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Recent content by beachhead06

  1. beachhead06

    Deadlifts - the most misunderstood exercise?

    I loved this quote. I've heard it way too many times myself as well.
  2. beachhead06

    Clomid on cycle to reduce test sides?

    Do you think an Aromatase Inhibitor such as Letro, Arimidex, or Aromasin could work versus a SERM?
  3. beachhead06

    Clomid on cycle to reduce test sides?

    I'm looking for a way to reduce test prop related acne. I seem to break out bad if I'm running test so I thought I might have some luck in using clomid with the test to reduce the test/estrogen converting and producing acne as a side effect. I'm under the impression that it is the imbalance...
  4. beachhead06

    1st homebrew

    What do you mean by that? Are you asking if you should be using a 22guage needle? 2nd, a 1000lm sounds like a lot for a 1st run batch, IMO... I'd start smaller, to ensure quality and safety before going bigger.
  5. beachhead06

    Most secure encryped mail?

    There is no way to prove that any one e-mail service is the most secure. Sorry but this is like asking what is the best supplement, unless you have a scientific unbiased way of testing no one can say for sure. Some might be better than others but in the end most encrypted e-mail services are...
  6. beachhead06

    I just saw Bigger Stronger Faster...great movie!

    It is really well developed. Offers quite a nice background is definitely worth buying. As far as I know there really isn't anything quite like it out there. Does anyone else know of others?
  7. beachhead06

    Steroid Laws Canada

    Guess that wasn't such a good idea...
  8. beachhead06

    implant laws?

    I think I know what is going on here. You are walking a gray line but I think you already knew that. So IMO here's the deal using implants in a manner not consistent with their intended use is illegal. So if your cattle need implants you should be good to go. Think of it like this, just...
  9. beachhead06

    So I found a pill on the floor at work today

    Don't give back the pill. Instead throw her a little baggy of white powder and see how that goes over!:Popcorn::)
  10. beachhead06

    implant laws?

    Post up a link to the article is question, or the article it self, and we will see if we can help clarify this for you.
  11. beachhead06

    my crazy life

    Pics of said girls or no one will believe you!:p
  12. beachhead06

    ingrown groin hair->staph infection->absess->lanced and drained->antibiotics...

    rnch, I there with you... Fucking eh it suxs!
  13. beachhead06

    my crazy life

    Wow, does the fun ever end!?! LMAO!
  14. beachhead06

    HGH and HCG

    enancer420nj, I'm sure you know this but I'll restate it for everyone's benefit. (just never mix oil based and water based in the same pin, this is a sure fire way to get a cyst)
  15. beachhead06

    It's time for "which one would you pick" again, kiddies

    I don't really care where it is, tats on chicks is hot! But ribcage is definitely hot.
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