Ok, my good bro Mr. P has got me talked into keeping this log in conjunction with his. And I suppose he is right as he is my inspiration for where I wanna go.
It should be kind of an interesting comparison as Mr. P is going for lean mass and I am going for total mass. But in the end I wanna look more like him....but taller... then I do now.
Right now I am kind of a doughy dumpy looking 50yr old. Am 6'1" tall. When I started this back on July 7, I weighed 230 and was between 14 and 16% bf.
As of now today am still 6'1" believe it or not LOL.....245Lbs and between 16 and 18% bf. Because Im doing this 12 month blast and cruise not too concerned about that bf%. Right now am in blast mode. The excess weight can be reduced during my cruise.
I just wanna say right here much thanks to my good brother RADAR for all of his help and time and counseling in getting this off the ground.
Also fyi I am doing this and I am on HRT.
My HRT is 250mg/week Test Deconate
125mg/week Deca. This specifically for joint and soft tissue therapy.
My cardio is 5 min on the recumbent bike at an hr of 130- WU for lifting.
My blast cycle is as follows;
1-7 drol 50m/day so far I like this but would prolly go to 100mg/day now that I know how I react to it.
1-10 Test sust 500mg/week
1-7 NPP 300mg/week
Week 1-10 Forma Stanz as needed per directions.
Week 1-10 Mast 500mg/week
Week 1-10 N2Guard 2 caps/day
Week 10-20 Test Deconate 200mg/week
Week 10-18 dbol 10 mg/day
Week 10-20 Forged Liver as directed on can.
Week 10-18 sarms S4 1/4 dropper/day
Throughout cycle Aromasin as necessary.
Throughout cycle Dostinex as necessary.
Repeat for 12 month duration.
Workout program, work sets only.
I do have significant knee issues as you will see in my squat numbers. But I do em and I am moving up in weight slowly and surely.
Rack pulls 5sets of 3@415
Standing over head press 5x5@115
DBL single arm curls 5x3@50
Bk Squats 2x20@135
Flt bench 5x5@245
Bentover rows 5x5@245
Laying french press 2x10@40
Rack pulls 5x3@405
Standing BBL overhead press 4x5@115
DBL single arm curls 5x5@45
Dips 5x5@bod weight + 70lbs (bod weight 245Lbs)
Bk Squats 2x10@135 (sore knee)
Flt Bench 4x5@245
Bent BBL row 5x5@245
Laying french press 5x5@40
Dead lift 5x3@350
Standing OverHeadPress 5x5@110 (feeling whipped)
Dips 3x15@Bod weight
DBL single arm curls 2x5@40
Bk Squats 1x5@185, 1x3@185, 2x10@135
Flt bench 5x5@235
Bent BBL row 5x5@235
Layiny french press 3x5@40
So there is an idea for you of what Ive been up to.
What I look like now,
Diet.......The drol kills my appetite. So I am force feeding right now.
Tipical day is this,
3 pcs multigrain toast with 1.5 tablespoons natty penutbutter on each.
16oz 2% milk
1 cup 2%cottage cheese.
1 cup 2% cottage cheese
Big sandwich deli meat, lettuce and cheese on Multi grain bread, no spreads.
16 oz 2% milk
Shake, 2 scoops powder=26 grms protein. + 8oz 2%milk.
Meat (16 oz min) and potatoes + 16 oz 2% milk
Now this is all subject to change real soon. Our gr8 bro N2 the Master Blaster has taken pity on my self and is setting me up a custom program.
So its gonna be a suprize for me as well as for all of you.
Best regards all and keep liftin!
It should be kind of an interesting comparison as Mr. P is going for lean mass and I am going for total mass. But in the end I wanna look more like him....but taller... then I do now.
Right now I am kind of a doughy dumpy looking 50yr old. Am 6'1" tall. When I started this back on July 7, I weighed 230 and was between 14 and 16% bf.
As of now today am still 6'1" believe it or not LOL.....245Lbs and between 16 and 18% bf. Because Im doing this 12 month blast and cruise not too concerned about that bf%. Right now am in blast mode. The excess weight can be reduced during my cruise.
I just wanna say right here much thanks to my good brother RADAR for all of his help and time and counseling in getting this off the ground.
Also fyi I am doing this and I am on HRT.
My HRT is 250mg/week Test Deconate
125mg/week Deca. This specifically for joint and soft tissue therapy.
My cardio is 5 min on the recumbent bike at an hr of 130- WU for lifting.
My blast cycle is as follows;
1-7 drol 50m/day so far I like this but would prolly go to 100mg/day now that I know how I react to it.
1-10 Test sust 500mg/week
1-7 NPP 300mg/week
Week 1-10 Forma Stanz as needed per directions.
Week 1-10 Mast 500mg/week
Week 1-10 N2Guard 2 caps/day
Week 10-20 Test Deconate 200mg/week
Week 10-18 dbol 10 mg/day
Week 10-20 Forged Liver as directed on can.
Week 10-18 sarms S4 1/4 dropper/day
Throughout cycle Aromasin as necessary.
Throughout cycle Dostinex as necessary.
Repeat for 12 month duration.
Workout program, work sets only.
I do have significant knee issues as you will see in my squat numbers. But I do em and I am moving up in weight slowly and surely.
Rack pulls 5sets of 3@415
Standing over head press 5x5@115
DBL single arm curls 5x3@50
Bk Squats 2x20@135
Flt bench 5x5@245
Bentover rows 5x5@245
Laying french press 2x10@40
Rack pulls 5x3@405
Standing BBL overhead press 4x5@115
DBL single arm curls 5x5@45
Dips 5x5@bod weight + 70lbs (bod weight 245Lbs)
Bk Squats 2x10@135 (sore knee)
Flt Bench 4x5@245
Bent BBL row 5x5@245
Laying french press 5x5@40
Dead lift 5x3@350
Standing OverHeadPress 5x5@110 (feeling whipped)
Dips 3x15@Bod weight
DBL single arm curls 2x5@40
Bk Squats 1x5@185, 1x3@185, 2x10@135
Flt bench 5x5@235
Bent BBL row 5x5@235
Layiny french press 3x5@40
So there is an idea for you of what Ive been up to.
What I look like now,
Diet.......The drol kills my appetite. So I am force feeding right now.
Tipical day is this,
3 pcs multigrain toast with 1.5 tablespoons natty penutbutter on each.
16oz 2% milk
1 cup 2%cottage cheese.
1 cup 2% cottage cheese
Big sandwich deli meat, lettuce and cheese on Multi grain bread, no spreads.
16 oz 2% milk
Shake, 2 scoops powder=26 grms protein. + 8oz 2%milk.
Meat (16 oz min) and potatoes + 16 oz 2% milk
Now this is all subject to change real soon. Our gr8 bro N2 the Master Blaster has taken pity on my self and is setting me up a custom program.
So its gonna be a suprize for me as well as for all of you.
Best regards all and keep liftin!

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