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Taking Anabolic Steroids 101!

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OK you have it in your head you want to do a cycle of steroids. You want to get ripped for summer. You can't seem to get bigger then 165lb's or what ever retarded reason you got in your head. Maybe you are 300lb and want to cut down to 190 in 3 months. Who knows what the reason.

Well To help you out I have put together a check list of musts and must reads. A check list of info you need to know, and things you should keep in mind. I list of dues and a list of do not. Now my advice to you is to read this entire thread from start to finish because I will come back to this thread many times throughout my life and I will update if and when I ever learn anything knew. Or when I get time to add more of what I know now to this thread. So bypass any of the post made by other people and just look for the post I have made and you will do fine.

My last peace of advice is please do not bother posting in this thread and asking me for advice. In doing this it could take months before I ever see your post and get back to you. NO please send me a PM or you can email me at [email protected] or call me direct 978 378 4266. The best times to reach me is late at night any time past 7pm est time because this is when I am least busy. My business day is over and I am in front of my computer researching or helping out the good bros all over the world... Thank you for trusting me with your life because that is what you put into my hands when you seek my advice. Don't take advice from just anyone friends and never take the advice of some pin head who runs around the forums spewing off what he sees everyone else saying in hopes to seem like he knows something. You are going to come across thousands of self proclaimed experts as you start to research steroids and supplements. Only a handful truly know somewhat more than the avg and fewer still have earned the title of expert.

Ok lets go over the whole thing from the top. You come to a steroid forum like elite fitness and your first thread is one of the following.

1. I was wondering what my friend should take to cut up for summer.

2. I got 3 bottles of test 2 deca and 10 trens. How do I use it all.

3. I heard you can drink winny and fart lighting bolts. Tis this true and will it get me jacked. Ps this is my first cycle.

No matter what the thread looks like if it does not include.
Age,weight,height, if its your first cycle,the number of cycles you have done,what past cycles looked like, how long you been training (hard core),your diet

And when I say diet I mean.

This is the exact amount of calories I take in each day. This is the exact amount of protein, carbohydrates, and fat in grams a take in each day. I know this because I keep track of it to a T and have done so for months now.

Well then come back in 3-4 months when you have this information. Why? well you could try to move forward and get advice but more then likely any advice you get will be sub par.

OK some other things that negate you from getting advice about steroids. IMO
under 18 don't even think a single person will help you. If I found out they did I will ban you and I will ban them to.

under 21. Well its prett frowned on but its best if you are over 21 for a number of reasons.

Over 40% body fat with high blood pressure and a slew of heath problems. Please get healthy before you jump on steroids. Its ok to be a little over weight but damn we will not aid you in killing yourself..

If you are on every medacation under the sun you might want to tell people that. It could mean life or death. Just a thought.

Ok now that we have this out of the way lets go over the things you should research on your own anyway. Look I will make it real simple for you.

AI's,gyno on cycle problems

Lets go over this first as you will need to know this.

Also if after reading this thread you would like my Personal 1 on 1 training advice on chemical enhancement please ready

Of course you can all pm me any time of day and i will help you. I never turn down helping a member. However some need a lot more help then others. Or they want the whole package and need a complete program made for them with step by step help the whole way. If this is you click the link ^^^^
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Anti estrogen drugs not only help minimize side effects while on a steroid cycle, they are also extremely important in post cycle therapy.

Anti Estrogen Drugs

Anti Estrogen Drugs are used to reduce the estrogenic activity in the body. The drugs either reduce the estrogen or reduce the activity of the estrogen. Aromatase inhibitors work by inhibiting the action of the enzyme aromatase, which converts androgens into estrogens by a process called aromatization. In regards to anabolic steroids, they bind to the same binding site on the aromatase enzyme that testosterone does. In turn, less testosterone is converted to estrogen.

Arimidex (Anastrozole) is what we call an aromatase inhibitor (AI). In clinical use, it´s used to halt the progression of Breast Cancer in women. It works by blocking the aromatase enzyme, which is responsible for the production of estrogen. In athletics and bodybuilding, it is used as an ancillary compound to be added to a cycle of Anabolic Steroids. In this respect it is also used for its estrogen reducing properties, but it has the additional benefit of increasing testosterone levels, as we´ll see...
Arimidex Side Effects

Many anabolic steroids aromatize (convert to estrogen via the aromatase enzyme), and this is responsible for many of the unwanted side effects found with anabolic steroid use (acne, gynocomastia, water-retention, etc...). In one study, both .5mg and 1mg doses of Arimidex were shown to decrease estrogen by roughly 50%. The 1mg/day dose also increased testosterone levels by 58% (1). In that same study, in both groups, LH and FSH also went up slightly.

Take a look:

Changes in testosterone and E2 concentrations in normal young men (15 22 yr old) before () and after 10 days of oral anastrozole at 0.5 and 1 mg.(1)

This would seem to suggest that for use during a cycle, a dose of .5mgs/day would be sufficient to combat estrogen-related side effects. It is, however, important to remember that some estrogen is necessary to obtain optimal muscle growth. The lower estrogen levels provided by ´dex seems, anecdotally at least, to produce a more "hard" and "quality" look for bodybuilders who have experimented with it´s use in either a cutting or bulking cycle.

I´d like to point out that the elevation in Testosterone provided by Arimidex is so large that it can be used as a "form" of testosterone replacement therapy for hypogonadal men (2). Clearly, this suggests its use in a post-cycle-therapy (as well as its previously discussed use within a cycle) to regain natural testosterone levels and full functioning of the HPTA (Hypothalamic-Testicular-Pituitary-Axis).

Literature provided by the original maker of Anastrozole (Arimidex, produced by Zeneca Pharmaceuticals) states that stable blood plasma concentrations of the compound are achieved after a mere 7 consecutive 1mg daily doses. Also, Arimidex is just over 80% effective at inhibiting aromatase (3). Thus, if you want to take it for the entire duration of a cycle of anabolic steroids, you can simply start taking it on the same day you begin your cycle. Those are some pretty good numbers, huh?

But can you use it for the entire duration of a cycle? Is it dangerous? Well, certainly reducing estrogen levels in your body is good from a body building point of view, as it reduces water-retention and the potential for gynocomastia (if there´s no estrogen in your body, you can´t get gyno, regardless of how much progesterone is floating around)(5). Luckily this stuff is very mild on blood lipids (cholesterol) and doesn´t affect them adversely (2), in the studies I´ve seen.
Arimidex and Cholestrol

As previously mentioned, those lowered estrogen levels could possibly (eventually) adversely affect your cholesterol and possibly even your immune function. I am, however, very comfortable recommending Arimidex for relatively long-term use. This should be the ancillary compound of choice for those on long and heavy cycles, especially since it also doesn´t inhibit igf like some other ancillary compounds (insulin-like-growth-factor is an important component of anabolism)(4).

Chemical Name: Femara
Drug Class: Type-II Aromatase Inhibitor
Letrozole is Novartis’ entry into the breast cancer treatment world. It’s a Type-II Aromatase Inhibitor (AI), which means that it competitively binds to the aromatase enzyme and inhibits the enzyme’s ability to metabolize testosterone into estrogen. This drug was developed to fight breast cancer by inhibiting the aromatization.

Letrozole is probably the most powerful Aromatase Inhibitor used by athletes today. It has been shown to reduce estrogen levels in women with breast cancer by 98% or more (1). SO clearly, it’s useful for administration to male steroid using athletes who are eager to prevent some of estrogen’s nastier effects on their bodies- development of breast tissue, water retention, etc…

When we take a look at its effects in men, Letrozole actually reduced estrogen in one test subject to undetectable levels (2). In another clinical study, intravenous administration of Letrozole (2.5mcg for 28 days), Letrozole lowered Estrogen by 46% in the young men tested, and 62% in the elderly subjects. In addition, Letrozole also significantly increased LH levels to a whopping 339 and 323% in the young and the elderly, respectively and Testosterone by 146 and 99%, respectively. (3) Letrozole was also able to produce a peak LH response to Gonadatropin Releasing Hormone equal to a 152 and 52% increase from baseline in either young or older men, respectively.

As you can see, Letrozole is a very powerful drug, and as a result, only very tiny doses are necessary. An effective daily dose of Letrozole for most people is usually about .25-.5mg/day, even though clinically, it is typically used at 2.5mgs/day. Twenty micrograms of Letro was enough, in one study done on men, to reduce estrogen levels by almost a third. (4)

Letrozole’s effects on cholesterol are, really difficult to pin down precisely. They are, in the words of one researcher: "inconsistent.” I can tell you that in my opinion, reducing your bodies estrogen to virtually nothing, will eventually take its toll on your cholesterol profile, and will kill your sex drive and your joints- all of which require estrogen to function safely and effectively.

Even if you take very low doses of Letrozole, it will build up to reasonable blood plasma levels, as it has a 2-4 day half-life, and this long half life also means you need to take Letrozole for 60 days to get a steady blood plasma level (5), and that it will take a very long time to clear out of your system.

Letrozole is the only pharmacological “cure” for gyno that I know of to have ever worked in bodybuilders. In a study conducted on rodents, Letrozole was able to effectively destroy breast tissue tumors (6), and it’s also been effective on many bodybuilders who have used it to eliminate an existing case of gynocomastia. In my case, I used Letro to get rid of my own gyno, by starting with a dose of 2.5mgs/day and then lowering it by .25mcgs per week once my symptoms abated.

With regards to using this stuff on a cycle, unless you are extremely gyno prone, or need to reduce estrogen levels to virtually nothing (for a bodybuilding contest or whatever), it’s going to be too powerful for most people. Male and female competitors typically use it to get the last bits of estrogen related water retention out of them during the final weeks of contest preparation. But when used on a typical cycle, Letro is generally overkill unless a ripped look with zero water and estrogen is desired or if the user is prone to gyno.

Aromasin (Exemestane) is one of those weird compounds that nobody really knows what to do with. What we generally hear about it makes it very uninteresting…It’s a third generation Aromatase Inhibitor (AI) just like Arimidex (Anastrozole) and Femera (Letrozole). Both of those two drugs are very efficient at stopping the conversion of androgens into estrogen, and since we have them, why bother with Aromasin? It’s a little harder to get than the other two commonly used aromatase inhibitors, because it’s not in high demand, and there’s never been a readily apparent advantage to using it. And I mean…lets face it: It’s awkward-sounding. Aromasin doesn’t have much of a ring to it, and exemestane is even worse. Arimidex has a bunch of cool abbreviations ("A-dex" or just ‘dex) and even Letrozole is just "Letro" to most people. Where’s the cool nickname for Aromasin/exemestane? A-Sin? E-Stane? It just doesn’t work. It’s the black sheep of AIs. And why do we even need it when we have Letrozole, which is by far the most efficient AI for stopping aromatization (the process by which your body converts testosterone into estrogen)? Letro can reduce estrogen levels by 98% or greater; clinically a dose as low as 100mcgs has been shown to provide maximum aromatase inhibition (2)! So why would we need any other AIs? Well, first of all, estrogen is necessary for healthy joints (3) as well as a healthy immune system (4). So getting rid of 98% of the estrogen in your body for an extended period of time may not be the best of ideas. This may be useful on an extreme cutting cycle, leading up to a bodybuilding contest, or if you are particularly prone to gyno, but certainly can’t be used safely for extended periods of time without compromising your joints and immune system.

So that leaves us with Arimidex, which isn’t as potent as Letrozole, but at .5mgs/day will still get rid of around half (50%) of the estrogen in your body. Problem solved, right? Use Arimidex on your typical cycles, and if you are very prone to gyno or are getting ready for a contest, use Letro.
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Dieting bites! Let’s just get that out of the way. Losing weight – particularly the kind of weight a bodybuilder needs to lose, is probably one of the hardest things a person can endeavor. Everyone’s a saboteur: You. Your friends. Your family who sets out a giant spread each time you come over to visit. Even your body wants to foil your attempts to make it look better.
And that’s exactly the point here.

Okay, so it doesn’t purposely want to sabotage you, but what you think is best for yourself cosmetically and what your body thinks is best, is usually opposite. So, it’s hard to get your body to shed weight without tricking, duping and pinning it into submission. It thinks poor little Billy Bodybuilder is starving, so it shuts poor Billy down and says, “I’ll protect you little Billy!” But alas, Billy says, “Dammit! I have a competition in 8 weeks, will you STOP????!”

Your body thinks you should be perfectly happy at 12% body fat. It’ll even let you go to 10% without too much trouble. But try to go further and your body, your doctor and your family goes nuts!

That’s where creative dieting and even drugs come into play. Sure, you can get down reasonably far with diet and exercise alone, but to maintain it or flip your metabolic rate, it’s nearly impossible. There’s also muscle loss, hormones going berserk, and other issues to deal with. We’ve all taken AAS, prohormones, fat burners, and other supplements to try to fix the problem. But nothing will help with that last 5-8% body fat, and the serious diet drugs could send us blazing into a room with an AK-47 and do something pretty out of character, if taken to the extreme.

Thyroid meds are so yesterday. Cortisol blockers are only good if you take them with a perfect diet, perfectly, all the time and even then, not so good. But taking the drug Bromocriptine just may be the answer. It’s safe, legal, and relatively cheap.
But how to beat the four biggest problems of losing body fat: ravenous hunger, metabolic log-jams, an increase in fat storage enzymes, and plummeting hormones? All will prevent you from achieving your ultimate goals. And even when you do lose the fat, losing it initially isn’t the problem, it’s losing it in the long term and keeping it off that is. And how can you beat your lifelong setpoint of weight? That appears to be a brain chemistry issue.
How It Works:

Bromocriptine decodes brain chemistry and supercedes all of the crashing hormones, fat storage enzymes, and faltering metabolism to lend the kind of success you’ve been seeking. It helps disguise that you are starving and prevents your brain from trying to prevent it.

How it does that is by boosting dopamine levels, which decline with age. It also keeps prolactin from being produced out of control. Prolactin comes from the pituitary and isn’t desirable as you age since it suppresses your immune system and, most ghastly, is a fat synthesis hormone. It’s one reason you get fatter as you age.

Bromocriptine also effects other pituitary hormones, including growth hormone. It increases growth hormone for those who have a normal concentration of it, and suppresses it in those who have an overabundance. So if you’re taking a ton of GH, don’t take Bromo. But if you are off season, Bromo is ideal for making great in roads to fat loss so you don’t have to work as hard when you start dieting for a competition and get on a big mass cycle.

Back to dopamine and why Bromo works on fat loss in the first place. Since dopamine declines past the age of 40, by 13% per decade, it triggers the body to want to hang on to fat and protect you as you age from wasting away. But sadly, low dopamine levels also creates mental decline. Taking Bromo for mental acuity and sharpness is a great plan for anyone at this age and over.

Bromocriptine is also being used in disease control and prevention, including cancer andType II Diabetes. In studies with rats who were fed a carcinogenic substance from tobacco known to cause breast cancer, the rats taking Bromo never developed it. Pretty significant.

Diabetes patients taking Bromocriptine saw great results because it has been shown to suppress lypogenesis and improve glucose tolerance and insulin resistance – both crucial to fat loss and the bodybuilder. But it also shows long term metabolic regulation, which can help prevent massive weight gains between competitions and mass and dieting cycles.

Take 1.25 to 2.5mg daily, unless treating a serious medical disorder where dosage may differ according to your physician’s guidance.

Side effects:Nausea, dizziness, lowering of blood pressure, hypotension
Bromocriptine also effects the most for the treatment of Type-II diabetes. This is because Bromocriptine has been shown to suppress lipogenesis and improve glucose tolerance and insulin resistance.

One animal study suggested that a further action of Bromocriptine is to alter the CNS (central nervous system) regulating metabolism, which helps to prevent weight gain.

Bromocriptine is a dopamine agonist drug (meaning it acts like dopamine in the brain), primarily activating the dopamine D2 receptors. It's main use is for the treatment of high prolactin, Parkinson's disease, and acromegaly; it was also used by bodybuilders in the 80's for it's GH releasing properties. However, it's metabolic effects are far greater than that.

In genetically obese rats, bromocriptine normalizes metabolism and there are many good reasons to think it will do the same in humans. Bromocriptine has use during dieting (to minimize the negative adaptations), muscle gain when very lean, and may be beneficial post-steroid cycle. It may also be useful for diabetes treatment and may have pro-sexual effects.

Bromocriptine has a half-life of roughly 12-14 hours, and dosing is 2.5-5 mg/day taken in the morning.

Dostinex (Cabergoline) is a dopamine agonist. Dopamine is a chemical, found in the brain, which transmits nerve impulses and is involved in the formation of epinephrine. More likely than not, this is why the Life-Extentionistas are very big on this drug. Dopamine is also released by the hypothalamus, and hormone can inhibit the release of prolactin from the anterior lobe of the pituitary, so given all the bad things that we have already seen to be a result of excess. If you use anabolic steroids, Dostinex will help you reduce the chance of any of these prolactin related side-effects. It has actually been shown in numerous studies to have a very high success rate in lowering prolactin and prolactin related conditions and side-effects (1) (2).In fact, for management of hyperprolactinemia and it’s symptoms (got milk?), Dostinex is the preferred treatment in terms of effectiveness as well as having very few undesirable side effects (3). It does this very well for both men and women, it should be noted…almost identically actually (4)

Since it lowers prolactin very efficiently, Dostinex will even get rid sexual dysfunction caused by excess prolactin (5) (which is (anecdotally at least) highly correlative with the use of certain steroids like the Nandrolones and Trenbolones (Deca and Tren). This is great news for everyone who loves Tren and Deca, because those two steroids are really great additions to almost any cycle- but many people avoid using them because of the possibility of them causing impotence (often called “deca dick”).

Using Dostinex will allow you to include steroids like Tren and Deca in any cycle- and even combine them in the same cycle- without worrying about sexual dysfunction. In fact…even if you aren’t experiencing any sort of sexual dysfunction, Dostinex will shorten the time you need to recover and gain an erection between orgasms, and can significantly enhance all parameters of sexual drive and function (6). In other words, if you’re not worried about sexual issues and you take Dostinex anyway…it’ll still help you out in bed. And from what I have heard, it’s well worth the money for that effect.

Of course you can actually use Dostinex safely for an extended amount of time (many studies go on for months if not years, and its efficacy and safety are well documented), but women need to be more careful than men, and certainly need to discontinue using it if they’re pregnant or trying to conceive. SO Dostinex can help you, the average steroid user, by combating gyno-like effects, as well as galactorrhea, and sexual dysfunction. Sounds great, right? Of course it is…but since Dostinex is a dopamine agonist, which means it’s good for a whole lot more.

You see Dopamine is what’s called a monoamine, which is naturally produced in the body by modifying an amino acid.

And it’s this structure which makes it very interesting to us. Dostinex as you already know is what’s known as a dopamine “agonist”- or substance that triggers a response in a specific body tissue or group of cells by binding to specific receptor on or inside the cells, as if it were actually the bodily substance that usually binds to that receptor. Probably the one that most people are familiar with, with regards to agonists is ephedrine, which is an andrenergic agonist. This is why ephedrine makes you feel “wired”…it “feels” like adrenaline to your body. Cabergoline is a dopamine agonist…which makes it “feel” like dopamine to your body.

So what does that mean? Well, in the brain, dopamine helps control the flow of information from other areas of the brain. So a dopamine agonist will help you process information more quickly, and possibly improve your memory also. Some athletes use Dostinex because it helps them learn new motor skills more quickly and thus they can learn new techniques or plays at a faster rate than their competition; needless to say this gives the athletes using Dostinex a huge advantage over their competition. This ability to work on your bodies information pathways and nervous system are doubtless why it’s been successfully been used to fight Parkinsons disease (7)(8).

But does this actually work in real athletes? Well, actually, that’s why I started reading about Dostinex. See, I have the fortune of being able to basically call some of the most famous strength coaches in the world whenever I want. And, recently the last time I spoke to one about training and anabolic steroids, I asked him about different training programs for a person on steroids- and his answer said that it depends on whether that person was taking a nootropics or not. And as you may remember, Dostinex is a nootropic. It was that conversation that made me really take a closer look at Dostinex. And of course, that strength coach told me that his athletes have used nootropics with great success. The down side of knowing internationally renowned strength coaches is that their sense of humor is usually a little off, and if you have the fortune of being able to pick their brains on training, you also invariably have the misfortune of ending up on their group e-mail list which gets you a whole host of bizarre forwarded e-mails…

In fact, when you don’t have enough dopamine, you may even have difficulty concentrating…low dopamine levels have also been cited as a possible underlying cause for Attention deficit disorder (ADD) and Attention deficit/ Hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). In fact, many several medications used to treat ADD and ADHD will also serve to stimulate dopaminergic, and this could be one of their possible mechanisms of action.

Dopamine is also what’s called a “pleasure chemical”…it’s usually released by your body when you experience a rewarding experience such as eating your favorite food, having sex, winning the lottery….whatever. Interestingly, since this “happy” effect is felt when you are satiated from food, it’s highly possible that Dopamine agonists will cause you to feel “full” more often and decrease desire for food without the discomfort that dieting usually brings. Dopamine is released when you eat a nice big meal…so…a dopamine agonist like Dostinex may make you not want to eat as much, and help you feel full even if you don’t eat enough. Dostinex, therefore, may be of great interest to precontest bodybuilders and other dieters, who want to avoid some of the discomfort and anxiety that calorie restriction can bring.

Certain recreational drugs also have a lot to do with their effects on dopamine. Cocaine is what is known as a dopamine transporter blocker; what this means is that it competitively inhibits dopamine uptake to increase the amount of time released dopamine is active in your body. This makes you feel good, while the dopamine is floating around your body. Methamphetamine is another illicit (illegal) recreational drug that acts on dopamine as well. It actually serves to competitively inhibit dopamine uptake as well as increasing dopamine flow through a dopamine transporter pathway. That’s how those drugs make you “feel good.” Dostinex is, of course, neither physically nor mentally addictive, but since it is a dopamine agonist, its users often experience an enhanced positive sense of well being. So besides helping with all of the things discussed earlier, Cabergoline will also just make you feel damn good.

So now that I told you about it, I’ll tell you how much Dostinex do you need to start experiencing these effects…or basically, how I’m going to use it, now that I did all this research on it!

From the reading I’ve done, you only need about half a milligram (1/2mg) a week to experience all of the anti-prolactin, prosexual, antidepressant, and cognitive effects of Dostinex, but that’s on the very low end of the effectiveness scale. This stuff has an extremely long active life in the body, so once a week dosing is fine…but if it were me, and I were taking this stuff, I’d probably be using about .25mgs-.5mgs twice a week.

It should be taken before bed-time, because it may actually help you sleep a bit better, (9), Can be taken with or without food and not alter the pharmacokinetics (how it functions in your body) (10), and (incidentally) according to the literature is a much more efficient drug than Bromocriptine (11).
I think once people find out about this drug, it’s going to find it’s way into quite a few bodybuilders’ cycles alongside Tren, Deca, or both…and athletes are going to take advantage of it’s uses for skill acquisition and motor co-ordination help…and all the other stuff…the prosexual properties and general “feel good” properties of Dostinex make it a great choice for anyone interested in …err…feeling good and having better sex…which I suspect is basically everyone, not just bodybuilders and athletes. I guess I should have paid more attention to this stuff when it started appearing on those Life-Extension club pricelists a decade ago…but at least I figured it out now….even if I happen to be a bit late on this one.

Cabergoline is the chemical name of active ingredient in Dostinex. Dostinex is a registered trademark of Pfizer Inc. in the United States and/or other countries.
Progesterone,estrogen,Receptor cross over

OK so let brake things down into simple terms first before i go any more into detail about "receptor cross over"

First thing is first lets talk about hormones and hormone receptors and how they work. The most simple way I have seen it explained is this. Hormones are keys and your receptors are like locks. I have also seen it explained hormones are cars and the receptors are parking lots.

But for this one we will use Keys and locks. Keep this ine mine threw out this thread/post. Keys and locks.

What happens is a hormone is ether placed in the body (by an out side source) or it is produced with in the body. This hormone we will call a "key". The hormone then sets out to find a "lock" that it can fit into,turn, and sequentially open up the
components inside. To go when step more and make it a little more simple I will explain it more.

Imagine your receptors as little treasure chest. Inside is chest it a set of instructions. This set of instructions can be a number of things. It can be derections to another chest or a task that must now be carried out. With out something to open the chest the instructions can never be carried out or the next chest found and opened. Following me ?

Lets go into this even more. Some hormones are more like AAAAAH hmmm "dummy keys" will call them. They will find a "lock" and set them self into the "Lock hole" but then thats it. They never turn the key and open up whats inside. HMMMM interesting I think. So we have the following

So It works like this
1. Key fits a lock. AKA a hormone found a lock and set its self into it. Pretty simple

2. Key was not a dummy key and when it set its self into the lock it turned and opened up the chest letting out the instructions inside that will now be carried out.

Ok now the fun part. The one "master keys" We will call them. Or "Muti function keys"

A subject not much talked about on any of the steroid forums or even in many articles I have come across is the fact that. In respect to anabolic steroids (out side source of hormones) most of them have all been explained as just "lock" and "key" . However the truth is pro hormones,disginer steroids and steroids all have "Multi function" and some even "Master key" functions.

By now you are asking wtf is he talking about?

Ok lets take A few threads like these

And even every once in a wile

SO as we can see there is a lot of people shooting in the dark at a target they can not see. When some one can not explain something there reaction is OOOO you must not have real winny or ya abomb cause estrogen sides, or yaaa I heard aboms will raise your progesterone. Even I thought this for quite some time.

Only when you look more into things you will find that both anadrol and winny Are dht derivatives, nether can convert to estrogen and medical studies have also proven nether cause a raise in progesterone with winny most often causing a decrease of it.

So then what?

AAAHHH In walks receptor cross over aka "Multi function" "master key"

"Mutli function" Or "master key"<-- Simple terms

Or as I like to call it
"receptor cross over"

What happens is The body recognizes the androgen/hormone but to the body it may also look a bit like another hormone. When the drug flows threw the body enough times (threw taking it over and over threw out a cycle). Some times the body will except it into a lock it was not meant for.

Ever find a lock and think to yourself gee I wonder if this key will open it. It sure does look like it will even though it was not meant for it. Stick the key in and omg it worked!!!

Steroids (most of them) are "Multi function" and every so often they cause "receptor cross over" Every so often and some times more in different people they are seen by the body as so close to the key that fits that the body allows it to fit in and open the lock letting out the instructions inside.

In the case of Anadrol/and beastdrol to a degree it has chemical structure that is just close enough to progesterone that some times the body will allow it into the lock and allow it to turn the key.

Now here is where the real confusion can begin. Or maybe we should all look it it like a uncovered master peace. What ever you want to call it I am about to explain it.

When it comes to "receptor cross over" or hormones acting like "Multi function" Or "master keys" what is the correct protocol for protecting,preventing,or ridding ones self of the gyno problem they cause? HMMMMM Lets look at this.

Letro,arimadex,aromasin? UM ya sure well there is only one problem. High levels of estrogen is not the problem correct?

Dostinex,bromo? Um sure but once again High levels of progesterone is not the culprit now is it?


Its not estrogen and its not progesterone that is the problem. Nether of which are fitting in the lock,opening up the chest and letting out the instructions inside

so what will work best then?

forma-stanzol thats what will work
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Ok I am going to throw this little pile of info right in the middle of it all. For any of you asking the question..."should I, can I drink Alcohol during my steroid cycle?"

NO NO AND NO NO and here is many reason why. Ya Ok a few drinks once or twice during the whole cycle maybe. But if you got a habit then stop the habit before you pick up the needle.


Ethyl alcohol or ethanol, known commonly as alcohol, is the same whether the beverage is wine, beer, or hard liquor. Beverage alcohol is a drug that depresses the central nervous system, like barbiturates, sedatives, and anesthetics. Alcohol is not a stimulant. There is no question that the person who drinks alcohol seems stimulated. Speech becomes free and animated, social inhibitions may be forgotten, and the drinker can begin to act and feel more emotional. But these effects are misleading; the "stimulation" occurs only because alcohol affects those portions of the brain that control judgment. "Being stimulated" by alcohol actually amounts to a depression of self-control. A principal effect of alcohol is to slow down brain activity, and depending on what, how much, and how fast a person drinks, the result is slurred speech, hazy thinking, slowed reaction time, dulled hearing, impaired vision, weakened muscles and fogged memory. Certainly not a stimulating experience!

Alcohol is also classified as a food because it contains calories. The average drink has about the same calorie count as a large potato but, unlike a potato or any other food, alcohol has no nutritional value. The calories are empty.


Basics of alcohol metabolism:

Alcohol is not digested like other foods. Instead of being converted and transported to cells and tissues, it avoids the normal digestive process and goes directly to the blood stream. About 20 percent of the alcohol is absorbed directly into the blood through the stomach walls and 80 percent is absorbed into the bloodstream through the small intestine.

Alcohol dilutes itself in the water volume of the body in order to travel through the system. Those vital organs, like the brain, that contain a lot of water and need an ample blood supply are particularly vulnerable to the effects of alcohol. Alcohol's dilution in the body does cut its effect somewhat. There one important biological difference between men and women comes into play: Muscle tissue contains more water than fat tissue, so men -- who have more muscle and less fat on the average than women -- can have about 10 percent more water in their bodies. If a lean man and a lean woman of equal weight consume the same amount of liquor, the woman is more adversely affected for this and other reasons.

The initial impact of alcohol:

The brain, liver, heart, pancreas, lungs, kidneys, and every other organ and tissue system are infiltrated by alcohol within minutes after it passes into the blood stream. The strength of the drink will have a significant effect on absorption rates, with higher concentrations of alcohol resulting in more rapid absorption. Pure alcohol is generally absorbed faster than diluted alcohols, which are, in turn, absorbed faster than wine or beer.

Alcohol taken in concentrated amounts can irritate the stomach lining to the extent that it produces a sticky mucous which delays absorption. The pylorus valve which connects the stomach and small intestine may go into spasm in the presence of concentrated alcohol, trapping the alcohol in the stomach instead of passing it on to the small intestine where it would be more rapidly absorbed into the blood stream. The drinker who downs several straight shots in an effort to get a quick high may actually experience a delayed effect. Finally, the temperature of the beverage affects its absorption, with warm alcohol being absorbed more rapidly than cold alcohol.

Measurement of effect by blood alcohol level (BAL):

The drinker's blood alcohol level rises as a factor of the relationship among the amount of alcohol consumed, body size and proportion of body fat, the amount of food in the stomach, and what is mixed with the alcohol. The BAL rises more rapidly in those who drink on an empty stomach. Water and fruit juices slow the absorption process, while carbon dioxide speeds it up. The carbon dioxide in champagne and carbonated mixers such as Cola, and soda water rushes through the stomach and intestinal walls into the blood stream, carrying alcohol with it and creating a rapid rise in BAL. A 0.08 BAL, for example, indicates approximately 8 parts alcohol to 10,000 parts other blood components. When a person drinks more alcohol than his or her body can eliminate, alcohol accumulates in the blood stream and the BAL rises.

Elimination of alcohol from a healthy adult body occurs at an average rate of approximately ½ to 3/4 ounce per hour, the equivalent of 1 ounce of 100-proof whiskey, one large beer, or about 3 to 4 ounces of wine. When blood alcohol concentrations reach very high levels, the brain's control over the respiratory system may be paralyzed. A .30 BAL is the minimum level at which death can occur; at .40 the drinker may lapse into a coma. At .50 BAL, respiratory functions and heartbeat slow drastically, and at .60 most drinkers are dead.


The Liver:

Located in the upper-right side of the abdomen, the liver is the body's largest glandular organ. Its complex functions are associated with dozens of processes of body chemistry and metabolism. It produces the bile that helps digest fatty foods; it manufactures heparin, an anticoagulant, it stores and releases sugar. The liver also produces antibodies that help ward off disease, and it cleanses the body of poisons, including alcohol. With small amounts of alcohol, this cleansing can happen effectively. When the amount of alcohol is high, imbalances are created which can lead to hypoglycemia (low blood sugar), hyperuricemia (as in arthritis or gout), fatty liver (which may lead to hepatitis or cirrhosis), and hyperlipemia (build-up of fats sent to the bloodstream; which leads to heart problems).

The Central Nervous System:

The central nervous system (CNS) includes the brain, the spinal cord, and the nerves originating from it. Sensory impulses are transmitted to the CNS and motor impulses pass from it. When alcohol acts on the CNS, intoxication occurs, affecting emotional and sensory function, judgment, memory and learning ability. Smell and taste are dulled. The ability to withstand pain increases as the BAL rises.

Different parts of the brain seem to be affected by alcohol at different rates, creating alternate periods of restlessness and stupor. Long-term effects of alcohol on the central nervous system include tolerance, dependency, and irreversible damage. Changes in tolerance for alcohol, and the alcoholic drinker's dependency on alcohol, demonstrate that changes occur in the brain.

With each drinking episode, central nervous system functions deteriorate in a predictable sequence, beginning with intellectual functioning, followed by disturbances in sensory and motor control. Last affected are the automatic biological functions, such as breathing and heart action.

The brain is the organ that is most affected by alcohol, and proves that it is being damaged through the drinker's behavior changes and emotional distress. Three noticeable effects of alcohol injury to the brain: memory loss, confusion, and augmentation. (Augmentation is a physiological response to alcohol which results in hyper-alertness to normal situations, perceiving light as brighter or sounds as louder than usual, or the drinker’s becoming extremely sad or angry for no apparent reason.) The drinker's rapid mood swings and emotional and behavioral instability can be brought under control by stopping drinking.

Blackouts, or loss of memory for a period during drinking, are a physical effect of alcohol on the brain. They occur as alcohol cuts off the supply of oxygen to the brain. Lack of oxygen supply to the brain can kill tens of thousands of brain cells every time a person becomes intoxicated.

Another effect of alcohol on the brain is the "learned behavior syndrome"; when a behavior is learned under the influence of alcohol, the drinker sometimes must re-learn that behavior after stopping drinking.

The Blood:

One effect of drinking alcohol is "blood-sludging" where the red blood cells clump together causing the small blood vessels to plug up, starve the tissues of oxygen, and cause cell death. This cell death is most serious, and often unrecognized, in the brain. With this increased pressure, capillaries break, create red eyes in the morning, or the red, blotchy skin seen on the heavy drinker's face. Blood vessels can also break in the stomach and esophagus leading to hemorrhage, even death.

Other effects of alcohol on the blood include: anemia; sedation of the bone marrow (which reduces the red and white blood count, and weakens the bone structure); lowered resistance to infection; and a decrease in the ability to fight off infections.

The Gastrointestinal Tract:

The stomach, the small and large intestines, and the pancreas are each affected by alcohol. Alcohol increases acid in the stomach. That can result in gastritis or stomach or intestinal ulcers. The pancreas produces insulin which is necessary to regulate the amount of sugar in the blood. Drinking causes a steep rise in the blood sugar; the pancreas responds by producing insulin which causes a fast drop in blood sugar and the symptom of low blood sugar or hypoglycemia. 70-90% of alcoholics suffer to some degree from the disorder of hypoglycemia, chronic low blood sugar, as a long term effect of their drinking. Symptoms of hypoglycemia can include dizziness, headaches, lack of ability to concentrate, depression, anxiety, light-headedness, tremors, cold sweats, heart palpitations, loss of coordination, and upset stomach. In time, the drinker's overworked pancreas may stop producing insulin and diabetes can result. Conversely, a person with a family history of diabetes may be more vulnerable to problems with alcohol.

The Muscles:

Alcohol reduces blood flow to the muscles, including the heart, causing muscle weakness and deterioration. One outcome is cardiomyopathy (sluggish heart) which is common in alcoholics. Another outcome, arrhythmia (irregular heartbeat), or "holiday heart,"is often treated in emergency wards after several days of party drinking. Muscle aches are a common symptom of excessive-drinking "hangovers."

The Endocrine System:

This system controls the body's hormones and includes the pineal, pituitary, thyroid, and adrenal glands, and the ovaries or testes. Alcohol sedates these glands, resulting in under-production of hormones; effects include increased susceptibility to allergies. Alcohol can effect sexual functioning in various ways. In low doses, it lowers inhibitions and may make a person feel sexier; but in higher doses, it can decrease sexual functioning: in men, by decreasing the frequency of erections, decreasing the maintenance of erections, decreasing penile size during erection, and increasing the amount of time between erections, in women by interfering with normal processes of sexual stimulation, and blocking orgasmic response. With chronic and prolonged use of alcohol in men, there is a shrinkage of sex glands and an increase of the "female hormone" estrogen. This produces secondary sexual characteristics, such as enlarged breasts and a decrease in body hair. Prolonged use of alcohol can cause infertility in both men and women.


Tolerance: As people drink, their tolerance for alcohol may increase. They might seem to be able to "handle" alcohol better and need more to achieve the same effect as before. The liver does not become more tolerant, and is damaged over the course of time, leading to poor liver function and a noticeable decrease in tolerance, or "reverse-tolerance". A heavy drinker's reverse-tolerance is a sign of late-stage alcoholism.

Withdrawal: The effects of alcohol on the body account for the sick, uncomfortable, shaky feelings following a period of drinking. Withdrawal symptoms vary in intensity according to the amount and prolonged frequency of drinking.

Symptoms of alcohol withdrawal include:

* hangovers -- fairly common result of overindulging-- headache, fatigue, thirst, and nervousness. There may be nausea and abdominal cramping. Diagnosed alcoholics report fewer hangovers than drinkers who are non-alcoholic, this may be because they have learned to ignore the symptoms.
* sleep disturbance -- waking up earlier than usual after expecting to "sleep it off," being unable to fall asleep, disturbed dreaming.
* irritability, anxiety, and restlessness -- all caused by the irritant effects of alcohol.
* tremors, or "morning shakes"-- Tremors will clear after several days of abstinence, if there is no permanent damage to the nervous system

* physical weakness, rapid heart rate,
* mental sluggishness
* difficulty thinking clearly or flexibly

All the above are lingering evidence of alcohol's impact on muscles, heart and brain.

For the drinker with only a mild degree of physical dependence, withdrawal effects may not extend beyond the symptoms listed above.

Some drinkers experience second stage withdrawal, marked by:

* convulsions -- seizures usually occur between 12 and 48 hours of the last drink. There may be a loss of consciousness and body control.

Third stage withdrawal symptoms involve:

* alcoholic hallucinosis and delirium tremens -- auditory, visual and tactile hallucinations occur. This period may last for three to four days, during which the de-toxifying person is in a severe state of agitation, is often completely disoriented and sleeps little, if at all. The delusions are almost always terrifying and may produce violent behavior. There is a 10%-20% mortality rate associated with this stage of withdrawal. Detoxification of the acutely ill alcoholic requires medical supervision.


Female drinkers reach higher blood alcohol levels (BAL's) faster because of less water and more fat in the body and because of differences in digestive enzymes. Women develop alcohol-related disorders such as brain damage, cirrhosis and cancers at lower levels of drinking than men. It is also known that the menstrual cycle affects alcohol metabolism in women. Women have been shown to develop their highest BAL's immediately before menstruating, and their lowest on the first day of menstruation. This can be related to hormone level shifts. There is evidence which shows that premenstrual syndrome with its emotional and physical discomfort and de-stabilized blood-sugar levels can trigger excessive drinking by some women.


Women who drink during pregnancy risk the development of both mental and physical defects in their children. Effects on the child can include: growth deficiencies; poorly formed bones and organs, heart abnormalities, cleft palate, retarded intellect, delayed motor development, poor coordination, behavior problems, and learning disabilities. Smoking cigarettes, combined with alcohol use, will increase the chance of birth defects. Use of alcohol increases the chance of miscarriage. It is best that a woman avoid alcohol, cigarettes, caffeine, and other drugs entirely during pregnancy. Antabuse is not a suitable treatment for the pregnant or potentially pregnant alcoholic woman; it interferes with maternal liver function and may cause harm to the developing fetus.

Since harm to the infant may result even before a woman realizes that she is pregnant, women who might become pregnant need to be particularly cautious about what they consume.


Secondary Diabetes: Diabetes can result from prolonged, excessive use of alcohol. Because it is caused by drinking and not from a genetic disorder, it is called "secondary" diabetes. The symptoms are identical to genetic or "primary" diabetes. Abstinence from alcohol is a vital part of treatment for this disorder.

Vitamins and Proteins: Those who use alcohol excessively deprive their bodies of essential nutrients. The drinker and the recovering alcoholic must pay special attention to diet. A diet high in protein not only provides many of the nutrients vital to recovery, but also keeps the blood sugar from too rapid change. It is better for those who drank excessively to get protein from eggs, milk, or vegetables, than from meats or cheeses. Because of an already-fatty liver, excessive drinkers cannot process the extra fat. When they eat meat, fruit should be eaten; it aids in breaking down fats. Vitamin supplements are helpful for people with drinking problems: these include, vitamins A, B, C and E. Protein supplementation may be important to reducing alcohol craving and maintaining emotional balance for alcoholics wanting to recover from their past heavy drinking. Similarly, a diet high in complex carbohydrates stabilizes blood glucose and reduces the low blood sugar state that can lead to craving alcohol. Understanding one's own special nutritional needs is an important aspect of recovery from excessive alcohol use.
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The Only pct I endorse at this time right now is in my Article here:D:D
This Article above Brakes down Pct and blows your mind with the amount of knowledge and supporting evidence/writing/literature ^^^

First off I would like to say if you cant sit through something like this and read the whole thing. Then you really have no business taking these kinds od drugs in the first place. You also have no business making a comment on this thread ether. Thanks.

What Is Nolvadex/Tamoxifen?

Tamoxifen is considered as the antagonist of the estrogen receptor which again is primarily present in the breast tissue of the human body. It is interesting to note that certain breast cancer cells require that the estrogen levels need to grow with passing time. Ideally, Tamoxifen has been used as the standard endocrine for the treatment of early breast cancer patients. It is therefore used as an anti estrogen therapy and it is mainly given to postmenopausal women. The role of an estrogen is to bind as well as activate the estrogen receptors that are present in the breast cells of a human body. The role of Tamoxifen is to stop estrogen to bind with the receptor. Although it is metabolized into compounds that aid in the binding of estrogen receptors, Tamoxifen does not allow the estrogen receptors to get activated in the breast cells of the human body. Hence, the growth of breast cancer cells can be stopped by making use of this compound. Nonetheless, results vary from person to person and the use of Tamoxifen cannot be deduced as a permanent cure for breast cancer patients.

It is ideally a drug which is taken orally in the form of an edible tablet and it is known to interfere with the activity of the estrogen levels present in the breast tissue. It has been studied that unless the estrogen levels in the human body are kept under strict control, they can lead to breast cancer. Tamoxifen has primarily been used for the past 30 years for treating patients suffering from breast cancer. It has also been administered to patients who are in their early stages of breast cancer. Even patients whose breast cancer has spread to various parts of the body have been known to use Tamoxifen on a regular basis. It has been stated that this drug has the ability to stop cancer cells from spreading within the human body but ironically there is no substantial study which clearly backs this statement with the help of substantial proof. Nonetheless, owing to the hype that it has received via media, people who are having breast cancer or those women who run the risk of developing breast cancer have been known to take this medicine on a regular basis. Interestingly, it has also been seen that women who are suffering from ductul carcinoma in stu, which in turn is similar to invasive breast cancer, have also been known to administer this medicine on a regular basis.

In the past 20 years steroid users have been using nolvadex for a number of reasons. To ether help reduce bloat or gyno problems during a cycle or after a cycle to help recovery natural test production. In men, tamoxifen "nolvaldex" is sometimes used by steroid-taking, weight-training athletes.An alternative and highly similar compound is clomiphene citrate "clomid". These drugs are used as anti-estrogen therapy. In this regard, the drug is used for three purposes. The first purpose, is to reduce the effect of circulating estrogens even if Tamoxifen itself increase the circulating level of estrogens since they are not bound to the estrogen receptors. Abnormally high levels of estrogen in men, can be caused by taking highly aromatizing anabolic steroids e.g. Dianabol, Anadrol or Testosterone. In dosing with a dosing with 20 mg of Novaldex (Tamoxifen) for the duration of a steroid cycle, a reduction in water retention can be achieved. This prevents large fluctuations in water weight within the muscle.

Using Tamoxifen for the duration of a steroid cycle may or may not promote a preferable outcome for a weight training athlete, as the temporary increase in water weight within the muscle increases strength and allows larger weights to be used for the duration of the steroid cycle. Said water will dissipate once usage of steroids has ceased, and a dramatic loss in weight can be observed. Tamoxifen is also used to prevent estrogen related gynecomastia, resulting from elevated estrogenic levels. It can be taken as a preventative measure in small doses, or used at the onset of any symptoms e.g. nipple soreness/sensitivity. In the latter case, dosing reverses the affliction

However it Is now well known that well taking nolvadex serum level estrogen raises and yet another drug must be taken with it during cycle,during pct,or after pct to prevent estrogen rebound. (how retarded). Studies have of course shown the its use can cause a rise in lh and test production but at what cost? Many other factors must be taken into account.

All this is happening in complete ignorance as they are not aware that this medicine has certain side effects that can prove fatal in the longer run. At the same time robbing ones self of a better pct and cycle from using drugs like this.
Though I do feel its "ok" to use them "if you must" but use as little as you can and use support/pct sups to help alleviate the side effects and bad feelings one gets from these harsh drugs.

Where Was This drug Discovered?

Interestingly, this drug was discovered by AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals which were earliest known as ICI pharmaceuticals. It is now sold under various trade names such as Nolvadex, Valodex and Istubal. Although it is sold under various names, it is primarily known and popularly termed as Tamoxifen. Although this drug is widely used in treating breast cancer patients, it also has adverse side effects which very few people are actually aware off.

Once praised for its benefits in preventing breast cancer recurrence, the lucrative pharmaceutical drug tamoxifen is now implicated in causing dangerous side-effects, including other types of cancers.

In the early 1970's, a shameful chapter closed on the widespread use of a known carcinogenic and endocrine-disrupting drug called DES (diethylstilboestrol), the first synthetic, non-steroidal estrogen drug. Against the advice of its creator, Sir Charles Dodd, between four and six million American and European women and 10,000 Australian women innocently used DES for the prevention of miscarriage and pregnancy complications.

In addition, DES became a popular though unproven drug for a variety of other conditions. It was used for the suppression of lactation, the treatment of acne, the treatment of certain types of breast and prostatic cancer, and as an inhibitor of growth in young girls, an estrogen replacement in menopause and a "morning after" pill.

It would take 30 years to accept what laboratory tests had indicated as early as 1938 — that DES was a highly dangerous and harmful drug. It was reported that, 20 years after taking DES, mothers had a 40 to 50 per cent greater risk of breast cancer than non-exposed mothers. In addition, the children of DES mothers showed a high incidence of reproductive abnormalities, miscarriages, vaginal cancer, testicular cancer, sterility and immune dysfunction. In fact, it is feared that repercussions of this drug will be felt for generations to come.

The irony of this entire debacle is that the medical establishment finally acknowledged that DES was useless in preventing miscarriages. Thus, DES, another disastrous experiment on women, was added to the long list of major medical blunders.

Out of this early research, a new drug appeared on the horizon which would be soon be heralded as a shining star in the war against the growing epidemic of breast cancer. In the late 1960's the pharmaceutical industry developed a drug called "tamoxifen". As a synthetic, non-steroidal compound with hormone-like effects (many of which are poorly understood), tamoxifen has a similar structure to DES. In fact, it was observed that tamoxifen caused the same abnormal changes seen in cells of women taking estradiol and DES. This similarity raised alarm bells for some.

Pierre Blais, well known as a drug researcher who was ejected from Canada's health protection bureaucracy when he spoke out about silicone breast implants, describes the story of tamoxifen as "the story of modern drug design which produces garbage drugs". He says, "Good drug design ceased, unfortunately, in the 1930s." Tamoxifen, Blais asserts, " a garbage drug that made it to the top of the scrap heap. It is a DES in the making."

Blais's dire predictions were ignored with the promise of a potential drug treatment for breast cancer. Tamoxifen was first approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for use as a birth-control pill; however, it proved to induce rather than inhibit ovulation.(just goes to show how retarded they truly are) Although tamoxifen didn't work as a contraceptive, it was found to lower mammary cancer rates in animals. Animal studies showed that tamoxifen prevented estrogen from binding to receptor sites on breast tissue cells. Tamoxifen also reduced the incidence of breast cancer in rodents after administration of a breast-carcinogenic substance. This discovery provided the impetus to study its effects in treating human breast cancer.

Estrogen is the common link between most breast cancer risk factors, i.e., genetic, reproductive, dietary, lifestyle and environmental. It both stimulates the division of breast cells (healthy as well as cancerous) and, especially in its 'bad' form, increases the risk of breast cancer. Thus, hormonal drugs such as tamoxifen that block the effects of estrogen on the breast were expected to reduce the risk of breast cancer recurring in women treated for breast cancer.

Tamoxifen acts as a weak estrogen by competing for estrogen receptors much as phyto-estrogens do
(I want you to keep this word PHYTO ESTROGENS IN MIND WE WILL COVER IT AGAIN LATER). Like phyto-estrogens, tamoxifen has mild estrogenic properties but is considered an anti-estrogen since it inhibits the activity of regular estrogens. More accurately, tamoxifen is an estrogen-blocker(Not a estrogen reducer)

Yes the test shows over time that both lh and androgins were raised, but at the same time (serum level estrogen was tripled)and thus the reason many experence rebound gyno after its use.

Tamoxifen fights breast cancer by competing with estrogen for space on estrogen receptors in the tumor tissue. Every tamoxifen molecule that hooks onto an estrogen receptor prevents an estrogen molecule from linking up at the same site. Without a steady supply of estrogen, cells in an estrogen-receptor-positive (ER+) tumor do not thrive and the tumor's ability to spread is reduced.

However, tamoxifen exhibited two conflicting characteristics. It could act either as an anti-estrogen or as an estrogen. Therefore, while tamoxifen is anti-estrogenic to the breast, it also acts as an estrogen to the uterus and, to a lesser extent, the heart, blood vessels and bone. Moreover tamoxifen also acts as an estrogen in the liver thus causing the lowering of IGF-1
In This Issue -- 82 (21): 1661 -- JNCI Journal of the National Cancer Institute
Effect of low dose tamoxifen on the insulin-like growth factor system in healthy women
Comparison of Tamoxifen and Testosterone Propionate in Male Rats: Differential Prevention of Orchidectomy Effects on Sex Organs, Bone Mass, Growth, and the Growth Hormone-IGF-I Axis -- Fitts et al. 25 (4): 523 -- Journal of Andrology

For people suffering from breast cancer I guess this would be a good thing. Since Lowering IGF would reduce the growth of everything. However this is not one any of the people using nolva for pct or on cycle use want now is it?

So, although it initially showed the tendency to counter breast cancer recurrence, it would soon be revealed that it also promoted particularly aggressive uterine and liver cancers, caused fatal blood clots and interfered with many other functions.

Doctors, however, were quick to jump on the tamoxifen bandwagon, turning a blind eye to its more injurious tendencies. Starting in the 1970's oncologists began using tamoxifen to treat women with cancer, often in combination with other drugs, radiation or surgery such as lumpectomy and mastectomy, with modest success. Like DES, tamoxifen's benefits were then extended for use as a preventive against osteoporosis and heart disease.

Today, doctors are treating about one million American breast cancer patients with tamoxifen, about 20 per cent of them for more than five years. As studies published in the New England Journal of Medicine in 1989 and the Journal of the National Cancer Institute in 1992 showed, women with breast cancer who took tamoxifen reduced their chances of developing cancer in the other breast (contralateral cancer) by about 30 to 50 per cent. These findings would later be challenged.

Tamoxifen is now recommended for all pre-menopausal women with hormone-positive cancers, as well as for most postmenopausal women with breast cancer and/or a growing number of women with hormone-negative cancers. Tamoxifen is currently used by more women with breast cancer than any other drug.

Tamoxifen (brand name Nolvadex) is now the most widely prescribed cancer medication in the world. It generated revenues of US $265 million in 1992. By 1995, worldwide sales of Nolvadex reached $400 million. (7) And at AUD $90 for one month's supply, it doesn't come cheap (the Australian Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme covers $70).
Global sales of tamoxifen in 2001 were $1,024 million.[54] Since the expiration of the patent in 2002, it is now widely available as a generic drug around the world. Barr Labs Inc had challenged the patent (which in 1992 was ruled unenforcable) but later came to an agreement with Zeneca to licence the patent and sell tamoxifen at close to Zeneca's price.[55] As of 2004, tamoxifen was the world's largest selling hormonal drug on record and off record may be the number 1 selling drug in word of all time to date. So we are truly talking about billions in revenue world wide for drug companies,sources,ug's and more. Money is at the root of this drug and why its so heavily pushed on all forums by everyone. Its cheap to make and it brings in billions plain and simple.

These numbers are nothing compared to what this drug now makes for the drug companies,'s selling it. So you can bet your life they will make sure every test and study in the world is published to make sure its seen in a good light. This not even including its "off label use" Ie all us men using it for on cycle and pct. The use of the drug for this reason triples its sales and you can just emagen the amount of money its making. You do the math my friends!. At this very moment 500000000 sources and people with monitary ties to this drug are out there pushing like crazy to make sure you and everyone else keeps its use for pct alive. This is the #1 reason why we have not given up on this years ago.

Tamoxifen was developed by UK-based Imperial Chemical Industries (ICI), one of the world's largest multinational chemical corporations. Zeneca, an ICI subsidiary, is responsible for manufacturing and marketing the hormone and is now the world's largest cancer-drug company.
It wasn't long before laboratory studies showed that tamoxifen acted as a carcinogen. It has been found that tamoxifen binds tightly and irreversibly to DNA, the genetic blueprint of a cell, causing a cancerous mutation to take place. Even Australia's conservative National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) warned that no amount of tamoxifen is safe when it comes to carcinogenic effects.

In California there is a law called "Proposition 65" that requires the state to publish and maintain a list of all known carcinogens. In May 1995, the state's Carcinogen Identification Committee voted unanimously to add tamoxifen to its list.

When research is done on anti-cancer drugs (such as SERMs), the aim is to find a drug that prolongs life, with the least amount of acute side-effects. In other words, the goal isn’t so much about finding a cure, as it is finding something that can alleviate the symptoms and/or prolong life.

When it comes to steroid users so many are willing to forgo any and everything to get the one simple effect they desire (recovery). The popularity of these drugs stems from the popular advice to use these drugs for everything from testosterone recovery.bitch tits,make your dick grow bigger, increase the amount of jiz you drop on a girls face, and everything in between. Advice on its use is handed out like candy and everyones got a sweat tooth for quick advice. Of course many "vets and so called know it alls" defend it to the death and it can do no wrong. Mainly do to not wanting to be wrong,habit,they got money involved with it, or just for the sake of argument.

“Its FDA approved for cancer treatment. It must be safe!”

It’s wrong to assume that an “FDA approved” drug has a proven safety profile. The FDA has continually issued stronger health warnings for tamoxifen over the years. For instance, in 1994 the FDA demanded that the tamoxifen manufacturer Zeneca (an ICI sub-division), issue warning letters to health care practitioners about the increased risk of endometrial and gastro-intestinal cancers with tamoxifen use. Zeneca also reported adverse effects similar to those seen with DES, such as reproductive abnormalities in the animals whose mothers received tamoxifen. (remember, DES was the original synthetic estrogen, and also an analog to tamoxifen)

A number of cancer researchers have pointed out the health risks too, such as Elwood et al (6) -

“[Tamoxifen], therefore, is not appropriate for use in the general population because of the known increased risk of endometrial cancer”

What Are Side Effects Of Temoxifen

You Can Get Blood Clots!

Have you any idea that a regular dosage of Tamoxifen can actually increase the chances of blood clots? Well, this is a true fact and can be fatal for those who are using this drug to get rid or avoid the chance of getting Gyno on cycle and or for pct. According to recent medical studies, it has been noticed that people who have been using Tamoxifen on a regular basis have had a substantial increase in terms of their blood clots. Hence, as compared to those people who are not using this drug, their chances of getting blood clots is relatively higher.

A blood clot can be defined as an internal body mechanism by which the cut can be stopped from bleeding excessively. The proteins present in your blood work along with the platelets and in a bid to form a clot. This is also termed as coagulation. In the event of an injury, this can prove to be really very effective as it would stop the flow of blood from your wound and thus save your life. Nonetheless, if the blood clots while it is moving through your body, it can prove fatal. This is also termed as hyper coagulation and it can prove very dangerous for the concerned individual. Tamoxifen has been known to cause hyper coagulation and hence, it needs to be taken under strict medical supervision.

When the study was conducted, it was ascertained that a relatively large number of people developed this conditions and although not many people using this drug were actually studied, those that were using it regularly, were in a shock to find out that it also led to blood clots.

Hence, although this drug is helpful to a certain extent, we need to also see that the extent of damage it can do to our body in terms of hazardous blood clots are much more and hence, you as a steroid user need to exercise caution and spend some quality time researching on this so called ‘wonder-drug’ before making it an eminent part of your daily routine and or pct.

One of the main reasons why a blood clot is considered dangerous is because this drug causes a clot inside the blood vessel which in turn is known as thrombus. What happens is that at times this blood clot can travel through your blood streams and get pushed into your lungs. When this happens, you can be rest assured that your life is in acute danger as this condition is life threatening. This condition is also known as pulmonary embolus. Similarly, a clot this clot can also block the blood vessels in the brain and this in turn may lead to a stroke. When this blood clot clocks the blood vessels of your heart, it stops the blood from rushing to your heart area thereby reducing the oxygen supply to that area. This in turn leads to cardiac arrest.

All the above mentioned conditions arising from blood clots, which in turn are caused from a regular intake of Tamoxifen, can prove to be life threatening for the concerned individual. Hence, even before you decide to take this medication on a regular basis, you need to exercise caution and be prepared to face the ill effects of this so called ‘wonder-drug’.

Increased susceptibility to gyno -

Tamoxifen is often used to combat gyno during cycle when “flare ups” occur. While tamoxifen may provide immediate inhibition of proliferation, and serve as valuable tool, it can actually increase future susceptibility to gyno.

This is caused by tamoxifen’s ability to up-regulate the progesterone receptor. (54-56) This can dramatically increase the chances of developing gyno in future cycles when utilizing progestin based anabolics such as Nandrolone (Deca) or Trenbolone (or any pro-hormone acting upon the progesterone receptor).

It is interesting to speculate. Is tamoxifen use directly related to the increased gyno occurrences seen with modern day steroid users?

You Can Develop Cataract!

Cataract can be defined as a thin white layer of membrane which blocks the passing light to the retina thereby clouding your vision. Although it is relatively painless, it does cloud your vision and can even blind you if it is not removed through the means of a surgical procedure. The retina is ideally a nerve layer which is located at the back of the eye socket and its main purpose is to direct the light which is entering the eye via the means of electromagnetic signals to the brain. Once the brain receives these nerve signals, it is passed on to the nervous system, after which you can transform your vision into clear moving pictures. If this thin layer of membrane is blocked owing to any reason, you would have problems with your vision.

While aging is looked on as the major cause behind cataract, it has recently been noticed that patients using Tamoxifen have been identified as ones susceptible to cataract on a regular basis. people who are aging and using this drug on a regular basis are on a higher risk of contracting cataract as compared to those who are not using Tamoxifen. The other eye problems that can be faced by individuals include scarring of the corneal area and abrupt retinal changes.

In case you are using this drug regularly and you have a cloudy, fuzzy or foggy vision, you need to get your eyesight checked with immediate effect. In case you are unable to withstand the glare of lamps and are unable to catch a glimpse of the morning sun, then again you need to get your eyes checked. This is so because, Temoxifen has a natural tendency to obstruct the normal eye vision and if you do suffer from this symptom, you may not be able to drive at night as the headlamps of the opposing vehicle may blind you momentarily.

In order to get rid of cataract that has been developed owing to a continuous intake of Temoxifen, you may need to undergo a corrective surgery. In case you want to delay a surgical procedure, you may want to light up your room with plenty of tubes and bulbs and keep your eyeglass up to date with the latest prescription. Ideally, the only known cure for cataract that has been a resultant of Temoxifen is a surgical procedure.

If you would like to avoid this problem, you would have to seek an alternative to Temoxifen at the earliest given opportunity.

Libido reduction & erectile dysfunction
Erectile dysfunction ow libido, and general impotence are typical complaints from men recently discontinuing steroids or HRT therapy, which is often combated by Clomid or Nolvadex, paradoxically so.

Regardless of any positive effects on fertility or testosterone levels, Clomid and Nolvadex use is highly correlated with erectile dysfunction, libido suppression, and even emotional disorders Research with male breast cancer patients has also reported decreased libido, and thrombosis associated with tamoxifen use. he thrombotic effect (blood vessel clogging) could explain the mechanism by which SERMs may inhibit erectile function, by reducing circulation to erectile tissue (as discussed before)

Nolva/clomid both raise shbg.
This is something I do not see a lot of people disusing so I I wanted to make it well know. Just do a web search on TAMOXIFEN,clomid or nolva raises shbg or any variation and you will get all the studies and prof you need.
Trait Anxiety and Tamoxifen Effects on Bone Mineral Density and Sex Hormone- Binding Globulin -- Cameron et al. 64 (4): 612 -- Psychosomatic Medicine
iHOP - Information Hyperlinked over Proteins [ SHBG ]
Sex Hormone Binding Globulin in Clinical Perspective; Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica - 66(3):Pages 255-262 - Informa Healthcare
Wiley InterScience :: Session Cookies

2. Nolva lowers Igf-1 Again just a simple search on (TAMOXIFEN or nolva lowers IGF 1 and walla you got all the prof you need.

In This Issue -- 82 (21): 1661 -- JNCI Journal of the National Cancer Institute
Effect of low dose tamoxifen on the insulin-like growth factor system in healthy women
Comparison of Tamoxifen and Testosterone Propionate in Male Rats: Differential Prevention of Orchidectomy Effects on Sex Organs, Bone Mass, Growth, and the Growth Hormone-IGF-I Axis -- Fitts et al. 25 (4): 523 -- Journal of Andrology

They can cause Major triglyceride and glucose problems and even to the point of Severe hypertriglyceridemia or also Pancreatitis

Severe hypertriglyceridemia caused by tamoxifen-tr... [Endocr J. 1997] - PubMed result
Tamoxifen-induced hypertriglyceridemia in association with diabetes mellitus - EM|consulte
SpringerLink - Journal Article
Capecitabine-Induced Severe Hypertriglyceridemia: Report of Two Cases -- Kurt et al. 40 (2): 328 -- The Annals of Pharmacotherapy
Elsevier: Article Locator
Estrogen and Triglycerides
WikiGenes - Hypertriglyceridemia

A word on clomiphene (Clomid) –

Clomiphene (Clomid) consists of two stereoisomers which possess radically different pharmacodynamics. Zuclomiphene has predominantly estrogenic effects and slow clearance while the enclomiphene isomer has predominately anti-estrogenic effects and quick clearance. his creates a divergent effects between estrogen blockage and estrogen stimulation and an acute imbalance once Clomid administration is discontinued. Bodybuilders will often complain of “estrogenic rebound” after stopping Clomid, which could be attributed to the lingering estrogenic isomer zuclomiphene as the anti-estrogenic enclomiphene has long cleared the system. (Recently, enclomiphene has been isolated by the pharmaceutical company Repros, for use in Androxal™.)

For all intents and purposes, tamoxifen is a superior SERM, simply for the fact that tamoxifen provides a purely anti-estrogenic isomer, whereas Clomid provides a mix of anti and pro estrogenic effects.

In regards to the health consequences about to be listed, it can be safely assumed that Clomid will share similar detrimental effects as tamoxifen, since it shares the same triphenylethylene backbone and carcinogenic tendencies.

One of the main reasons why people make use of Clomid is for the purpose of recovering their bodies after a steroid cycle In simple words, this drug is mainly used in the form of post cycle therapy. Clomid has the actual potential to stimulate the production of hypothalamus which in turn would release a particular kind of hormone called gonadotrophic hormones. This hormone has the natural ability to allow the human testicles to secrete testosterone, which in turn would bring the depleting levels of testosterone in the body to its permissible levels. When this is achieved, the human body would stop losing its muscle mass in a natural way. Reacovery of test production is the gaols at any cost is the common thought.

Its a known fact that both clomid and nolvadex cause some really messed up mood swings.
Clomid/nolva have been known to cause severe mood swings in users and it has apparently been noticed that anyone who has been making use of Clomid/nolva have suffered from such side effects on a regular basis. Many users have categorically complained that the use of Clomid has been considered as the worst side effect that they have suffered so far. A few features of mood swings may include a change in the usual behaviour, tearful behaviour, excessive depression, anxiety and extremely sensitive in nature. Stop acting like you don't know what I am talking about. We all know its true.

Liver cancer -

Originally, tamoxifen was accepted as being non-toxic to the human liver upon finding that tamoxifen did not cause noticeable liver damage (DNA adducts) during short-term test tube studies with human liver cells.

However, it became apparent that test tube research was largely flawed due to the low rate of metabolism in such a superficial environment. It was soon discovered that the hepatotoxic effects from tamoxifen stem from the metabolism and buildup of the a-hydroxytamoxifen and N-desmethyltamoxifen metabolites, which would only appear in an in vivo environment. Surely enough, the results from the original rat studies showing dramatic carcinogenic effects on the liver, soon correlated with human data when researchers found the same type of liver DNA adducts in tamoxifen patients.

More recent human research has reported tamoxifen treated women to have 3x the risk of developing fatty liver disease, which occurs as soon as 3 months into therapy at only 20mg/day. In some cases, the disease lasts up to 3 years, despite cessation of tamoxifen therapy. Five and ten year follow-ups with patients on long term tamoxifen therapy show cases of deadly hepatocellular carcinoma.

In 2002, a bizarre study examined the use of tamoxifen for hepatocellular carcinoma treatment in humans. It was assumed that since tamoxifen could inhibit proliferation of breast cancer, it could offer the same benefit for liver cancer. The devastating results could not have been more indicative of tamoxifen’s hepatotoxic nature, as the tamoxifen treatment significantly increased the rate of death, compared to the group not receiving tamoxifen.

Finally, in a case study reviewing tamoxifen induced liver disease; D.F Moffat et al made a profound statement –

“Hepatocellular carcinoma in tamoxifen treated patients may be under-reported since there may be reluctance to biopsy liver tumours which are assumed to be secondary carcinoma of the breast.” In other words, it appears that liver carcinomas from a large number of breast cancer patients on tamoxifen therapy have been misdiagnosed as an infection from the breast cancer itself.

Although tamoxifen induced liver cancer may take years to manifest in a healthy male, its damaging effects could easily be exaggerated by other popular hepatotoxic drugs, such as 17aa oral steroids.


Testosterone it’s What separates the men from the boys

Remember what it was like to be young and full of testosterone? The day you used to wake up with a massive rock hard morning wood and at that time in your life hardly even knew what to do with it. How about the good old days when you could down a package of Oreo’s with a gallon of milk without even gaining a single pound? What about that feeling of power and cockiness that was always present with you as a young man. Feeling like king of the world, no one could stand in your way and every woman on earth wanted to you because you were so perfect in every way. Oh yes those sure where the days that have long since passed, Or have they? Are these days gone forever or can we regain some of these feelings once again?

Testosterone is a lot more than just the pesky hormone that gets young boys into trouble. It’s responsible for much more than a teenage boys rebellion well going through the changes of life. Thankfully we have learned much more about testosterone. Immaturity is what gets a young man in trouble, but testosterone is what separates the men from the boys.

What is Testosterone?

Testosterone is a steroid hormone from the androgen group and is also the MAIN hormone in a male’s body. In mammals, testosterone is primarily secreted by the testes of males and by the ovaries of females, while a tiny amount is also secreted by the adrenal glands. It is the main male sex hormone and an anabolic steroid. Testosterone plays a key role in the development of male reproductive tissues which are the testis and prostate. Testosterone also promotes secondary sexual characteristics such as increased muscle and bone mass, hair growth, sexual behavior, development of the male genitals, increased glands, and sperm production. The adult human male body produces about ten times more testosterone than an adult human female body, but females are more sensitive to the testosterone. The brain and the bones are two important tissues in humans where the main effect of testosterone is carried out by way of aromatization to estradiol. Testosterone in the bones allows estradiol to accelerate maturation of the cartilage into bone, leading to closure of the epiphyses and end of growth. This in short explains why when young girls reach menarche, their growth starts to stunt. Estradiol serves as the most important feedback signal to the hypothalamus which triggers LH production. Testosterone is derived from cholesterol which is why people who suffer from cholesterol issues usually have low testosterone. Testosterone is a hormone that is triggered through the HPTA (hypothalamus). When the HPGA Axis is stimulated, the hypothalamus secretes gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH), which on reaching the anterior pituitary, binds to the gonadotrophs and stimulates the release of both the luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle stimulatinghormone (FSH) into the bloodstream. In the testes, testosterone is produced by the Leydig cells. The male generative glands additionally contain Sertoli cells which require testosterone for spermatogenesis. Like most hormones, testosterone is supplied to target tissues in the blood where much of it is transported bound to a specific plasma protein gondal, called the "sex hormone binding globulin" otherwise known as (SHBG). In males, LH binds to Leydig cells, stimulating production of the principal Leydig cell hormone, testosterone. Testosterone is secreted to the plasma and also carried to Sertoli cells by androgen binding protein (ABP). In Sertoli cells the 4 double bond of testosterone is reduced, producing dihydrotestosterone. A little more than 5% of testosterone is reduced to 5a-dihydrotestosterone (DHT) by the cytochrome through the enzyme 5a reductase. The conversion of testosterone to DHT leads to more sebaceous glands which in turn can leads to oily skin and acne. Less than 1% of testosterone is converted into estradiol by aromatase; also known as the CYP19A1 enzyme. Going back to the Sertoli Cells, in these cells it is regulated by FSH, again acting through a cAMP- and PKA-regulatory pathway. In addition, FSH stimulates Sertoli cells to secrete androgen-binding protein (ABP), which transports testosterone and DHT from Leydig cells to sites of spermatogenesis. There testosterone acts to stimulate protein synthesis and sperm development. Aromatase activity is also found in granulosa cells, but in these cells the activity is stimulated by FSH. Typically, then the cal-cell androgens produced in response to LH distribute to granulosa cells, whereas granulosa cell aromatase converts these androgens to estrogens. As granulosa cells mature they develop capable large numbers of LH receptors in the plasma membrane and become increasingly receptive to LH, increasing the amount of estrogen created from these cells. If not controlled it could lead to problems such as suppressed testosterone or gynecomastia due to the excess E2 levels. In a real short simplified expression; more SHBG leads to more Estrogen which leads to eventual negative effects.[2] Testosterone biosynthesis involves the cleavage of the sidechain of cholesterol by CYP11A, a mitochondrial cytochrome P450 oxidase with the loss of six carbon atoms to become pregnenolone ( the master precursor to all hormones). Next, two additional carbon atoms are removed by the CYP17A enzyme in the endoplasmic reticulum to give up a variety of carbon 19 steroide. In addition, the 3-hydroxyl group is oxidized by 3-ß-HSD to produce androstenedione. In the final and rate limiting step, the C-17 keto group androstenedione is condensed by 17-ß hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase to give way to testosterone.

From reading this explanation of how testosterone is produced even the untrained eye can see a few easy ways one can increase their testosterone production. By increasing the master hormone pregnenolone, by increasing Lutinizing hormone, and or by lowering shbg are just some of the many ways one can begin to raise natural test levels and gain its benefits once again.

Testosterone’s effect on blood Glucose Levels

Androgen (specifically testosterone) deficiency has in recent times come to the forefront of the medical literature after being overlooked for decades. The popularity of hypogonadism is greater than previously thought. Important links are being developed and established in the literature between androgen deficiency and metabolic disorders. There is an important health impact related to metabolic syndrome, insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, and eventually vascular disease and ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION! Low concentrations of testosterone are associated with insulin resistance and mixed up in hyperglycemia, hypertension, dyslipidemia, and an increased risk of vascular disease. The increasing number of individuals with obesity and low testosterone continue to show the same continuous pattern. I came across a study that consisted of over 6000 men, the men with higher serum levels of testosterone were at much lower risk of type 2 diabetes than men with lower levels of testosterone. [6] Low testosterone demonstrated to have adverse effects on insulin levels and sudden spurts in blood glucose levels. From research lower total testosterone levels leads to less insulin resistance which equates to more body fat distribution. Research indicates insulin is capable of stimulating testosterone production in vivo and at the same time reducing SHBG concentrations in both normal-weight and obese men. Since testosterone SIGNIFIGANTLY boosts insulin sensitivity it also gives leeway for glycemic control which allow one to EAT MORE CARBOHYDRATES without any problem whatsoever! This explains why you hear people saying “when I was a young dude I was able to pound two quarter pounders with NO problem, but now if I eat one quarter pounder I get extremely bloated, those were the good old days.”

Aside from raining testosterone levels there are also powerful products that can have a outstanding positive effect on healthy insulin sensitivity. one such product of this nature would be Need2slin Need2slin and also

Testosterone is the Fountain of Youth?

Here is a small excerpt from a study that shows how testosterone declines within age which affects many organs and functions of the body. “Concentrations of sex steroids (especially testosterone) in serum decline progressively with age in men, as a result of complex alterations in reproductive physiology secondary causes of gonadal dysfunction and lifestyle factors and changes in the levels of binding proteins. Treatment of hypogonadism in younger and older men may result in an improvement in some relevant measures (e.g. osteopenia, sexual dysfunction, and muscle weakness). The average age of the study sample was 73 years of age and 389 (15%) were age 80 or older. Approximately 75% were Caucasian. Most reported themselves to be in excellent or good health compared with their peers. There were few current smokers, but a large proportion had smoked in the past. Alcohol consumption was four drinks per week on average. With the exception of race, distributions of these characteristics were not significantly different from those in the entire MrOS cohort. As men age; their SHBG levels rise and their total/free testosterone drops along their estradiol levels causing a loss in bone density. Higher BMI was related to lower testosterone and SHBG levels and higher estradiol concentrations. Total and free testosterone levels were slightly higher in men who rated their health status as excellent/good compared with those who rated it as fair/poor/very poor and were slightly higher in current smokers. Total testosterone levels were lower in Asian men and higher in African-American and Hispanic men. Free testosterone levels differed significantly by race (unadjusted P < 0.001; age- and BMI-adjusted P < 0.001) following the same trends as for total testosterone. No significant differences in total estradiol by race category were found. Unadjusted free estradiol differed slightly by race (P < 0.03) with whites having the lowest free estradiol concentration; however, after adjusting for age and BMI, the differences by race category diminished. SHBG concentrations differed by race category with Asian men having the lowest SHBG concentration and African-American and white men having the highest mean concentrations. Increasing levels of BMI positively, but slightly, influenced free estradiol. A larger proportion of free estradiol levels were related to free testosterone (positively) and SHBG (negatively) levels. Men with the highest free testosterone and lowest SHBG levels had free estradiol levels approxi-mately 3-fold higher than those with the lowest free testosterone and highest SHBG concentrations. The relationships between free testosterone and free estradiol, and between SHBG and estradiol, were linear. The concentrations of SHBG were slightly higher with greater age, were positively related to total testosterone levels, and were negatively associated with free estradiol levels. The rate of decline in free testosterone in older men is about 10% per decade. Higher SHBG levels were related to lower estradiol levels independent of free testosterone, suggesting that either SHBG has effects on estradiol levels over and above its testosterone-binding properties or that SHBG is actually a surrogate for other variables that may affect both SHBG and estradiol levels.” [7]

Another study showed total testosterone of elderly men were inversely associated with weight, BMI, waist to hip ratio, systolic and diastolic blood pressure, fasting plasma glucose and/or serum insulin, HOMA-IR, triglycerides, CRP and leptin levels and positively related to HDL cholesterol and adiponectin levels. Total testosterone was slightly lower among men who consumed at least one alcohol drink daily, compared with those who drank less or not at all. Those who maintained a healthy BMI/LBM index maintained higher levels of total testosterone. The risk of death was significantly elevated for men in the lowest quartile of the total and bioavailable(free) testosterone distributions. Low total and bioavailable testosterone were each significantly associated with elevated 20-years decline period risk of Cardio Vascular Disease mortality and death due to respiratory disease but not from cancer or death due to other fatal causes. Renal, liver disease, stroke and pulmonary disease have also been linked to low total and free testosterone in older men. [8]

Now both these articles conclude that it would be REALLY BENEFICIAL to take TRT (testosterone replacement therapy) if suffering from hypogonadism; which is primarily found in older men. Men who suffer from low testosterone do not get to reap the fruits of life as much as those who have higher levels of testosterone. Lots of older men use Testosterone replacement therapy to increase Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep in order to recover efficiently. There are studies that show that older men use testosterone replacement treatment for a better sense well of being. There are countless studies that show the distinct relationship between depression and testosterone levels. Depression and anxiety lead to lower levels of total and free testosterone, which would explain why certain SSRI’s have a noticeable effect on testosterone levels, serotonin along other neurotransmitters have been linked to effecting hormonal output. The one issue that some older men have with TRT is the higher increments in hemoglobin and hematocrit than young men after adjusting for testosterone levels. When older men take solid doses of testosterone studies show that they lose fat real quickly along with added muscle mass. These traits can be attributed to the ANABOLIC EFFECTS OF TESTOSTERONE! When men are receiving injections of testosterone; automatically nitrogen retention and protein synthesis capabilities rise much higher than the norm. This allows the individual the ability to consume more protein making anabolism even easier. Of course as age heightens; libido drops and old men lose the will or desire to engage in sexual activity. Testosterone also improves HDL which helps cholesterol in return providing proper blood flow to the corpus cavernosum allowing MAXIMUM erection strength. Testosterone replacement therapy has been touted to prevent osteoporosis through increasing the bone mineral density, when testosterone has a good ratio with estrogen it provides a nice sturdy foundation for bone structure, which again re-establishes the importance of testosterone to the male body. Older men as well as young men both deserve to enjoy the benefits of testosterone whether it is through endogenous or exogenous means.

Sleep really does Testosterone some Good!

Sleep really does Testosterone some Good!

Recent research suggests that testosterone plays a role in regulating the CNS during sleep and vice versa. When sleeping in particularly during Rapid Eye Movement; testosterone levels raise dramatically, however as one awakes and encounters the typical stressors, testosterone levels gradually fall throughout the waking day. Rapid Eye Movement occurs in intervals of 90 minutes per stage of sleep, so if one were to sleep 8 hours, the individual could go through REM about 6 times throughout their sleep. Sleep deprivation results in a collection of widespread symptoms leading to alterations in catecholamine, hormone levels, and behaviors. In particular, sleep loss has been connected with altered regulation of the hypothalamic-pituitary adrenal axis, and it impairs gonadal function by producing a marked reduction in testosterone concentration. Subnormal testosterone concentrations may contribute to sexual inadequacy in humans, which may affect established or desired sexual relations. Sleep deprivation really negatively impacts over trained athletes, so those who compete as an athlete NEED to sleep in order for their body to maximize its hormonal production. When sleep is interrupted, the rise of testosterone is also interrupted causing a sudden drop, again REM is EXTREMLY important for the rise of testosterone during sleep. The endocrine system (specifically TESTOSTERONE) has a responsibility to maintain the metabolic processes needed for tissue repair, regeneration, and recovery. The circulating testosterone levels also are play a role in erection frequency, as time goes erection during REM lessens, which would also would explain the correlation of testosterone with libido. Sleep deprivation can lead to many sleep disorders, one common one is linked to testosterone, and this disorder is Sleep Apnea. Sleep Apneic males with severe breathing issues exhibited delayed peak testosterone concentrations. Men with severe obstructive sleep apnea show significantly reduced serum concentrations of free and total testosterone and of sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG), though their LH levels are normal. This endocrine defect was reversed after 3 months of continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy. Males who take artificial amounts of testosterone also may have issues with sleep disturbances. Testosterone raises the nocturnal metabolic rate which can negatively affect the way one sleeps. Again realize these are people on cycle and not people with normal amounts of testosterone. Basically low or TOO high levels of testosterone can negate REM sleep which is why one should get blood work done to see where they stand. Many studies show that sleep deprivation leads higher cortisol levels and lower total/free testosterone levels, so I tell you all SLEEP AND SLEEP WELL! Higher testosterone leads to better sleep and more frequencies of REM. [4]

For anyone needing help getting to sleep and staying a sleep at night Need2sleep is the perfect sleep aid Need 2 Sleep . Not only will it help get you to sleep faster but it helps get you into a deep sleep and keeps you there longer.

Testosterone good for the Brain!

Unlike what people may have thought due to the common “MeatHead” nickname given to muscular dumb guys, testosterone increases neurological function. An article I came across showed that as a result of decline in age, testosterone dropped, this led to increased risks for Alzheimer’s disease. Men with Alzheimer’s disease had lower levels of serum testosterone; this explains how both testosterone and estrogen have neuro-stimulative properties. Since Testosterone and Estrogen are neurosteroids this means they would also help prevent one from easily acquiring Addison’s disease. I even saw some research on PubMed that displayed testosterone’s importance in preventing Dementia, another “Slowing down of the Brain” disease. This is why dopamine in abundance has a positive effect on testosterone, although too much dopamine can cause over-stimulation leading to Schizophrenia. Some of you may be saying what he means by “neuro-stimulation”. When one ingests 200mg of caffeine, they are ingesting a bunch of stimulants which cause your neurotransmitters to rapidly fire, well certain sex hormones like testosterone act in this matter without the jittery feeling. This effect allows for better awareness, mental clarity, mental acuity, increased memory and so on. Caffeine has been proven to be effective in improving cognitive function, this goes to show you that when you compare caffeine to testosterone in the way they effect the brain, they both positive since they delay the effects of Dementia while allowing you to do more mental tasks

So far we have seen that testosterone is good for the heart, respiratory system, brain function, blood glucose levels, cholesterol, bone density, sense of well being, and now we see testosterone’s anabolic properties. Here is a full abstract from another article that shows the anabolic benefits of testosterone:

“Testosterone Therapy Prevents Gain in Visceral Adipose Tissue and Loss of Skeletal Muscle in Nonobese Aging Men

C. A. Allan, B. J. G. Strauss, H. G. Burger, E. A. Forbes and R. I. McLachlan

Prince Henry’s Institute (C.A.A., H.G.B., E.A.F., R.I.M.), Andrology Australia (C.A.A., R.I.M.), and Departments of Obstetrics and Gynecology (C.A.A., R.I.M.) and Medicine (B.J.G.S.), Monash University; and Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism Unit (B.J.G.S.), Monash Medical Centre, Monash University, Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia

Address all correspondence and requests for reprints to: Professor R. I. McLachlan, Prince Henry’s Institute, P.O. Box 5152, Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia. E-mail:[email protected] .

Background: Trials of testosterone therapy in aging men have demonstrated increases in fat-free mass (FFM) and skeletal muscle and decreases in fat mass (FM) but have not reported the impact of baseline body composition.

Objective: The objective of the study was to determine the effect, in nonobese aging men with symptoms of androgen deficiency and low-normal serum testosterone levels, of testosterone therapy on total and regional body composition and hormonal and metabolic indices.

Methods: Sixty healthy but symptomatic, nonobese men aged 55 yr or older with total testosterone (TT) levels less than 15 nM were randomized to transdermal testosterone patches or placebo for 52 wk. Body composition, by dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (FM, FFM, skeletal muscle) and magnetic resonance imaging (abdominal sc and visceral adipose tissue, thigh skeletal muscle, and intermuscular fat) and hormonal and metabolic parameters were measured at wk 0 and 52.

Results: Serum TT increased by 30% (P = 0.01), and LH decreased by 50% (P < 0.001). Relative to placebo, total body FFM (P = 0.03) and skeletal muscle (P = 0.008) were increased and thigh skeletal muscle loss was prevented (P = 0.045) with testosterone therapy and visceral fat accumulation decreased (P = 0.001) without change in total body or abdominal sc FM; change in visceral fat was correlated with change in TT levels (r2 = 0.36; P = 0.014). There was a trend to increasing total and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol with placebo.

Conclusion: Testosterone therapy, relative to placebo, selectively lessened visceral fat accumulation without change in total body FM and increased total body FFM and total body and thigh skeletal muscle mass”.


now you guys can see that PCT (Post Cycle Therapy) is crucial to maintain gains and boost overall health. Many studies and blood panels have shown that PCT boosts liver cells, better ALT/LST levels, good cholesterol, proper testosterone to estrogen ratios, proper testosterone to cortisol ratios, solid IGF levels, proper hypothalamus function, proper brain function, good adrenals, good sense of well being, anti-oxidative, anti-cancerous, restoration of distorted blood vessels, proper maintenance of SHBG’s, bone and ligament/joint protection. As you can see there is plenty of reasons to have a PCT aligned besides maintaining gains. I have always been a firm believer of keeping testosterone and FREE testosterone levels up in order to keep vitality and overall quality of life. There are many way PCT protocols once could follow, I suggest do your own research and see what fits you best. Before/after a cycle and post PCT one should follow their body by doing hormonal/organ blood work to see where you stand.

Supplements to boost testosterone naturally!

For years people have tried many ways to boost testosterone naturally for their specific means of interest. We had the tribulus error which was proven not to do much for the human male. Studies recently suggest that tribulus does boost androgen receptors within the brain which causes the rise in libido associated with supplementation of it. Now AI’s have been proven to raise LH output, increase both total and FREE testosterone while lowering estrogen. Formestane, 6bromo, Exemestane, arimadex all do the job in boosting total/free testosterone while blocking estrogen. 6-bromo and Formestane also block prolactin which allows for even MORE TOTA/FREE TESTOSTERONE boost. It is able to block prolactin by blocking the progesterone receptors at the same time it blocks the estrogen receptors. This would make Formestane an IDEAL otc AI while on Deca to avoid the unwanted “deca-dick”. The benefits of Formestane are really undeniable and should be a part of everyone’s artillery. Formestane also boosts IGF levels which mean MORE MUSCLE GROWTH. Formestane can be used as a standalone, on cycle and during PCT! I did not mention ATD why, simple it has anti-androgen properties since it blocks the androgen receptor in the brain which leads to a lack of libido. It also does not boost testosterone levels as once thought, it appears that ATD provides false testosterone levels because ATD contains metabolites similar to Testosterone which cause the false high positives. Currently there are three reliable sources of Formestane:
1. Competitive Edge Labs Formestane
2. Formestane LV

In this article: BCAAs raise T levels in bodybuilders

We get to see how effective BCAA’s are in boosting testosterone since they reduce cortisol levels which rise during intense training. People have tried to deny the effectiveness of BCAA’s but as you can see it boosts testosterone. It only took 6 grams of BCAA’s for 4 weeks to see a noticeable difference. Now imagine taking the effects of Gear (Bovine super plasma blood serum) which is 3x more potent than standard BCAA’s, this means MORE TESTOSTERONE boost and MORE MUSCLE PRESERVATION! More testosterone leads to gains in MUSCLE MASS, STRENGTH, RECOVERY, and a BETTER YOU!

HCGenerate brings a revolution to all herbal testosterone boosters because it contains a specific extract of Fadogia. Fadogia has shown to increase total testosterone levels at 6x more than that of some of the other popular herbal raws. It helps preserve and create new leydig cells which allows for more conversion of cholesterol to testosterone. Its ability to boost LH and testosterone dramatically makes it very comparable to HCG, which is why HCGenerate can be used on cycle to minimize shutdown; allowing PCT to be a breeze. HCGenerate also contains testofen which has been shown to DOUBLE FREE testosterone levels in HUMAN males. Free testosterone means that one is able to achieve the anabolic and androgenic effects of testosterone. When testosterone is not free; its USELESS because it cannot be used for any masculine purpose. So if one has really high testosterone but low free testosterone; they will not really reap the benefits that someone on a cycle of testosterone will receive. HCGenrate also contains Divanil which boosts FREE testosterone, lowers SHBG levels and boosts Nitric Oxide levels. HCGenerate is a MUST if you plan on using a SERM( Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator) because SERM’s have been proven to raise SHBG’s which will drop free (useable) testosterone. Eventually high SHBG’s leads to not only low Free testosterone but Low total testosterone as seen with older individuals.

7,8 Benzoflavone has always intrigued me because of its effectiveness. There are studies that show boosts testosterone by increasing GrRH release in which it stimulates GABAergic modulation and at the same time blocks estrogen due to its AI properties. It has an IC50 value of 70nm which is RIDICULOUS for an herbal raw, this explains why individuals who use this raw have dramatic boosts in testosterone with low LH levels. This raw converts LH to testosterone at a high rate while keep estrogen to a norm; giving it a nice 1-2 punch. I have seen my testosterone levels with bloodwork boost over 50% which is definitely impressive and lets me know it’s a must to add in my PCT with HCGenerate. Forma-stanzol again has what you need and contains 7,8 benzoflavone.

Forged Steel has really caught my eye as of recently since it boosts libido DRAMATICALLY and boosts testosterone at the same time! Let’s start off with the pumpkin seed powder that Forged Steel contains. Pumpkin seed powder has an abundance of Zinc which is crucial for maintaining testosterone efficiency, along bone density strength. Zinc protects the prostate from prostate enlargement which can be fatal. Zinc also is important for fertility in providing more counts of semen and semen mobility. Solid levels of Zinc also prevent testosterone from converting to DHT at a high rate which is what you want. Pumpkin Powder Seed has also been touted to raise FEMALE’S LIBIDO through her olfactory system. In essence, the scent of pumpkin makes a woman wetter in her “special place” which is what any testosterone filled dude wants! Companies are now starting to make colognes with Pumpkin seed powder extract to entice men to purchase their product. So it’s real simple, ingesting pumpkin seed leads to a concentration of pumpkin seed in the body, which leads to pore concentration, finally translates to women appeal and a good chance of GETTING LAID! Forged Steel also contains Muira Puama which decreases prolactin leading to increased TOTAL testosterone levels. It also boosts dopamine levels which lead to HARDER ERECTIONS and LASTING LONGER in the bedroom! Forged Steel is the REAL DEAL if you are looking for a quick boost prior to sexual activity.
FORGED STEEL - OrbitNutrition

One more raw I want you all to witness is mytosterone, this bad boy has been proven to boost testosterone by 60% while blocking estrogen by 9% and blocking DHT conversion by 20 plus %. Here is an excerpt to the study that showcases mytosterone:

“BACKGROUND: Maintaining endogenous testosterone (T) levels as men age may slow the symptoms of sarcopenia, andropause and decline in physical performance. Drugs inhibiting the enzyme 5alpha-reductase (5AR) produce increased blood levels of T and decreased levels of dihydrotestosterone (DHT). However, symptoms of gynecomastia have been reported due to the aromatase (AER) enzyme converting excess T to estradiol (ES). The carotenoid astaxanthin (AX) from Haematococcus pluvialis, Saw Palmetto berry lipid extract (SPLE) from Serenoa repens and the precise combination of these dietary supplements, Alphastat(R) (Mytosterone(trade mark)), have been reported to have inhibitory effects on both 5AR and AER in-vitro. Concomitant regulation of both enzymes in-vivo would cause DHT and ES blood levels to decrease and T levels to increase. The purpose of this clinical study was to determine if patented Alphastat(R) (Mytosterone(trade mark)) could produce these effects in a dose dependent manner. METHODS: To investigate this clinically, 42 healthy males ages 37 to 70 years were divided into two groups of twenty-one and dosed with either 800 mg/day or 2000 mg/day of Alphastat(R) (Mytosterone(trade mark)) for fourteen days. Blood samples were collected on days 0, 3, 7 and 14 and assayed for T, DHT and ES. Body weight and blood pressure data were collected prior to blood collection. One-way, repeated measures analysis of variance (ANOVA-RM) was performed at a significance level of alpha = 0.05 to determine differences from baseline within each group. Two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA-2) was performed after baseline subtraction, at a significance level of alpha = 0.05 to determine differences between dose groups. Results are expressed as means +/- SEM. RESULTS: ANOVA-RM showed significant within group increases in serum total T and significant decreases in serum DHT from baseline in both dose groups at a significance level of alpha = 0.05. Significant decreases in serum ES are reported for the 2000 mg/day dose group and not the 800 mg/day dose group. Significant within group effects were confirmed using ANOVA-2 analyses after baseline subtraction. ANOVA-2 analyses also showed no significant difference between dose groups with regard to the increase of T or the decrease of DHT. It did show a significant dose dependant decrease in serum ES levels. CONCLUSION: Both dose groups showed significant (p = 0.05) increases in T and decreases in DHT within three days of treatment with Alphastat(R) (Mytosterone(trade mark)). Between group statistical analysis showed no significant (p = 0.05) difference, indicating the effect was not dose dependent and that 800 mg/per day is equally effective as 2000 mg/day for increasing T and lowering DHT. Blood levels of ES however, decreased significantly (p = 0.05) in the 2000 mg/day dose group but not in the 800 mg/day dose group indicating a dose dependant decrease in E levels.”
Myodrol 120 caps, Axis Labs - OrbitNutrition

Pretty impressive huh, I think a stack of Myodrol, HCGenerate and forma-stanzol would be INSANE providing that one will SIGNIFIGANTLY boost total/free testosterone, lower conversion of testosterone to DHT and estradiol, and preventing high aromatization. The only supplement that has a legit dose of mytosterone is myodrol by Axis Labs: Myodrol 120 caps, Axis Labs - OrbitNutrition

Be it just to feel naturally more like a man or to help feel less like a woman during pct, Testosterone is what separates the men from the boys my friends and now you know how to get you some.

1.Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism Vol. 37, No. 1 148-151

2. Michael R. Waterman, Genes Involved in Androgen Biosynthesis and the Male PhenotypeDiane S. KeeneyDepartment of Biochemistry, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, Nashville, Tenn., USA Vol. 38, No. 5-6, 1992

3.Steroid Hormones

4. Monica Levy Andersen*, Sergio Tufik. The effects of testosteroneonsleep and sleepdisorderedbreathing in men:Its bidirectionalinteraction with erectile function. Sleep Medicine Reviews (2008) 12, 365e379 (

5. ABDULAMAGED M. TRAISH, ANDRE GUAY, FARID SAAD. The Dark Side of Testosterone Deficiency: II. Type 2 Diabetes and Insulin Resistance. Journal of Andrology, Vol. 30, No. 1, January/February 2009. (The Dark Side of Testosterone Deficiency: II. Type 2 Diabetes and Insulin Resistance -- Traish et al. 30 (1): 23 -- Journal of Andrology)

6. Ding EL, Song Y, Malik VS, Liu S. Sex differences of endogenous sex hormones and risk of type 2 diabetes: a systematic review and meta-analysis. JAMA. 2006;295: 1288 –1299.[

7. Testosterone and Estradiol among Older Men. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism Vol. 91, No. 4 1336-1344

Testosterone and Estradiol among Older Men -- Orwoll et al. 91 (4): 1336 -- Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism

8. Low Serum Testosterone and Mortality in Older Men. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism Vol. 93, No. 1 68-75(2008)

Low Serum Testosterone and Mortality in Older Men -- Laughlin et al. 93 (1): 68 -- Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism

9. Older Men Are as Responsive as Young Men to the Anabolic Effects of Graded Doses of Testosterone on the Skeletal Muscle. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism Vol. 90, No. 2 678-688 (2005)

10. Jones, T.H. (Barnsley/Sheffield) (eds): Advances in the Management of Testosterone Deficiency. Testosterone, Bone and Osteoporosis Front Horm Res. Basel, Karger, 2009, vol 37, pp 123-132 (2010)

11. NEJM -- The Effects of Supraphysiologic Doses of Testosterone on Muscle Size and Strength in Normal Men

12.Age-Related Testosterone Depletion and the Development of Alzheimer Disease. Vol.292 Nov.12, Sept. 22-29, 2004

13. Behav Brain Res. 2010 Jan 20; 206(2): 216-22.

14.Inhibition of human estrogen synthetase (aromatase) by flavones JT Kellis, Jr et al.Science, Sep 1984; 225: 1032 - 1034.

15. Pumpkin Seeds Shown to Boost Sex Drive

16. An open label, dose response study to determine the effect of a dietary supplement on dihydrotestosterone, testosterone and estradiol levels in healthy males. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition 2008, 5:12 (2008)


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Well alright now. Next you will prob want to read about injecting steroids.

For many of you, this is common knowledge, but I'm sure that some of you still have a few questions about this subject. If you are new to steroids, this FAQ should answer your injection questions. We will start from the very beginning.......

1cc = 1ml

Gauge: The smaller the gauge, the thicker the needle. An 18g is much thicker than a 22g.

Length: Generally 1.5" or 1" for our purposes.

and no you do not mix water and oil based steroids in the same needle. Unless you like the Idea of having a arm or a leg cut off I would not do this.

now we can proceed.......

What is an intramuscular (IM) injection?
A technique to deliver a medication into muscle tissue for it's eventual absorption into the systemic circulation. Steroids, both oil and water-based, are administered this way.

What is a subcutaneous (sub-q) injection?
A technique to deliver a medication into the soft tissue (fat) immediately underlying the skin. Insulin, HCG, and HGH are typically administered this way.

What is aspiration?
To aspirate is to withdraw fluid with a syringe. More specifically, after inserting the needle, pulling back on the plunger of the syringe for a few seconds to see if the needle is in a blood vessel. Rarely, this will be the case and a bit of blood will fill the syringe. If this happens the needle should be removed, replaced with a new one, and another injection site should be used. And yes, if there is a little blood in your syringe, it is ok to inject it along with your steroid once you have found a different's your own blood isn't it?

When aspirating, nothing should come back into the syringe if you are in the right spot. Pulling back on the plunger will create a vacuum in your syringe. The oil cannot expand to fill that space, but any air bubbles in your syringe will. You may notice the tiny bubbles getting bigger and bigger as you pull back. They will return to normal size as you release the plunger. If the air bubbles do not disappear upon releasing the plunger, you have an air leak most likely caused by the needle not being screwed onto the syringe tightly enough, although on very rare occassions, the syringe or needle itself can be defective. Either way, purge the air bubbles out, put a new needle on and try it again.

Do I really need to aspirate?
Those who inject without aspirating are taking unnecessary chances. Sweating, nausea, dizziness, severe coughing, breathing difficulties, anaphylactic shock, coma or death can all result from not aspirating. Most of the time, steroid users experience dizziness and coughing fits when they inject into a blood vessel. But you need to be aware of the dangers of neglecting this simple technique that should take about 3-5 seconds of your time.

What exactly is an abscess?
Abscesses occur when an area of tissue becomes infected and the body is able to "wall off" the infection and keep it from spreading. White blood cells migrate through the walls of the blood vessels into the area of the infection and collect within the damaged tissue. During this process, pus forms (an accumulation of fluid, living and dead white blood cells, dead tissue, and bacteria or other foreign invaders or materials).

Abscesses can form in almost every part of the body and may be caused by bacteria, parasites, or foreign materials. Most of the time, it is caused by unsanitary injection techniques. On very rare occassions, it can be caused by foreign particles your gear (a greater chance of this occurs when using/making a homebrew). The abscesses that we are concerned about are usually reddish, raised, and painful.

Now if you have injection problems like pain and swelling you will want to read this

1) Tissue Irritation
This is probably the most likely cause of post injection pain and the least serious. Tissue irritation is likely to start 12-24 hours after injection, pain can be mild to moderate depending on the level of tissue irritation and the volume injected. The injection site is likely to swell within the muscle, maybe red and likely to be warm and very firm to the touch. The pain and swelling will start to fade after 72 hours and can last over a week in the worst cases. The most likely causes of tissue irritation are:
The hormone crashes out of the solution in the depot. This causes crystallisation of the hormone, this in turn places a lot of pressure on the nerve endings in the muscle belly causing knotting, swelling and pain - this is most common in long chain esters, high mg/ml concentration gear and gear compounded with less than idea oil blends.
A reaction to the acid compounds within the ester. With the metabolic breakdown of the ester attached to the hormone free form acids are released which can cause the muscle tissue rapid irritation at the injection site – this is most common with propionic acid of the propionate ester. Poor quality raw materials also liberate more freeform acids.

Newb muscles. Of course everyone knows your first injections are the worst. Over time your body will build a tolerance.

Excessive preservative. If too much benzyl Alcohol is used to formulate the solution inflammation and pain may result. Pharma grade usually contains 0.9% Benzyl alcohol where the common senseu states UGL products contain on average 2%. Anything above 1.2% offers no added anti-microbial effects. Due to water soluable nature of benzyl alcohol tissue irritation of this nature has been known to “travel” as the excessive alcohol disperses via the blood stream. This is most common with injection into the quads (vastus lateralis).The pain travels down toward the knee. This may however be in part due to lymphatic drainage and leads me nicely to my next point.
Ice and ibuprofen may help with the swelling. Hot baths, showers and massage of the injection site may help to distribute the injection and reduce pain.

2) Hitting the lymphatic system.
Hitting the lymphatic system is very rare. The lymphatic system is as vast as the circulatory system but the standard injection sights (Glute, ventro-glute, medial delts and vastus lateralis) are generally void of lymphatic nodes. If a lymph node is hit with an injection pain is likely to be severe and edema vast. The swelling will come on very fast and be extensive. It is also likely to “travel” along the lymph system to the next lymph gland. This is most noticeable with a vastus lateralis shot where the swelling tracks down toward the back of the knee. Unlike the edema experienced with tissue irritation (within the muscle only) the edema with a lymphatic puncture will be both inter and intra-muscular with a moderate amount of swelling just underneath the skin giving it a softer puffy feel. This can be tested for by pressing the swollen area with your finger, if in indent remains you have a more systematic edema and more than just local tissue irreation. The other most noticeable difference is that the swelling should not be warm/hot to touch.
Ice and ibuprofen may help. The affected area must be rested and the patient can expect pain and swelling to start to disperse after 72 hours and last at least 10 days. The painful area must not be massaged.

3) Infection and abscess.
So now to the most serious reason for injection pain. An infection will start in the same manner as tissue irritation with local pain and swelling, with heat and redness around the muscle. The major difference is that after 72 hours tissue irritation should start to subside, if the area is indeed infected this pain and swelling will get worse. The swelling will change in nature becoming more systematic and edema will start to form under the skin becoming softer and more spongy (as described with a lymphatic puncture).

There are many reasons why an infection can manifest, below are some of the most common examples.
Poor injection technique. Correct, and sterile injection technique is a must. You must make sure the injection site and rubber stopper is clean and swabbed with an alcohol wipe.
Also the moisture from the alcohol swab must be allowed to dry before preparing to inject. It is extremely rare but if the alcohol is not allowed to dry the bacterium has not been allowed adequate time to be killed off. If this partly destroyed bacterium was then pushed into a muscle through an Inter-muscular injection the bacterium can “evolve” into a superbug. My wife’s horse died this way due to an impatient vet.
You should always use a clean and new syringe barrel and pin and not allow the pin to touch anything before you inject. Avoid pinning through a hair follicle or hair and don’t be tempted to inject too quickly. Injecting too quickly can increase the risk of infection as this in turn increases injection trauma.
Not rotating injection sites. The risk of infection is massively increased if the same injection site is used over and over again without giving it time to recover. The more an injury (injection trauma) is irritated (re-injected) the more likely it is to become infected. Think back to being a child and picking that scab on your knee excessively and then being told “I told you so” when it becomes a yellow puss infected mess.
Contaminated Gear. IMO this is probably the least common cause of infection with oil based injections (I cannot say the same for water based injections). This is a no brainer really. Use a reputable UGL or pharma and avoid water based suspensions.

What to do in the case of an infection.

So the pain and swelling has not subsided and the edema is pitting and moving outside the confides of the muscle fascia after 72 hours. With an infection the body is attempting to contain the bacterium and prevent it from
reaching the circulatory system by forming a cyst. This is essential to prevent blood poisoning


Can I reuse the same needle?
Yes, but only if you are an idiot. There really is no need to explain why you shouldn't re-use a needle. Common sense should kick in here, but the bottom line of re-using needles is an INCREASED CHANCE OF INFECTION. If you have trouble obtaining needles in your area, try finding a different way of getting them. The hassle of finding a source is negligible compared to the hassle of the abscess in your ass that would most-likely require a doctor and a scalpel.

Can I inject with the same needle I draw with?
Hell fucking no. Use a different needle!!!!!!!!

Does it matter if I push the needle in fast or slow?
I would recommend slowly, and so would just about everyone else for a number of reasons. Enough said.

What gauge needles should I use?
for drawing - 20g, 21g

18g needles are too big and they will eat up your stoppers in a hurry. A bigger hole means an increased chance of letting some little nasties into your sterile vial. Sometimes, the 18g will take out little chunks of rubber that fall nicely into your vial. That is not something you want. Imagine injecting that tiny piece of rubber into your muscle. I'll bet the doctor would have lots of fun digging into your rmuscle trying to find it and mutilating your muscle in the process.....

for injecting - 22g, 23g, 25g - for oil-based steroids, 27g, 29g - for insulin, HCG, HGH, and some water-based steroids. 21g-25g for some lower quality types of winny or suspension, higher quality versions can use a smaller needle generally.

22g and 23g are fine for glutes and quads. 25g is preferred for the smaller muscles such as delts, biceps, triceps, etc.

What length needles should I use?
Most people can get by with a 1" needle, but if you have a higher percentage of bodyfat or are just plain big you should use a 1.5" needle to insure that you get deep into the muscle. You should only use a 1.5" needle for glutes, or if you have huge quads. For smaller muscle groups, 1" is the most common, although some people like to use a 5/8".

How many ccs can I shoot in one place?
It depends on how big you are. A general guideline is 1cc for delts, 2cc for quads, and up to 3ccs for glutes. Some do more, some do all depends. After a cycle or two, you will know what your body can handle. If you are injecting into other muscles such as biceps, triceps, or calves, it's best to start off with a small volume and work your way up.

Can I pre-load my syringes?
yes but only if they are going to be stored for less then a week and they are stored right.

Which is the best brand of needle?
who cares a needle is a needle IMO
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I can't get all the tiny air bubbles out of my syringe....
As long as you tap it and get most of the air out, you will be fine. A little air intramusculary won't hurt you. According to the USH2 by Dan Ducaine, it supposedly takes about 10ccs of air injected into a blood vessel to kill you. I wonder how the hell they figured that one out.

I saw blood in the syringe after I pulled out....
You passed through a blood vessel and a little bit of blood entered the syringe on the way out. No biggie.

I pulled the needle out and blood dripped/squirted out....
You passed through a blood vessel. Apply a little pressure with your alcohol swab. You'll live.

I pulled the needle out and oil was dribbling out....
You injected too much in one place or you didn't inject deep enough. No biggie. Try injecting slower or leaving the needle in you for 30 seconds after you have injected it all. This should give the oil some time to dissipate so very little, if any, should dribble out.

I injected into my quad, and my leg was twitching....
You grazed a nerve. Usually it's a good idea to pull out and try another spot.

I don't think I injected deep enough....
If you think you injected into a layer of fat, don't worry. It will just take longer for the steroid to dissipate than it would if you had injected into the muscle. Eventually it will be absorbed. Don't let anyone tell you that you wasted it because that is not true.
Now anyone who wants to do steroids should always have blood test done before and after cycles. This is something you should to help you with that.

Blood Work - What To Look For

We should all get bloodwork done before starting AAS so you can see for yourself the affects it is having on your body and to make sure you are as healthy/safe as possible.

Maybe this can help clear things up a bit.................

What Does Your Blood Test Mean?

Glucose: This is the chief source of energy for all living organisms. A level greater than 105 in someone who has fasted for 12 hours suggests a diabetic tendency. If this level is elevated even in a non-fasting setting one must be concerned that there is a risk for developing diabetes. This is an incredibly powerful test and can predict diabetes ten years or more before one develops the strict definition of diabetes which is levels greater than 120.

Sodium: This element plays an important role in salt and water balance in your body. A low level in the blood can be caused by too much water intake, heart failure, or kidney failure. A low level can also be caused by loss of sodium in diarrhea, fluid or vomiting. A high level can be caused by too much intake of salt or by not enough intake of water.

Potassium and Magnesium: These elements are found primarily inside the cells of the body. Low levels in the blood may indicate severe diarrhea, alcoholism, or excessive use of water pills. A very low level of magnesium in the blood can cause your muscles to tremble. Low potassium levels can cause muscle weakness and heart problems.

Chloride: Is an electrolyte controlled by the kidneys and can sometimes be affected by diet. An electrolyte is involved in maintaining acid-base balance and helps to regulate blood volume and artery pressure. Elevated levels are related to acidosis as well as too much water crossing the cell membrane.

BUN (Blood Urea Nitrogen): BUN is a waste product derived from protein breakdown in the liver. Increases can be caused by excessive protein intake, kidney damage, certain drugs, low fluid intake, intestinal bleeding, exercise, heart failure or decreased digestive enzyme production by the pancreas. Decreased levels are most commonly due to inadequate protein intake, malabsorption, or liver damage.

Creatinine: Creatinine is also a protein breakdown product. Its level is a reflection of the bodies muscle mass. Low levels are commonly seen in inadequate protein intake, liver disease, kidney damage or pregnancy. Elevated levels are generally reflective of kidney damage and need to be monitored very carefully.

Uric Acid: Uric acid is the end product purine metabolism. High levels are seen in gout, infections, high protein diets, and kidney disease. Low levels generally indicate protein and molybdenum (trace mineral) deficiency, liver damage or an overly acid kidney.

Phosphate: Phosphate is closely associated with calcium in bone development. Therefore most of the phosphate in the body is found in the bones. But the phosphate level in the blood is very important for muscle and nerve function. Very low levels of phosphate in the blood can be associated with starvation or malnutrition and this can lead to muscle weakness. High levels in the blood are usually associated with kidney disease. However the blood must be drawn carefully as improper handling may falsely increase the reading.

Calcium: Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the body. It is involved in bone metabolism, protein absorption, fat transfer, muscular contraction, transmission of nerve impulses, blood clotting, and heart function. It is highly sensitive to elements such as magnesium, iron, and phosphorous as well as hormonal activity, vitamin D levels, CO2 levels and many drugs. Diet, or even the presence of calcium in the diet has a lot to do with "calcium balance" - how much calcium you take in and how much you lose from your body.

Albumin: The most abundant protein in the blood, it is made in the liver and is an antioxidant that protects your tissues from free radicals. It binds waste products, toxins and dangerous drugs that might damage the body. Is also is a major buffer in the body and plays a role in controlling the precise amount of water in our tissues. It serves to transport vitamins, minerals and hormones. The higher this number is, the better. The highest one can reasonably expect would be 5.5.

Alkaline Phosphatase: Alkaline phosphatase is an enzyme that is found in all body tissue, but the most important sites are bone, liver, bile ducts and the gut. A high level of alkaline phosphatase in your blood may indicate bone, liver or bile duct disease. Certain drugs may also cause high levels. Growing children, because of bone growth, normally have a higher level than adults do. Low levels indicate low functioning adrenal glands, protein deficiency, malnutrition or more commonly, a deficiency in zinc.

Transaminases (SGTP) & (SGOT): These are enzymes that are primarily found in the liver. Drinking too much alcohol, certain drugs, liver disease and bile duct disease can cause high levels in the blood. Hepatitis is another problem that can raise these levels. Low levels of GGTP may indicate a magnesium deficiency. Low levels of SGPT and SGOT may indicate deficiency of vitamin B6.

Gamma-Glutamyltranserase (GGTP): Believed to be involved in the transport of amino acids into cells as well as glutathione metabolism. Found in the liver and will rise with alcohol use, liver disease, or excess magnesium. Decreased levels can be found in hypothyroidism and more commonly decreased magnesium levels.

Lactate Dehydrogenase (LDH): LDH is an enzyme found in all tissues in the body. A high level in the blood can result from a number of different diseases. Also, slightly elevated levels in the blood are common and usually do not indicate disease. The most common sources of LDH are the heart, liver, muscles, and red blood cells.

Total Protein: This is a measure of the total amount of protein in your blood. A low or high total protein does not indicate a specific disease, but it does indicate that some additional tests may be required to determine if there is a problem.

Iron: The body must have iron to make hemoglobin and to help transfer oxygen to the muscle. If the body is low in iron, all body cells, particularly muscles in adults and brain cells in children, do not function up to par. If this test is low you should consider getting a Ferritin test, especially if you are a female who still has menstrual cycles.

Triglycerides: These are fats used as fuel by the body, and as an energy source for metabolism. Increased levels are almost always a sign of too much carbohydrate intake. Decreased levels are seen in hyperthyroidism, malnutrition and malabsorption.

Cholesterol: Group of fats vital to cell membranes, nerve fibers and bile salts, and a necessary precursor for the sex hormones. High levels indicate diet high in carbohydrates/sugars. Low levels indicate low fat diet, malabsorption, or carbohydrate sensitivity.

HDL/LDL: LDL is the "bad cholesterol", which carries cholesterol for cell building needs, but leaves behind any excess on artery walls and in tissues. HDL is the "good cholesterol" which helps to prevent narrowing of the artery walls by removing the excess cholesterol and transporting it to the liver for excretion. A low HDL percentage frequently indicates diets high in refined carbohydrates and/or carbohydrate sensitivity.

CO2: The CO2 level is related to the respiratory exchange of carbon dioxide in the lungs and is part of the bodies buffering system. Generally, when used with the other electrolytes, carbon dioxide levels indicate pH or acid/alkaline balance in the tissues. This is one of the most important tests that we measure. Most people have too much acid in their body. If you garden you will know that it is very difficult to grow plants in soil where the pH is incorrect. Our blood is similar to soil in many respects and it will be difficult to be healthy if our body's pH is not well balanced.

WBC: White blood count measures the total number of white blood cells in a given volume of blood. Since WBCs kill bacteria, this count is a measure of the body's response to infection.

Hemoglobin: Hemoglobin provides the main transport of oxygen and carbon in the blood. It is composed of "globin", a group of amino acids that form a protein and "heme", which contains iron. It is an important determinant of anemia (decreased hemoglobin) or poor diet/nutrition or malabsorption.

Hematocrit: Hematocrit is the measurement of the percentage of red blood cells in whole blood. It is an important determinant of anemia (decreased), dehydration (elevated) or possible overhydration (decreased).

MCV: Thismeasures the average size of the red blood cells and their volume. These components together can indicate iron deficiency anemia (decreased), b12/folate deficiency anemia (increased), or rheumatoid arthritis (decreased).



Normal Lab Values

Red Blood Cells
RBC (Male) 4.2 - 5.6 M/µL
RBC (Female) 3.8 - 5.1 M/µL
RBC (Child) 3.5 - 5.0 M/µL
White Blood Cells
WBC (Male) 3.8 - 11.0 K / mm cubed
WBC (Female) 3.8 - 11.0 K / mm cubed
WBC (Child) 5.0 - 10.0 K / mm cubed
Hgb (Male) 14 - 18 g/dL
Hgb (Female) 11 - 16 g/dL
Hgb (child) 10 - 14 g/dL
Hgb (Newborn) 15 - 25 g/dL
Hct (Male) 39 - 54%
Hct (Female) 34 - 47%
Hct (Child) 30 - 42%
MCV 78 - 98 fL
MCH 27 - 35 pg
MCHC 31 - 37%
Neutrophils 50 - 81%
Bands 1 - 5%
Lymphocytes 14 - 44%
Monocytes 2 - 6%
Eosinophils 1 - 5%
Basophils 0 - 1%

Troponin I 0 - 0.1 ng/ml (onset: 4-6 hrs, peak: 12-24 hrs, return to normal: 4-7 days)
Troponin T 0 - 0.2 ng/ml (onset: 3-4 hrs, peak: 10-24 hrs, return to normal: 10-14 days)
Myoglobin (Male) 10 - 95 ng/ml (onset: 1-3 hrs, peak: 6-10 hrs, return to normal: 12-24 hrs)
Myoglobin (Female) 10 - 65 ng/ml (onset: 1-3 hrs, peak: 6-10 hrs, return to normal: 12-24 hrs)

Acetone 0.3 - 2.0 mg%
Albumin 3.5 - 5.0 gm/dL
Alkaline Phosphatase 32 - 110 U/L
Anion gap 5 - 16 mEq/L
Ammonia 11 - 35 µmol/L
Amylase 50 - 150 U/dL
AST, SGOT (Male) 7 - 21 U/L
AST, SGOT (Female) 6 - 18 U/L
Bilirubin, Direct 0.0 - 0.4 mg/dL
Bilirubin, Indirect total minus direct
Bilirubin, Total 0.2 - 1.4 mg/dL
BUN 6 - 23 mg/dL
Calcium (total) 8 - 11 mg/dL
Carbon dioxide 21 - 34 mEq/L
Carbon monoxide symptoms at greater than or equal to 10% saturation
Chloride 96 - 112 mEq/L
Creatine (Male) 0.2 - 0.6 mg/dL
Creatine (Female) 0.6 - 1.0 mg/dL
Creatinine 0.6 - 1.5 mg/dL
Ethanol 0 mg%; Coma: greater than or equal to 400 - 500 mg%
Folic acid 2.0 - 21 ng/mL
Glucose 70 - 110 mg/dL (diuresis greater than or equal to 180 mg/dL)
HDL (Male) 25 - 65 mg/dL
HDL (Female) 38 - 94 mg/dL
Iron 52 - 169 µg/dL
Iron binding capacity 246 - 455 µg/dL
Lactic acid 0.4 - 2.3 mEq/L
Lactate 0.3 - 2.3 mEq/L
Lipase 10 - 140 U/L
Magnesium 1.5 - 2.5 mg/dL
Osmolarity 276 - 295 mOsm/kg
Parathyroid hormone 12 - 68 pg/mL
Phosphorus 2.2 - 4.8 mg/dL
Potasssium 3.5 - 5.5 mEq/L
Protein (total) 6.0 - 9.0 gm/dL
SGPT 8 - 32 U/L
Sodium 135 - 148 mEq/L
T3 0.8 - 1.1 µg/dL
Thyroglobulin Less than 55 ng/mL
Thyroxine (T4) total 5 - 13 µg/dL
Total protein 5 - 9 gm/dL
TSH Less than 9 µU/mL
Urea nitrogen 8 - 25 mg/dL
Uric acid (Male) 3.5 - 7.7 mg/dL
Uric acid (Female) 2.5 - 6.6 mg/dL

Cholesterol (total) Less than 200 mg/dL desirable
Cholesterol (HDL) 30 - 75 mg/dL
Cholesterol (LDL) Less than 130 mg/dL desirable
Triglycerides (Male) Greater than 40 - 170 mg/dL
Triglycerides (Female) Greater than 35 - 135 mg/dL

Color Straw
Specific Gravity 1.003 - 1.040
pH 4.6 - 8.0
Na 10 - 40 mEq/L
K Less than 8 mEq/L
Cl Less than 8 mEq/L
Protein 1 - 15 mg/dL
Osmolality 80 - 1300 mOsm/L

Amylase 250 - 1100 IU / 24 hr
Calcium 100 - 250 mg / 24 hr
Chloride 110 - 250 mEq / 24 hr
Creatinine 1 - 2 g / 24 hr
Creatine Clearance (Male) 100 - 140 mL / min
Creatine Clearance (Male) 16 - 26 mg / kg / 24 hr
Creatine Clearance (Female) 80 - 130 mL / min
Creatine Clearance (Female) 10 - 20 mg / kg / 24 hr
Magnesium 6 - 9 mEq / 24 hr
Osmolality 450 - 900 mOsm / kg
Phosphorus 0.9 - 1.3 g / 24 hr
Potassium 35 - 85 mEq / 24 hr
Protein 0 - 150 mg / 24 hr
Sodium 30 - 280 mEq / 24 hr
Urea nitrogen 10 - 22 gm / 24 hr
Uric acid 240 - 755 mg / 24 hr

ACT 90 - 130 seconds
APTT 21 - 35 seconds
Platelets 140,000 - 450,000 / ml
Plasminogen 62 - 130%
PT 10 - 14 seconds
PTT 32 - 45 seconds
FSP Less than 10 µg/dL
Fibrinogen 160 - 450 mg/dL
Bleeding time 3 - 7 minutes
Thrombin time 11 - 15 seconds

Appearance clear
Glucose 40 - 85 mg/dL
Osmolality 290 - 298 mOsm/L
Pressure 70 - 180 mm/H2O
Protein 15 - 45 mg/dL
Total cell count 0 - 5 cells
WBC's 0 - 6 / µL

Cardiac Index 2.5 - 4.2 L / min / m squared
Cardiac Output 4 - 8 LPM
Left Ventricular Stroke Work Index 40 - 70 g / m squared / beat
Mean Arterial Pressure 70 - 105 mm Hg
Pulmonary Vascular Resistance 155 - 255 dynes / sec / cm to the negative 5
Pulmonary Vaslular Resistance Index 255 - 285 dynes / sec / cm to the negative 5
Right Ventricular Stroke Work Index 7 - 12 g / m squared / beat
Stroke Volume 60 - 100 mL / beat
Stroke Volume Index 40 - 85 mL / m squared / beat
Systemic Vascular Resistance 900 - 1600 dynes / sec / cm to the negative 5
Systemic Vascular Resistance Index 1970 - 2390 dynes / sec / cm to the negative 5
Systolic Arterial Pressure 90 - 140 mm Hg
Diastolic Arterial Pressure 60 - 90 mm Hg
Central Venous Pressure 2 - 6 mm Hg; 2.5 - 12 cm H2O
Ejection Fraction 60 - 75%
Left Arterial Pressure 4 - 12 mm Hg
Pulmonary Artery Systolic 15 - 30 mm Hg
Pulmonary Artery Diastolic 5 - 15 mm Hg
Pulmonary Artery Pressure 10 - 20 mm Hg
Pulmonary Artery Wedge Pressure 4 - 12 mm Hg
Pulmonary Artery End Diastolic Pressure 8 - 10 mm Hg
Right Atrial Pressure 4 - 6 mm Hg
Right Ventricular End Diastolic Pressure 0 - 8 mm Hg

Cerebral Perfusion Pressure 70 - 90 mm Hg
Intracranial Pressure 5 - 15 mm Hg or 5 - 10 cm H2O

pH 7.35 - 7.45
PaCO2 35 - 45 mm Hg
HCO3 22 - 26 mEq/L
O2 sat 92 - 100%
PaO2 80 - 100 mm Hg
BE -2 to +2 mmol/L

pH 7.31 - 7.41
PaCO2 41 - 51 mm Hg
HCO3 22 - 29 mEq/L
O2 sat 60 - 85%
PaO2 30 - 40 mm Hg
BE 0 to +4 mmol/L

Hormone / antagonist Life stage Value
Progesterone (nanograms per milliliter or nano-moles per liter) < 1.0 ng/ml
(< 3.18 nmol/L)
17-Hydroxyprogesterone (nanograms per deciliter or nano-moles per liter) 5 –250 ng/dl
( 0.15 –7.5 nmol/L)
Estradiol (picograms per milliliter or pico-moles per liter) < 60 pg/ml
(< 185 pmol/L)
FSH (units per liter) 1.0 –12.0 U/L

LH (units per liter)
2.0 –14.0 U/L
SHBG (nano-moles per liter) 6–50 nmol/L
Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) (nanograms per deciliter or nano-moles per liter) 180 –1250 ng/dl
( 6.24 –43.3 nmol/L)
Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEAS) (micrograms per deciliter) 10 –619 µg/dl
Androstenedione (nanograms per milliliter) 0.8-2 ng/ml
Androstenediol (nanograms per milliliter) 0.2-2 ng/ml
Total testosterone - morning sample (nanograms per deciliter or nano-moles per liter) 270 –1070 ng/dl
(9.36 –37.10 nmol/L)
Free testosterone - morning sample (picrograms per milliliter or pico-moles per liter) 20 –40 yr 15.0 –40.0 pg/ml (520 –1387 pmol/L)
41 –60 yr 13.0 –35.0 pg/ml (451 –1213 pmol/L)
61 –80 yr 12.0 –28.0 pg/ml (416 –971 pmol/L)
Prolactin (nanograms per milliliter) 0 –15 ng/ml
Q: I just got my blood work done to test my liver enzymes and such, and they just called me and said everything was fine. But what is “Fine”? Don’t I have a right to see them and go over them with my doctor? Getting the high sign is great, but it was pretty vague, too.

A: You do, and it’s fairly unprofessional to be that vague when it’s an entire blood assay that’s been performed (which we’re assuming was done). Call your doctor back and set up a “follow up” appointment for his office only. Specify that it is to discuss results in-depth, as a follow up to a paid visit, and that you do not expect to have to pay for the doctor’s explanation since it was a part of earlier services already compensated. If you don’t specify this ahead of time, those sneaky office managers and receptionists always find a way to charge you at the time or bill you later. If you don’t have insurance, this can be deadly. If they won’t grant you face to face time with Mr. Wonderful, MD, then ask for him to return your phone call to discuss your levels and compare it to whatever baseline you have had established when you weren’t taking AAS. By the way, it merits mentioning that having a “baseline reading” of your blood work as a non-AAS using human is very, very important. It’s what they will compare to every time as your established normal chemistry. Perhaps in 20 years, they will not use it, but it’s important to renew your baseline “normal” chemistry every 10 years or so. Going off ‘roids to do that is important.
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