Well, you also have to keep in mind. MD's are not schooled at all in Nutrition so. The "fight" between allopathic and natural healing will be ongoing until the end of time.
They both work well together is all I will say, but in my opinion, med schools need to start actually teaching students about diet.
Have you ever seen an MD who actually said "what are you eating and how can we change your diet to help with your BP or your high chol" NO? They give you 5 mins and give you an rx for Lipitor! And why? Well cause they don't know first line diet therapies.
Our clinic has a high number of MD's as patients.
Also, the ND schools here have a large number of Md's enrolled in their programs.
My boss teaches Advanced Natural Healing and Nutrition and she has two Md's in her class, Both are over 40 yrs old!
They are catching on...