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Recent content by Daisy_Girl

  1. D

    Helping wife with CKD - 2 months post-birth of second child...

    This. And, honestly, I'd drop the "salad mix" and either do straight spinach/kale mix. Or drop the "salad" altogether and do steamed broccoli, asparagus, or green beans. More fiber, more filling. Along that line, I am not familiar w the brand of ranch dressing, but I'd bet a balsamic and...
  2. D


    Holy shit. You've been dealing w these issues for about ten fraking years. I remember you and these SAME posts from easy 8+ years ago.
  3. D


    If you have taken (or are taking) glutamine Pre/post workout .... Did you like it? Did you notice a difference? What brand did you use?
  4. D

    Looking for advice!! :)

    Don't focus on the scale as much. It can be a great tool to help guide you, but can also be a demotivator at times. Your weight can change due to a variety of factors - water retention, salt intake, carb intake, when you worked out last, your sleep, etc. don't use your weight as your only...
  5. D

    First Time Anavar Cycle

    This is not going to be sugar coated, sorry. Your diet is jacked up. There is little to no real food in there, and half of what you are eating is crap. You don't eat a PROPER MEAL until 7pm. A cup of mixed fruit? What part of a snack of "mixed fruit" screams "build muscle and lose fat" to you...
  6. D

    Need some expert advice :)

    Running is a fabulous form of cardio. No reason to drop it. Doing constant steady state cardio of ANY kind is not the best for fat loss - whether it is running, elliptical, stairs, etc. So it is not that you need to stop running, but just changing your types of workouts that is important. Most...
  7. D

    My girls weight

    I'd agree with this. Yeah, muscle weighs more than fat, but if she is gaining a couple pounds, it is unlikely she is adding a couple lbs of muscle so fast. Likely she increased her calories. All excess calories can add weight - even clean calories. She may be retaining water too though...
  8. D

    OK...Here's My Dilemma...

    I suck at taking viatmins too. Even when pregnant, I rarely took my prenatals and went into severely anemic levels since the baby was taking everything from my food. Doctor was WAY pissed at me. I always have the best intentions, but forget. sigghhhhh I didn't think about egg yolks and fat in...
  9. D

    OK...Here's My Dilemma...

    Couple things jump out at me. I may have overlooked something, sorry if I did. First, where is your fat intake? I see virtually NO fat intake. Add some almonds, walnuts, flax, etc. Second, are you not eating anything at all between 6:30pm and 7:00am? Aye chihuahua. That is 12 hours with...
  10. D

    Is there a difference between male/female dieting

    No, not really. Obviously, most females will eat a lower amount of calories than a male. And therefore, each macro amount will be less. But overall - in general - what works for a male should work for a female. Now, as with males, you are going to run into individual differences. What works for...
  11. D

    Stranger Danger

    Heyyyyy there RW! Things good. Trying to get some mojo back, was in a good groove, last couple weeks rough.... But things gunna get better! :)
  12. D

    Drinking water

    4 liters is just over 1 gallon. If you work out at all then that is nowhere NEAR intoxication levels. Unless you drink 4 liters in one sitting. I drink 4 liters on a bad day. lol
  13. D


    What supplements do you love? For any purpose - fat burning, appetite suppressant, health benefits, etc etc I am >thisclose< to being done breastfeeding my one year old and have my body all to myself! I am curious what others take and why! :)
  14. D

    take it easy on me, im new!

    Help us help you - we need more info. Lay out exactly what you eat most days - food, amounts, condiments, time when you eat, etc. Also, lay out specifically what you do in the gym. Exercises, weight, time spent, intensity, time of day, etc. More info we have , better we can help!
  15. D

    ANAVAR Help

    Define "healthy" - this has a very broad range. Healthy is good, no doubt. But diet on AAS needs to be beyond healthy. A sample day would be helpful. What does weight training look like? What exercises, weights, splits, rep range, sets....
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