oh HAI!

how are you?
LipoStim3 Is much like new generation Thermo you used a year ago, but LipoStim3 is more potent in the fat loss Department.
LipoStim3 Mimics Ephedrine's benefits without the Side Effect, and works via similar/same pathways
LipoStim3 works via Epinephrine ( Like Ephedrine) and other Neurotransmitters which affect cAMP.
Also Beta Adr. receptor is addressed ( bronchial dilation) via the Tea extracts we use.
And also Positive mood that endures was a focus which leads to a cascade of benefits that
lend themselves to a "leaner" life. ( more activity)
Also LipoStim3
~Does not deplete your central nervous system Unlike Ephedrine
~No Jitters or anxiety
~Elevates Metabolism sharply without rebound
~Makes your mind SUPER sharp, literally faster and with more recall.
~Heart rate does not elevate artificially
LIPOFLAME is faster acting so when you take LipoStim3 earlier in the day the LIPOFLAME will piggy back onto that effect and also provide Acute Fat Burning while you do Cardio or Working out.
So thus LIPOFLAME provides "preferential" Fat Burining while you workout.
If you do cardio or Legs in the Morning , use LIPOFLAME™ in the Morning and LipoStim3™ midday. Either way you win!