not the ads are gone!
Now obviously, Internet Explorer 8 and its new security measures are not going to be the end to all privacy needs. In fact, there are much better programs out there that will help people (such as those buying gear) to prevent legal troubles. However, if you’re going to browse the web you’ll want to have as much security as possible so you don’t get personal information stolen or have the authorities spying on your every move.
IE8 is definitely a security upgrade in the world of web surfing and it’s a good idea to use this if you are really serious about keeping personal information safe and/or covering your tracks.
Here's a link to another excerpt from Hemmelighederne af postordre Steroid succes 2009 Udgave explaining How to use a Proxy Server to Surf the Web og buy steroids anonymously. And here\'s another excerpt from Hemmelighederne af postordre Steroid succes 2009 Udgave med titlen Proxy liste - Anonyme proxyservere gennemgik/ and here's one more Secrets 2009 excerpt titled PGP hele Disk kryptering: Køb steroider og kryptere din Computer fra Feds.
Here's a link to discuss the Nye Internet Explorer 8 Privacy Security Features på den Forums. And here's a link to the thread: IE8 - Upgraded to Internet Explorer 8 this weekend.
And here's a link to a list of great Internet Privacy Resources on EF that can further enhance your privacy and security online.
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