Thank you. The funny thing is that I never even did BB rows before this. I was really strong (relatively speaking) on one arm db rows and the angle for those is similar. I worked up to 130's for sets of five.
I'd like to do a true test of my 1rm to test my strength in DL, bench and squat after week 9. How should I go about this? I was thinking a deload period and then just go for it. What would be a good guideline to follow? Any links to articles on how to test 1rms?
Drop down to doubles for a deload week then hit them up the following week. If you think of it like preparing for a competition then on the following week you'd take a light workout early in the week and then at the end of the week try for your maxes. Maybe even spread it over two days - not sure.
Blut wump's alternative should work fine. If this was for a comp you'd not be focusing so heavily on triples and peaking them out but instead segwaying down to doubles and singles. In reality this is a good alternative, not perfect but definitely good enough.
Thanks bros. Think it'll be worth much versus just going for a single after 3x3? I know it'd be a little better to deload a bit and then max, but if it'll likely be 10 or so pounds I don't really care to spend that much time just to test 1rm. Thoughts?
I went for a 1RM a few days after my first complete run of the 5x5 and couldn't even manage the weight I'd done for a triple the previous week. It was then I had to concede that I was in dire need of another deload.
Squat 2x3: 395, 1x3: 405
Bench 1x3: 315
Row 1x3: 300
EDIT: also did needsize' ab routine w/ 10 lb plate, then curls w/ 110 bb for 1x9, 1x8
-This "week" will be tues, fri, tues for training days. Kinda wish I would have spread out last week too but it still went well.
-I just couldn't resist going to 4 plates on squat. I actually found it easier than when I ramped up to 405 for one set last time. I had one of the trainers at the gym spot me and he was shocked at how deep I went. It's sad but true that I have never seen anyone squat 4 plates in this gym (not even for 1/2 reps), and there are some big dudes that work out here. Must have some good sources
-Thrilled about bench. With this I have officially hit all of the strength goals I set in my head for this program. This is equal to what I put up while on gear, so I am now officially as strong/stronger naturally than I was while juicing at 10 pounds heavier about 5 months ago. I think some of it has to do with getting more comfortable using a powerlifting style of movement (elbows tucked in, big arch, etc.).