No, I didn't buy it. It came free in the mail.
Ok, product description promises "the quickest path to instant gratification without the mess."
So it claims to "the most inviting mouth, vagina or ass you will ever have". I guess you had to close your eyes and imagine that one.
So I decide to try it. Out of curiousity you know... Boy out of the box, this thing was limp. We are talking dead jellyfish here. And felt the same way. So I emptied the packet of lube - included free! - into it and tried in on. Sort of. I mean, I tried to try it on. But the bitch was too tight. I only got a couple of inches into it before it snagged and just wouldn't go any further. It looked like I had the world's longest foreskin. Which might be hot to some of you, but it was quite creepy to me. So getting a firm grip (ha!) I just shoved it all the way down. Big mistake. What happened then was it didn't move past the point I was stuck in it. all it did was fold over, turn itself inside out and fling lube everywhere.
So I pull it off and decide maybe I should lube my dick first. That seemed to do the trick. Although, I didn't get the point that if you have to smear lube all over your dick yourself, what is the point? Your hand is already lubed up, might as well use it. Not to mention it doesn't exactly live up to the promise "mess free".
So the inside is ribbed and designed to stimulate you more. You would think it would be a nice touch, but instead when you stroke up and down it makes a noise like a cheap plastic xylophone. (skin flute - hahaha) it goes Badaloop, Badaloop, badaloop and then when you really pick up speed it goes badaloopbadabadabadabadabdabadaloooplooplooplooplopplooplooop.... I counldn't turn the volume of my porn up loud enough to drown out this distraction.
Needless to say, I lost interest. I can't possibly see what use one would get out of this at all. Unless you did something like use it for a protective cover for your expensive glass dildo.

Ok, product description promises "the quickest path to instant gratification without the mess."
So it claims to "the most inviting mouth, vagina or ass you will ever have". I guess you had to close your eyes and imagine that one.
So I decide to try it. Out of curiousity you know... Boy out of the box, this thing was limp. We are talking dead jellyfish here. And felt the same way. So I emptied the packet of lube - included free! - into it and tried in on. Sort of. I mean, I tried to try it on. But the bitch was too tight. I only got a couple of inches into it before it snagged and just wouldn't go any further. It looked like I had the world's longest foreskin. Which might be hot to some of you, but it was quite creepy to me. So getting a firm grip (ha!) I just shoved it all the way down. Big mistake. What happened then was it didn't move past the point I was stuck in it. all it did was fold over, turn itself inside out and fling lube everywhere.
So I pull it off and decide maybe I should lube my dick first. That seemed to do the trick. Although, I didn't get the point that if you have to smear lube all over your dick yourself, what is the point? Your hand is already lubed up, might as well use it. Not to mention it doesn't exactly live up to the promise "mess free".
So the inside is ribbed and designed to stimulate you more. You would think it would be a nice touch, but instead when you stroke up and down it makes a noise like a cheap plastic xylophone. (skin flute - hahaha) it goes Badaloop, Badaloop, badaloop and then when you really pick up speed it goes badaloopbadabadabadabadabdabadaloooplooplooplooplopplooplooop.... I counldn't turn the volume of my porn up loud enough to drown out this distraction.
Needless to say, I lost interest. I can't possibly see what use one would get out of this at all. Unless you did something like use it for a protective cover for your expensive glass dildo.