If you have any questions just ask about terminology o.k.
AUG 2 2006
GROUP 1 = Quadriceps
MUSCLE Of the Day
Rectus Femoris
– one of the four quadriceps muscles, it is located on the anterior femur and is the longest and most anterior of the quads. It is a compound muscle – crossing both the hip and knee.
(Where the muscle originates)
Origins = Anterior Head - AIIS (anterior inferior iliac spine) Posterior Head – upper margin of acetabulum
(Where the muscle Inserts)
Insertion = via Patella & its ligament to tibial tuberosity
Actions = Compound Muscle: Extends leg at the knee
Flexes thigh at hip
Synergists = These muscles assist Rectus Femoris
In Leg Extension: Vastus Group
In Hip Flexion: Iliopsoas, Sartorius, semitendinosis
Antagonists = These muscles work against Rectus Femoris
In Leg Flexors:
Hamstrings, Gastrocnemius
In Hip Extenders:
Nerve Supply = Femoral Nerve: L2-L4
Associated Trigger Points = At superior musculotendonous junction - and can refer pain to the entire anterior thigh, but most especially near the knee
Stretching = Standing Quad Stretch w/ hip extension emphasis
Strengthening = Squats and Leg Press
AUG 2 2006
GROUP 1 = Quadriceps
MUSCLE Of the Day
Rectus Femoris
– one of the four quadriceps muscles, it is located on the anterior femur and is the longest and most anterior of the quads. It is a compound muscle – crossing both the hip and knee.
(Where the muscle originates)
Origins = Anterior Head - AIIS (anterior inferior iliac spine) Posterior Head – upper margin of acetabulum
(Where the muscle Inserts)
Insertion = via Patella & its ligament to tibial tuberosity
Actions = Compound Muscle: Extends leg at the knee
Flexes thigh at hip
Synergists = These muscles assist Rectus Femoris
In Leg Extension: Vastus Group
In Hip Flexion: Iliopsoas, Sartorius, semitendinosis
Antagonists = These muscles work against Rectus Femoris
In Leg Flexors:
Hamstrings, Gastrocnemius
In Hip Extenders:
Nerve Supply = Femoral Nerve: L2-L4
Associated Trigger Points = At superior musculotendonous junction - and can refer pain to the entire anterior thigh, but most especially near the knee
Stretching = Standing Quad Stretch w/ hip extension emphasis
Strengthening = Squats and Leg Press