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Beta testers for an online TV platform needed

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New member
Hi all

we are launching a new p2p broadcasting and chat platform and we are looking for people who could help us out with beta-testing.
The platform has the function to broadcast any pc game you are playing with the option that the viewers can chat and comment on the gameplay.
if there is anyone willing to participate, please check - IF I WANT TO ADVERTISE HERE I WILL PAY, OTHERWISE IT'S NOT FAIR TO THOSE WHO DO PAY - and try broadcasting a game you are playing and leave feedback:)


ps. we have an awesome strongman channel there;)
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Wtf is this shit?

I'm gonna ban you later if someone else doesn't do it first.
sry if it is inappropriate,
i thought i`ll look for beta testers here, because you might be interested in the strongman channel we have running on the site
i know it smells like spam, and in a way it probably is.
but the thing is that we are really looking for the first testers and we are looking for them from places that we hope people would be interested in the channels so they test what they like.
at least that`s how it was in our heads: )
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