Anyone looking to experiment with something different might want to give this a try, I developed it and have been successfully losing fat for a few weeks, very rapidly. Its an eating pattern I feel closely mimmics the way humans for the greater part of our existence on earth.
-Its a high protein/low carbohydrate/moderate fat diet. Absolutely no sugar, bread, starches, packaged foods, dairy, grains, wheat, fatty foods. Supplements can be used but try to emphasize a paleolithic eating pattern, natural foods that could be eaten uncooked, and were available during the times when fat burining was optimal, winter season (minimal fruits).
We have some evidence the way humans used to eat, and by looking at primitive cultures as of recent meat is a big part of their diet. We were hunter/gatherers and theres even evidence to suggest we're mainly hunters and gathering took place much later in our history.
Looking at predator animals, they don't eat most of the time, until they hunt their food. They will eat a huge meal, then rest. Hunting is anearobic, like weight lifting, short and intense, then after the hunt they'd eat. So the pattern would be no food, workout and eat a huge meal.
-Diet controls insulin, utilizes glucagon which allows fat to released from fat cells.
-Serge Nubret, Thierry Pastel (2 very successful bodybuilders as well as Rock Marciano ate like this)
-The 2 most recent Ironman magazines had an article called protein pulse, check it out in the newsstands or look protein pulse up on the google search. Basically eating 80% protein in one large meal instead of smaller ones increased protein synthesis by 19% as opposed to the 2.5% increase from just adding protein into smaller meals. He also says the only way to increase protein efficiency is a protein fast (not eating) and muscle contractions (lifting) this plan takes advantage of both these by not eating then eating after the workout (hunt). Studies using protein infusion (injecting aminos in the blood) showed protein synthesis STOPPED after the 2hr mark, so any protein taken in after the initial protein had no effect on muscles, basically it was being wasted in terms of its effect on building muscle.
-protein cant be broken down after only 3 hrs or humans would never have survived for thousands of years, we couldnt always been eating 5-6x day, this idea became popular when MRP's came to the market
-Look at feeding habbits of animals, animals that graze are usually vegetarians grazing on grass, leaves, etc. Carnivores (I know we're omnivores, but we can thrive on an all meat diet, not that I recommend it) eat large meals infrequently, b/c there isn't meat laying around everywhere like there is greens. Humans only animal that grazes eating meat, b/c of modern technology like refrigerators, etc.
-Workout 4x week, I do Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri. Lifting weights (cardio optional, ideally HIIT if used)
Lift hard and heavy, within the 6-8 rep range to maintain muscle mass. Superset exercises with little rest.
ex. Mon Chest and Biceps, Tues Back and Triceps, Thurs. Quads and Hamstrings, Fri. Shoulders and Calves.
ex. superset is 1 set incline DB. Bench Press, no rest, Barbell Curls, 60-90sec rest, repeat.
-Workouts would ideally be after 4pm, most predator animals will hunt for the food in the evening.
-Diet for workout days
Thermogenic if desired, try to avoid coffee as it causes an insulin release, which will stop fat burning
-glutamine if desired, .35g per lb bodyweight before and .35g per lb after workout. Increases muscle mass, glycogen storage, strength, fat burning (Poliquin, Serrano, DiPasquale recommendations)
-optional food during day only if necessary, must not allow insulin response, so ideally lean protein sources supplement with fish oil or flax. Possibly some dark green veggies as well if desired, and nuts.
-After workout
Lean protein, I consume between 2-3 lbs. top round steak.
15-20 fish oil capsules
1lb bag of green beans, broccoli
-Wed, Sat, Sun (nonlifting days)
option A (my choice)-carbs in an evening meal/meals from green vegetables only, no protein
option B-fast, no food at all, increase fat buring,most will think this is crazy, but fasting is absolutely natural and healthy and allows detoxification, etc. which I will discuss later but is too much to get into in this message.
option C-Fast Wed, Sat and have a carb load/or cheat meal Sun night.
General Rules- Ideally 1 meal consumed after workout if possible
1-3g protein per lb. bodyweight
0-50 g carbs from greens (lifting days)
0 or 100-150g carbs on nonlifting days (fast or carb load)
.25-.75 g fat per lb. bodyweight
General ratios:
60-75% protein
25-40% fat
Carbs counted in abolute amount, not in ratio. Recent studies suggest body can store roughly 100g carbs as glycogen
-Lean protein sources:Beef, Turkey, Chicken, Fish, Tuna, Egg w/ Egg whites, Ostrich, Buffalo, Venison, and game meats.
rotein foods, fish oils (best), cod liver oil, flaxseed oil, olive oil, coconut, nut butters, nuts (no peanuts or cashews)
Carbs:green vegetables
So there it is, if anyone tries it let me know, I have more to discuss but am short on time, I have a lot more points to bring up and will do so later.
-Its a high protein/low carbohydrate/moderate fat diet. Absolutely no sugar, bread, starches, packaged foods, dairy, grains, wheat, fatty foods. Supplements can be used but try to emphasize a paleolithic eating pattern, natural foods that could be eaten uncooked, and were available during the times when fat burining was optimal, winter season (minimal fruits).
We have some evidence the way humans used to eat, and by looking at primitive cultures as of recent meat is a big part of their diet. We were hunter/gatherers and theres even evidence to suggest we're mainly hunters and gathering took place much later in our history.
Looking at predator animals, they don't eat most of the time, until they hunt their food. They will eat a huge meal, then rest. Hunting is anearobic, like weight lifting, short and intense, then after the hunt they'd eat. So the pattern would be no food, workout and eat a huge meal.
-Diet controls insulin, utilizes glucagon which allows fat to released from fat cells.
-Serge Nubret, Thierry Pastel (2 very successful bodybuilders as well as Rock Marciano ate like this)
-The 2 most recent Ironman magazines had an article called protein pulse, check it out in the newsstands or look protein pulse up on the google search. Basically eating 80% protein in one large meal instead of smaller ones increased protein synthesis by 19% as opposed to the 2.5% increase from just adding protein into smaller meals. He also says the only way to increase protein efficiency is a protein fast (not eating) and muscle contractions (lifting) this plan takes advantage of both these by not eating then eating after the workout (hunt). Studies using protein infusion (injecting aminos in the blood) showed protein synthesis STOPPED after the 2hr mark, so any protein taken in after the initial protein had no effect on muscles, basically it was being wasted in terms of its effect on building muscle.
-protein cant be broken down after only 3 hrs or humans would never have survived for thousands of years, we couldnt always been eating 5-6x day, this idea became popular when MRP's came to the market
-Look at feeding habbits of animals, animals that graze are usually vegetarians grazing on grass, leaves, etc. Carnivores (I know we're omnivores, but we can thrive on an all meat diet, not that I recommend it) eat large meals infrequently, b/c there isn't meat laying around everywhere like there is greens. Humans only animal that grazes eating meat, b/c of modern technology like refrigerators, etc.
-Workout 4x week, I do Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri. Lifting weights (cardio optional, ideally HIIT if used)
Lift hard and heavy, within the 6-8 rep range to maintain muscle mass. Superset exercises with little rest.
ex. Mon Chest and Biceps, Tues Back and Triceps, Thurs. Quads and Hamstrings, Fri. Shoulders and Calves.
ex. superset is 1 set incline DB. Bench Press, no rest, Barbell Curls, 60-90sec rest, repeat.
-Workouts would ideally be after 4pm, most predator animals will hunt for the food in the evening.
-Diet for workout days
Thermogenic if desired, try to avoid coffee as it causes an insulin release, which will stop fat burning
-glutamine if desired, .35g per lb bodyweight before and .35g per lb after workout. Increases muscle mass, glycogen storage, strength, fat burning (Poliquin, Serrano, DiPasquale recommendations)
-optional food during day only if necessary, must not allow insulin response, so ideally lean protein sources supplement with fish oil or flax. Possibly some dark green veggies as well if desired, and nuts.
-After workout
Lean protein, I consume between 2-3 lbs. top round steak.
15-20 fish oil capsules
1lb bag of green beans, broccoli
-Wed, Sat, Sun (nonlifting days)
option A (my choice)-carbs in an evening meal/meals from green vegetables only, no protein
option B-fast, no food at all, increase fat buring,most will think this is crazy, but fasting is absolutely natural and healthy and allows detoxification, etc. which I will discuss later but is too much to get into in this message.
option C-Fast Wed, Sat and have a carb load/or cheat meal Sun night.
General Rules- Ideally 1 meal consumed after workout if possible
1-3g protein per lb. bodyweight
0-50 g carbs from greens (lifting days)
0 or 100-150g carbs on nonlifting days (fast or carb load)
.25-.75 g fat per lb. bodyweight
General ratios:
60-75% protein
25-40% fat
Carbs counted in abolute amount, not in ratio. Recent studies suggest body can store roughly 100g carbs as glycogen
-Lean protein sources:Beef, Turkey, Chicken, Fish, Tuna, Egg w/ Egg whites, Ostrich, Buffalo, Venison, and game meats.

Carbs:green vegetables
So there it is, if anyone tries it let me know, I have more to discuss but am short on time, I have a lot more points to bring up and will do so later.