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  1. JimAbs43

    Podcast Hardcore 2.0 #59 - Best Injection sites for beginners and advanced? - Euro Pharma Hardcore 2.0 #59 - Best Injection sites for beginners and advanced? - Euro Pharma
  2. JimAbs43

    Podcast Hard 2.0 #58 - The best needle size for beginners? Injection guide - Euro Pharma Hard 2.0 #58 - The best needle size for beginners? Injection guide - Euro Pharma
  3. F

    Geneza pharma test E 400?

    Anyone try the geneza pharma test E 400? Seems like It would be perfect for my next cycle since it would only require one cc per week for me to get 400 mg. that would really cut down an injections and it would really be something that would make life easier for me my only question is how...
  4. JimAbs43 Hardcore 33 - Injection help and help with PIP (post injection pain) Hardcore 33 - Injection help and help with PIP (post injection pain)
  5. JimAbs43 469 Reduce appetite on Steroids and Swelling at the injection site. 469 Reduce appetite on Steroids and Swelling at the injection site.
  6. M

    massaging steroid injections

    some guy at the gym who I am friends with said that you are supposed to massage the spot you inject steroids because it helps prevent scar tissue and abscesses. I’ve had 2 lumps drained in the past year from steroid use so I want to prevent that from happening do you guys do anything like that...
  7. J


    So I just did a Test E injection and immediately after pulling out the syringe I got and prickly burning and tingling sensation in my tongue and lips and my chest felt very heavy. It was rather intense for a minute or so then the tingling went away but my chest still feels somewhat stressed. Can...
  8. N

    Inject in glutes, sore in hamstring

    Hi, Does somebody know why when i inject some roids in my glutes, the next day my hamstring will be very sore till it's hard to walk & impossible to sit down crossing legs. The glutes area (injection site) doesn't feel like that, just normal soreness for the first night then it goes away. I...
  9. J

    5th time I'm going on a cycle, but this injection made my quad swell up! A little scared and need help

    Hey everyone, I am new to the site and I've been reading a lot of threads posted on here and finally decided to ask my question. A brief background: 25 years of age male 167lbs body fat percentage is around 9 percent. very healthy, always active When I was 23 I started my first every cycle...
  10. E

    Quad Cramps while injecting?

    Hi mates, I'm currently on my first Test-E only cycle, into my 3rd week right now. I'm on 500mg/week (250x2), my friend has always been the one helping me to do the jab into my delts. However, I decided to jab myself today ((I can't be depending on him every week)). I used a 23g 1/4 needle to...
  11. D

    Possibly an abscess

    I took a 2cc injection (250mg nandro + 250 test e) 24 hours ago. Now there seems to be a swelling 4 inches away from the injection site ( glutes ) . Its atleast a inch in diameter, and seems to me like the entire contents of injection. But its hard, and the muscle is paining, which is usually...
  12. M

    Advice on alternative injection sites

    I need a new alternate injection site. Usually I rotate my glutes and pecs, but I had gyno surgery a few months ago and the whole area is sore and covered with scar tissue. So I need to pick something else. I've tried looking up info on alternate injection sites but I still have some questions...
  13. heyomayo

    Discuss Test Cyp Injection Frequency

    I know this has been beat to death, but I was looking for a serious discussion regarding this frequently asked question, how often should we inject Test Cyp? The test cup I have currently is 300mg/ml. I would be doing 600mg/week. Heres an interesting post I found on another forum, it was...
  14. S

    HGH injected into a vein possibly?

    Well, I started doing HGH for like 1 month and a half, and like 30 minutes ago when I did the bed-time shot in the abs, subcutaneous, it hurt just a little bit more than usual when I inserted the needle, I injected the GH, then after I took out the needle, a lot of blood started coming out...
  15. chapelli020

    Painful hard lump from inject test blend help!

    Cycle Info Test EQ 200mg/ Test Enanthate 200mg per 1ml Tren Enanthate 200mg per 1ml Superdrol for first month Exemestane on hand So Test EQ 800mg per week Test enanthate 800mg per week Tren enanthate 400mg per week For 16 weeks First shot 3ccs right quad 2ml of the test blend equivalent to...
  16. A

    First Injection!

    Hi guys. Firstly, I've found the replies that I have got on this site to be extremely helpful, so thanks for that everyone. I just did my first injection (glute) I of course used alcohol wipes and remembered to aspirate etc. Though I noticed a slight "stiffness" in my glute just after the...
  17. M

    First time user stanazolol. proffesional help needed please

    hey you going guyz! Male 21 5 foot 3 inches 178.5 pounds ive lost 44 pounds in the past 9 months and my weight loss has sudenlly stop its getting really hard so im thinkiing to use stanazolol. i need to drop another 20-22 pounds. its my first time using the injection i just want to know for me...
  18. F

    Tren Ace ED or EOD ?

    Okay guys. I am starting Tren Ace with Test E and Masteron in a couple of days. I have been looking around for opinions on ED or EOD injections for Tren Ace, people seem to have different opinions on that one. So I ask you which would you prefer and why ?
  19. H

    Post injection pain

    Hey y'all. Got a question. So this is my second cycle and I'm trying to figure out if this is a normal reaction. Taking test500 and deca400 once a week. I've got pretty big swelling through my right glute, plus pain hard, and little redness. Makes it almost impossible to sleep at night. I...
  20. F

    Feeling like shit after mixing steroids in beginning of cycle

    I started my 3rd cycle 3 days ago. I had decided to run 400mg tren/wk 500mg masteron/wk 800mg test enanthate/wk On day one I injected 1ml tren with 1ml masteron, than I got an good offer to buy the "Bulk mix" from Bio chem industries, so I decided since I only injected the tren and masteron...
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