New member
started today my Trainigslog for a.m. program which I already posted some days ago !!
Started the programm last wednesday, 02.08.06 - so will insert all session till today in a few minutes, afterwards - Daily Update's...
Have to make following small modification because of shoulder discloation end of last year don't want to do Powersnatches, 'cause I think my left shoulder will go out again....
So for monday : will do every monday deadlifts alternating 4x8, 5x5, 2x5+3x3
and insteadt of powersnatches + snatch high pulls I'll do on tuesday Powercleans and Clean High Pulls....
Also Change Tuesday = weighted Chins insteadt of Chins
Change Friday = want to do BB-Rowings one time, so substitude it with Hang Cleans
should be all,
pls see my first days,
You are welcome to comment, asks and critiques !
started today my Trainigslog for a.m. program which I already posted some days ago !!
Started the programm last wednesday, 02.08.06 - so will insert all session till today in a few minutes, afterwards - Daily Update's...
Have to make following small modification because of shoulder discloation end of last year don't want to do Powersnatches, 'cause I think my left shoulder will go out again....
So for monday : will do every monday deadlifts alternating 4x8, 5x5, 2x5+3x3
and insteadt of powersnatches + snatch high pulls I'll do on tuesday Powercleans and Clean High Pulls....
Also Change Tuesday = weighted Chins insteadt of Chins
Change Friday = want to do BB-Rowings one time, so substitude it with Hang Cleans
should be all,
pls see my first days,
You are welcome to comment, asks and critiques !