I have been around the sport of bodybuilding for many a years now, and know enough at this point from my personal experience that everything has it's good and it's darkside. Bodybuilding, for one,... as contraversial as it is,...it is definately no exception, and is definately considered a ",shady," sport most of the time with the average gereral population. Let's face it,...we bodybuilders do what we do for a legitamite purpose, not like people who drink alcohol or puff away on cigarettes, and wonder why they feel like shit all the time. We do it to look, feel, and think(mindset) healthly. getting back though,...I understand that most pro-bodybuilders don't usually hold any other job outside being ",pro-bodybuilders,"/endorsing supplement company products,guest posing, ect... How much money could this really rake in? Pro-bodybuilding is all consuming as far as time goes...From what I have always been told.....not much money at all to be made unless you are Mr.O himself. In fact, it is downright depressing how much the average pro's salary is. I know a cuople of guys that are pros at my gym that are definately not the ",sqeaky-clean," all american bodybuilder-type image they portray to the outside public, in fact some of these guys do some pretty extreme things to supplement their income, since bodybuilding just doesen't seem to pay the bills alone. I know most-to-all of these guys personally (most are really good guys though,...but not all since some rip guys off...not cool)I have talked to on this, and this is as fact, so I just don't want you guys thinking I am talking out of my ass here... let's be real here,...we all know these guys are doing something else to pay the bills here, bodybuilding pays shit (unfortunately), so it is no secret. It's just a question of ",what." I have heard from drug dealing, whether it be roids, fake roids, extasy, cocaine, ect.., to male posing/male escorting for gay older men(a.k.a. private posing sessions)...lol...(lol) to credit card fraud and ripping people off any way they can. In fact, a personal friend of mine is a male dancer, and has been for a long time now. He is one of my closest friends, through him I had met and made all my gear connections I ever needed and was fortunate to had met a lot of top amature to a few pros here and there to have help/helped me out. My friend on the side does ",private posing," for older wealthy men. He claims not to be gay, but says, if anybody gives me shit....",screw it,"..."I'm the one drivin' the new vette." (and laughs...) He has had a lot of girlfriends as far as I know about in the past. But there are gays and straight guys who do the same,..depends on a lot, and how farthey are willing to go/ what they do....makes no difference, just depends on what one is willing to do for money, gay or straight is irrelevant) Some guys just can get away with just sitting there to posing,...where others have to do more....get my pic?... Anyway,..I know what he does since ",I one day said screw it," I need the extra cash...hook me up,..and, went on a job once with him once. Nothing sexual involved in what happened,...mind you I need cash, but don't want to even risk at all a chance at getting HIV or Herpes, ect.. either. He said,..."no problem, don't worry, me too,...understand, and laughed..."When we got into the City(New York)around 2:30 in the am, and I was nervous since we obviously looked like we were bodybuilders in this exclusive, highly-plush, executive-type hotel. My friend just said ",to relax, and be cool,... it's easy as shit, and we'll be out literally in minutes." I said,.."Ok, bro...," and started to relax then on. We get up to the room,...",I'm nervous as shit,...when this older-looking really refined busines-type guy answers the door. The guy seemed really cool. He greeted us warmly, looked like a well-to-do, decent type older guy. I was right that this guy was decent, and cool,...but(lol) this guy has some strange fantasies...(lol) This guy wanted 2 bodybuilder type guys to beat him up a little with choke-holds, punches to the stomach, back, and legs, ...to be spit on, and for us to try and walk on him while one was doing push-ups on the floor to get pumped-up sweaty-like..., and the other to hold him down with our foot , or both at the same time...to pose while this guy got his rocks-off with one hand in his underwear beating off. I am straight, I have a girlfriend,...say all the shit you want, gay this,...blah, blah,..blah,... I got paid out in cash right there for almost 20min. of my time, (40min, included trip and time I was there) $550.00 in cash handed to me when I left. My friend made a little more since he knew the guy, and I agreed to give him a cut for helping me out making some extra fast cash for myself. Shit!... I couldn't believe it. We laughed our asses off all the way home, remembering that guy's face when we were pracically beating the shit out of him....he seemed to love it, so we didn't mind,...we were getting paid. I wasn't about to do anything sexual, that was the agreement....but you would be surprised how many ordinary guys do this type of shit, and what types of guys order-up. I know now that if you are better looking it pays, off you could get away with doing nothing, and just sit there practically while the guy gets his rocks off, and then hands you the cash minutes later,...but it doesen't last forever...and you have only so many people who want that. But from what I saw,...this guy was so happy to see guys like us,...it looked like he was creamin' his pants as he opened the door and let us in. (funny...) It kinda reminds me of what I look like looking at a hot girl(my girlfriend) ect...when I'm excited. (lol) funny though.... There is a darkside though to even this,....guys who look better make more money, and can make it doing almost nothing(practically just sitting there in the same room while the client beats off across the room)....but the guys who don't have the same looks, or are not so that attractive as much, have to hustle,...and...I think you know where I'm, getting at here....( it gets a little dangerous then...) Not my cup of tea. I am secure in my sexuality, this shit was weird, funny,...even but I have to say, it paid up, and the darkside was definately an eye opener when it comes to bodybuilding. I have a real job, but, the money I made from that one trip with my friend was truly awesome, but I figure maybe if at all again, I'll do it a few times more but no more then. I am in my mid 20's now plan to get married soon, and just want to kind of not keep ties with shit like this that much...Shit like this comes back to haunt you later...Just doesen't pay out in the end. If I was gay,( not a bad thing)...(which I am not gay/bi)I wouldn't give a shit, I'd probably have a boyfriend, ect..., but I just wanted the easy cash, and figured, shit...", why not?" " I'm not risking anything...."
Granted it was easy money, and was even funny,..but I do still keep ties with my friend who is the male dancer/escort, and pretty much always be friends with him. he is a cool guy, and having such a diverse group of friends is good, he is/ was always a good friend, so I don't judge. This is my reason's here, and my personal experience behind it all. I think anyone who makes cracks towards my actions would be full of shit... to not have taken the easy money and run too...(at least 9-out-of-10).
Lets hear it..........rip me on this one......(lol)
I have been around the sport of bodybuilding for many a years now, and know enough at this point from my personal experience that everything has it's good and it's darkside. Bodybuilding, for one,... as contraversial as it is,...it is definately no exception, and is definately considered a ",shady," sport most of the time with the average gereral population. Let's face it,...we bodybuilders do what we do for a legitamite purpose, not like people who drink alcohol or puff away on cigarettes, and wonder why they feel like shit all the time. We do it to look, feel, and think(mindset) healthly. getting back though,...I understand that most pro-bodybuilders don't usually hold any other job outside being ",pro-bodybuilders,"/endorsing supplement company products,guest posing, ect... How much money could this really rake in? Pro-bodybuilding is all consuming as far as time goes...From what I have always been told.....not much money at all to be made unless you are Mr.O himself. In fact, it is downright depressing how much the average pro's salary is. I know a cuople of guys that are pros at my gym that are definately not the ",sqeaky-clean," all american bodybuilder-type image they portray to the outside public, in fact some of these guys do some pretty extreme things to supplement their income, since bodybuilding just doesen't seem to pay the bills alone. I know most-to-all of these guys personally (most are really good guys though,...but not all since some rip guys off...not cool)I have talked to on this, and this is as fact, so I just don't want you guys thinking I am talking out of my ass here... let's be real here,...we all know these guys are doing something else to pay the bills here, bodybuilding pays shit (unfortunately), so it is no secret. It's just a question of ",what." I have heard from drug dealing, whether it be roids, fake roids, extasy, cocaine, ect.., to male posing/male escorting for gay older men(a.k.a. private posing sessions)...lol...(lol) to credit card fraud and ripping people off any way they can. In fact, a personal friend of mine is a male dancer, and has been for a long time now. He is one of my closest friends, through him I had met and made all my gear connections I ever needed and was fortunate to had met a lot of top amature to a few pros here and there to have help/helped me out. My friend on the side does ",private posing," for older wealthy men. He claims not to be gay, but says, if anybody gives me shit....",screw it,"..."I'm the one drivin' the new vette." (and laughs...) He has had a lot of girlfriends as far as I know about in the past. But there are gays and straight guys who do the same,..depends on a lot, and how farthey are willing to go/ what they do....makes no difference, just depends on what one is willing to do for money, gay or straight is irrelevant) Some guys just can get away with just sitting there to posing,...where others have to do more....get my pic?... Anyway,..I know what he does since ",I one day said screw it," I need the extra cash...hook me up,..and, went on a job once with him once. Nothing sexual involved in what happened,...mind you I need cash, but don't want to even risk at all a chance at getting HIV or Herpes, ect.. either. He said,..."no problem, don't worry, me too,...understand, and laughed..."When we got into the City(New York)around 2:30 in the am, and I was nervous since we obviously looked like we were bodybuilders in this exclusive, highly-plush, executive-type hotel. My friend just said ",to relax, and be cool,... it's easy as shit, and we'll be out literally in minutes." I said,.."Ok, bro...," and started to relax then on. We get up to the room,...",I'm nervous as shit,...when this older-looking really refined busines-type guy answers the door. The guy seemed really cool. He greeted us warmly, looked like a well-to-do, decent type older guy. I was right that this guy was decent, and cool,...but(lol) this guy has some strange fantasies...(lol) This guy wanted 2 bodybuilder type guys to beat him up a little with choke-holds, punches to the stomach, back, and legs, ...to be spit on, and for us to try and walk on him while one was doing push-ups on the floor to get pumped-up sweaty-like..., and the other to hold him down with our foot , or both at the same time...to pose while this guy got his rocks-off with one hand in his underwear beating off. I am straight, I have a girlfriend,...say all the shit you want, gay this,...blah, blah,..blah,... I got paid out in cash right there for almost 20min. of my time, (40min, included trip and time I was there) $550.00 in cash handed to me when I left. My friend made a little more since he knew the guy, and I agreed to give him a cut for helping me out making some extra fast cash for myself. Shit!... I couldn't believe it. We laughed our asses off all the way home, remembering that guy's face when we were pracically beating the shit out of him....he seemed to love it, so we didn't mind,...we were getting paid. I wasn't about to do anything sexual, that was the agreement....but you would be surprised how many ordinary guys do this type of shit, and what types of guys order-up. I know now that if you are better looking it pays, off you could get away with doing nothing, and just sit there practically while the guy gets his rocks off, and then hands you the cash minutes later,...but it doesen't last forever...and you have only so many people who want that. But from what I saw,...this guy was so happy to see guys like us,...it looked like he was creamin' his pants as he opened the door and let us in. (funny...) It kinda reminds me of what I look like looking at a hot girl(my girlfriend) ect...when I'm excited. (lol) funny though.... There is a darkside though to even this,....guys who look better make more money, and can make it doing almost nothing(practically just sitting there in the same room while the client beats off across the room)....but the guys who don't have the same looks, or are not so that attractive as much, have to hustle,...and...I think you know where I'm, getting at here....( it gets a little dangerous then...) Not my cup of tea. I am secure in my sexuality, this shit was weird, funny,...even but I have to say, it paid up, and the darkside was definately an eye opener when it comes to bodybuilding. I have a real job, but, the money I made from that one trip with my friend was truly awesome, but I figure maybe if at all again, I'll do it a few times more but no more then. I am in my mid 20's now plan to get married soon, and just want to kind of not keep ties with shit like this that much...Shit like this comes back to haunt you later...Just doesen't pay out in the end. If I was gay,( not a bad thing)...(which I am not gay/bi)I wouldn't give a shit, I'd probably have a boyfriend, ect..., but I just wanted the easy cash, and figured, shit...", why not?" " I'm not risking anything...."
Granted it was easy money, and was even funny,..but I do still keep ties with my friend who is the male dancer/escort, and pretty much always be friends with him. he is a cool guy, and having such a diverse group of friends is good, he is/ was always a good friend, so I don't judge. This is my reason's here, and my personal experience behind it all. I think anyone who makes cracks towards my actions would be full of shit... to not have taken the easy money and run too...(at least 9-out-of-10).
Lets hear it..........rip me on this one......(lol)