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When people go on the road for vacation or a trip, they tend to lose precious gains in their muscle mass. However, this brand new hotel workout will ensure that you not only avoid losses in muscle but gain it in the process. And in only 10 minutes!
Anytime you go on vacation or a long road trip, it should be cause for celebration, relaxation, and a chance to see places you’ve never been to. All of your troubles and responsibilities should be left back in your hometown and should be replaced with the thoughts of all the hot babes you are going to see and meet along the way. But unfortunately, for bodybuilding and fitness-minded individuals like myself, this isn’t always the case.
That’s because, even away from home, I just can’t stop thinking about the high that comes at the end of a good workout. And anytime I miss or skip a workout it causes feelings of guilt and makes me worry about how many gains I will lose. I fear that if I get out of my routine for even a week then it will be extremely difficult to get back into it.
And there may be many of you out there who feel the same way about missing workouts on the road. However, as I’ve discovered, it doesn’t have to be this way and one doesn’t have to feel guilty about traveling and going on trips anymore. That’s because, through the years, I’ve developed a fantastic 10 minute hotel workout that gives me the satisfaction of my normal training routine and doesn’t leave me worrying about my triceps when some gorgeous, bikini-clad girl is inches from my face.
But my hotel workout doesn’t revolve around some elaborate gym in a 5 star hotel where the staff does everything for you except wipe your ass. My workout doesn’t even assume that you have any kind of gym in your hotel because I’ll be honest; I’ve stayed in the ‘dive express’ more than a few times in my life. It simply caters to those who want a quick, satisfying workout fix in the comforts of their own hotel room and don’t have access to a gym in the area.
A few notes I’d like to mention before starting:
- The only things you’ll need is yourself and the suitcase you brought your belongings in (I’m really hoping that you didn’t stuff your clothes in some hobo-looking knapsack).
- And the workout will be short at 10 minutes but intense so there won’t be time for a bunch of flexing in the mirror and ill-timed water breaks. It is nonstop.
- This workout will probably be much more different, and shorter, than anything you are used to but it is still effective because your body’s not used to it. It may even serve as a refreshing break from the norm thus getting you refocused when you get back to your normal routine. Now that we’ve got this all covered, let’s get started:
Step 1: Begin by doing a quick warmup. This won’t be included as part of the 10 minutes but is crucial for obvious reasons. You may already have your own routine but I prefer to do two minutes running-in-place followed by 25 jumping jacks (I normally prefer to warmup with light weights but this isn’t an option because I’m in a hotel room). This is typically good enough for me and I avoid stretching because it’s shown to decrease strength before a workout.
Step 2: Now onto the actual workout. We start off simple with 1 minute’s worth of pushups. Nothing fancy just regular pushups and if you can’t do them for the full minute, drop to your knees for support while you finish them. If you’re particularly strong with pushups, you can variate with diamond, wide stance, or even one-armed pushups.
Step 3: After pushups, immediately stand up and begin doing waiter’s bows for a full minute. Waiter’s bows are done by standing straight up with your hands together in the middle of your chest and bending down with the emphasis on sticking your butt out. This really works your hamstrings if done right.
Step 4: Then grab your suitcase by the handle with both hands (palms facing up) and begin doing curls for a minute. You can vary the weight of the suitcase depending on how much stuff you put in it.
Step 5: Next, grab the suitcase by the handle with both hands and your palms facing down. Lift the suitcase towards your chin and begin doing tricep pull-ups for another minute.
Step 6: After this, pick the suitcase up in a cradling position and begin doing squats for a minute. Focus on your form during these squats as the weight shouldn’t be too much unless you’re a big-time bowler.
Step 7: We’ve neglected the abs until now but it’s time to do some bicycle crunches for 60 seconds. Lay on your back with your hands on the back of your neck and legs off the ground with knees close to your chest. Move your legs back and forth as if riding a bicycle while touching your knee with the opposite elbow. Keep touching the knees with the opposite elbow while maintaining the bicycling motion.
Step 8: Quite possibly the most awkward exercise of the workout will be the minute-long sissy squats. To do these, find something in the room at around hip level and position one hand on it. Keeping your waist and hips straight, bend your knees forward and let you body go backwards with the heels coming off the floor. The goal is to get the knees as close to the floor as possible so you can really work the quads but this is only for people who’ve been doing them for a while. If you are a sissy squats rookie, don’t bring the knees as close to the floor.
Step 9: Back to the suitcase. Pick it up on the sides and hold it so it’s controlled above your head. Then lower it in front of your face as best as possible to perform shoulder presses. You may have to move your head back some depending on the size of the suitcase and you can sit or stand during these.
Step 10: Now to the final exercise with the damn suitcase. Pick it up in the same manner you did with the tricep pull-ups except only hold the suitcase off of the ground in a comfortable position. Raise your heels off of the floor and back down again. Do this for a full 60 seconds as well.
Step: 11: Last thing in the workout. Sit down on the edge or a chair, couch, or bed with your hands gripping the edge to help you stay on the furniture and put your legs straight out. Now bring your legs up to your chest and then extend them back out. Repeat this until the last minute of the workout is up.
That’s it! The 10 minute hotel workout is over and the best thing about it is that you still have nearly 24 hours in the day to do what you want with no missed workout guilt. Time to get some babes.
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