I will never get married and he pointed out the very reasons why. I'm 28 years old, I've worked my ass off to buy 2 houses (1 will be paid off in 7 years, on a 10 year loan, currently being rented out. Other paid off in 12 years, on a 15 year loan, I currently reside in this house). I have no debt beyond my home mortgages, even my vehicle (Lexus SC400 Sports Coup) is paid in full. Most women I met have nothing but debt debt and more debt. Credit cards maxed out etc. Now, why the hell would I want to get married to a girl, have a few kids, then lose everything I've worked for because she decides she doesn't want to play family anymore? Or the reason my mother told my father, "I'm just not in love anymore" (aka- I found somebody else). Fuck that!
I'm not trying to be hard on or mean to women, I'm just trying to protect what is mine, what I've accomplished. When dating a girl I treat her like a princess. My last ex and I use to go out to dinner a average of 3 times a week. Nice places too, not fast food. No matter where we went or what we did she would never have to pay for a thing. I have no problem with commitment, its when its to the point the government will get involved that I have an issue with. I had to break up with my last ex because after a year and a half she demanded marriage. It started out with hints, and soon after that turned into demands. I don't understand why women think a guy is only committed if he is willing to marry. Marriage doesn't mean shit, look at the divorce rate. I don't think I should have to marry a girl to show her how much I love her, if there is enough love and trust in the relationship, my word alone should be enough.