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Does Deca help repair joints / ligaments or just mask symptoms?

10001110101 said:
nandrolone is a progestin, progestins are anti-inflammatory.

I've added Deca to my cycle for its benefits in relieving joint pain. Do you have any idea how much is required to achieve the maximum benefit?....right now I'm using 175 mg per week. I weigh 245 lbs.
Nelson Montana said:
I maintain that the "lubrication" is simply water retention.

Water retention certainly helps however, if water retention is what's therapeutic about Deca then wouldn't everybody get the same joint relief and advanced healing properties while on something that aromatizes at a much higher rate and causes alot more edema than Deca like Test, A50, Dbol etc?

Being that Nandralone is a progestin, the speculation is that the therapeutic effect comes by way of increased synovial fluid in the joints as well as increased collagen synthesis...both of which can certainly help aide in the healing process.
thebadguy54 said:
Do you guys think it's good for your joints?

What other food/supp's are guys eating/taking for healthy joints?

cissus is the shit
Deca increases the synovial fluid in the bursas between our joints. So the relief from joint pain is actually more cushion. As far as healing properties versus masking symptoms? I think that if you use deca durring a cycle and have bad joints, and durring cycle joint pain is alleviated, then it is like buying some time for your joints, and wont nesasarily make them any worse, but when you come off of deca, synovial fluids decrease, and your back to where you were except with a little more gains in strength and size. So when you do your next cycle that does NOT include deca, your joints will suffer a little more because you are adding more stress to them via new strength gains.
only 75mgs ew bro?

How long will you be ON?

eddymerckx said:
whatever it does--now that i can bike again it will make these old abused joints feel happy---even at 75/week
as long as my mileage is high...i plan a test/eq cycle to get me back into cycling shape. I do not need that much deca to make my hips/knees feel better---my doc says deca is much much better than advil--go figure

I need a doc like that! :evil:

eddymerckx said:
as long as my mileage is high...i plan a test/eq cycle to get me back into cycling shape. I do not need that much deca to make my hips/knees feel better---my doc says deca is much much better than advil--go figure
eddymerckx said:
as long as my mileage is high...i plan a test/Equipoise - boldenone undecylenate - cycle to get me back into cycling shape. I do not need that much Deca-Durabolin - nandrolone decanoate - to make my hips/knees feel better---my doc says Deca-Durabolin - nandrolone decanoate - is much much better than advil--go figure

One things shure,if u have inflamation in ur joints,reparation cannot occur...U have to get rid of that first and then ur body can repair itself.I had a problem with my elbow,they call it "tennis elbow"i devloped this problem after a winstrol only cycle,was doing hammer curls with 70 lbs dumbells...Tryed to keep-up the wieghts even after my cycle...I tryed everything to repair it(physiotherapie,osteopathie,massotherapie etc)but nothing worked,i was 6 month without training my biceps.finaly i found in a health food store a natural product from the company Newchapter called zyflamend its made out of like 10 plants extracts and guess what?In a month i was healed.
thebadguy54 said:
Sounds dangerous to me... and what I mean by that is, if I have pain in my shoulder, I won't be able to push through, since it is simply too painfull... but if I can't feel any pain, I may be able to keep training hard and injure the joint further.

You might want to take a look into Adequan. It's an injectible vet drug and its active ingrediant is polysulfated glycosaminoglycan (PSGAG). It is supposed to have several great benefits. It is supposed to relieve pain and diability of a joint damage, and the relief is said to last up to six months, maybe even longer. It works by binding to damaged cartilage and boosting its metabolism, which greatly helps the repair. And at the same time, it blocksthe actions of destructive enzymes that promote inflammation, break down of the synovial fluid, and attacks of the enzymes on the cartilage. One last benefit from it is that Adequan stimulates new synovial fluid to replace the thin, degraded fluid around the joints. This helps lubricate, nourish, and clean the cartilage.
Stacking that with IGF-1 should be great. You can even doo it all during a cycle. IGF-1, unlike most steroids, acts on skeletal muscle AND connective tissues. Do two short four-week mini-cycles of IGF-1 at around 10 mcg/day, with two weeks off IGF-1 in between.
These two should make a HUGE difference for anyone who's had a lot of wear and tear from iron or any other overuse injuries. :)
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