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Registered: Jan 2000

posted August 18, 2000 12:58 PM

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Cytomel is not an anabolic/androgenic steroid but a thyroid hormone and is used to treet people who are hyperthyroid. These people suffer many problems such as fatigue, obesity, and other ailments. As a substance it contains synthetically manufactured liothyronine sodium which resembles the natural thyroid hormone Tricodide-thyronine (L-T3). The thyroid of a healthy person usually produces two hormones, the better known L-thyroxine (L-T4) and the aforementioned L-trilodine~thyronine (L-T3). Since Cytomel is the synthetic equivalent of the latter hormone, it causes the same processes in the body as if the thyroid were to produce more of the hormone.

It is used by bodybuilders to increase their metabolic rate. If all goes well, the cytomel will increase the metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins. This means the athlete�s body will use that more efficiently. This is the most sought after effect of the cytomel by bodybuilders. When they use this drug, they can get ripped up on a much higher calorie diet. In fact, there is even some evidence to support the premise that the steroids an athlete is using will be better utilized by the body if cytomel is taken at the same time. This is due in part because the cytomel increases protein metabolism.

The thyroid hormone in this drug is a synthetic hormone available as the sodium salt which is normally used by the human thyroid gland. Cytomel does increase protein metabolism when it is taken in small dosages. One tablet is equal to approximately one grain of natural thyroid hormone. The dosage should only be taken for about a month to avoid serious adverse reactions. This drug has been very popular with women bodybuilders. They naturally have a lower metabolic rate and often must go as low as 500 calories a day for several weeks before they get really ripped. If they can handle a dose of 25 mcg of cytomel they can eat at least twice as much while they are on a pre - contest diet. This would actually be healthier than starving like many women lifters do.

Taking to much will will result give you hyperthyroidism. Symptoms of hyperthyroidism may include: a severe headache, irritability, nervousness, insomnia, sweating and menstrual irregularities.

There are two main types of synthetic thyroid hormones that are available, T3 and Synthroid (T-4). Cytomel is a synthetic thyroid hormone (Type T-3) and is regarded as the stronger of the two products (it is 4-5 times stronger than Synthroid). This product works by increasing the synthesis of protein, carbohydrates, and fats as well as RNA in the body thereby increasing your BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate).

Step over Ripped Fuel, E/C/A stack, Thermodrine. When taken with clenbuterol, this is the single best fatburning combination that is available today (with the possible exception of DNP). I am not too big on death or a coma either though.

It is interesting to note that L-T3 is clearly the stronger and more effective of these two hormones. This makes Cytomel more effective than the commercially available L-T4 compounds such as L-thyroxine or Synthroid. The manufacturer of the German L-T3 compound, Hoechst AG, ascribes the following characteristics to its Thybon drug, making it clear that L-T3 is superior to L-T4: "The synthetically manufactured thyroid hormone, L-trilodine-thyronine (L-T3), included in Thybon, in experimental and clinical testing has proven to be 4-5 times more biologically active and to take effect more quickly than L-thyroxine (L-T4)." In school medicine Cytomel is used to treat thyroid insufficiency (hypothyroidism). Among other secondary symptoms are obesity, metabolic disorders, and fatigue. Bodybuilders take advantage of these characteristics and stimulate their metabolism by taking Cytomel, which causes a faster conversion of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. Bodybuilders, of course, are especially interested in an increased lipolysis, which means increased fat burning. Competing bodybuilders, in particular, use Cytomel during the weeks before a championship since it helps to maintain an extremely low fat content, without necessitating a hunger diet. Athletes who use low dosages of Cytomel report that by the simultaneous intake of steroids, the steroids become more effective, most likely as the result of the faster conversion of protein.

Possible side effects such as medication are described in the package insert by the German pharmaceutical group Hoechst AG for their compound Thybon: "Exceeding the individual limits of compatibility for liothyronine or taking an overdose, especially, if the dose is increased too quickly at the beginning of the treatment, can cause the following clinical symptoms for a thyroid hyperfunction): heart palpitation, trembling, irregular heartbeat, heart oppression, agitation, shortness of breath, excretion of sugar through the urine, excessive perspiration, diarrhea, weight loss, psychic disorders, etc., as well as symptoms of hypersensitivity." Our experience is that most symptoms consist of trembling of hands, nausea, headaches, high perspiration, and increased heartbeat. These negative side effects can often be eliminated by temporarily reducing the daily dosage. Caution, however is advised when taking Cytomel since, especially in the beginning, the effect can be quick and sometimes drastic. Athletes do not use the injectable version of L-T3, this is normally used as "emergency therapy for thyrotoxic coma." Those who use Cytomel over several weeks will experience a decrease in muscle mass. This can be avoided or delayed by simultaneously taking steroids. For the most part, since Cytomel also metabolizes protein, the athlete must eat a diet rich in protein

Also, if you are taking insulin at the same time you are taking this product, keep in mind that it will reduce the effectiveness of insulin or any oral insulin products as well such as metformin or phenformin. Just remember that this product will work best on a steroid cycle and you need to keep your protein intake very high since this product metabolizes protein as well.



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Posts: 1680
Registered: Jan 2000

posted August 18, 2000 05:46 PM

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So my .02 is I love the stuff. Dropped a good 15lbs so far - that's like a good 5% BF for me. This is my last week so I'll be heading to the docs here soon



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posted August 18, 2000 08:02 PM

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Thanks for the info Warlobo. Since my last post I've been looking into cytomel more. I asked my dealer about it and i can get it real cheap, cheaper infact than I get clenbuterol so it's worth considering here. It's interesting that it said it's more effective in a steroid cycle. I presently a month into a testoviron depot and deca cycle. Using 750mg test/400mg deca per week. I'm pilling on the lbs, but the last week or so it's seem's like I'm starting to put on a little fat. I was going to increase my cardio, but as I cycle quite a bit already i really don't have the time to start running also. My stats at the moment are 6'2'', 250lbs and 15% b/f (approx). I have'nt measured my b/f levels lately, but from previous measurements I'd thinks I'm about right. I'd appricate it if you could e.mail me with a typical t-3 cycle, taking those stats into consideration, plus that fact that I'm un the above mentioned cycle. I understand if it's too much trouble, if so, I'd appriate the reply here. As would other's I suspect. Just to finish off, although I said I could get t-3 cheap here, I hope nobody takes that as an invitation to anything. I'm a long way away from most guys on this board, so I'm NOT a sourse for anyone here. FYI, I'm in Dublin, Rep. of Ireland.
Thanks again for the info.


Through mud and blood, to the green fields beyond..

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Posts: 1680
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posted August 18, 2000 08:11 PM

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Thought ya all might enjoy this, Lobo

Raver Article on T3/Clen Stack!
Cytomel (Mexican Cynomel) Synthetic T-3 amd Clenbuterol Stacking - A Quick Weight Loss Solution

This is to be a far from scientific article, one based, rather, in practical experience in losing weight and helping others to lose weight. We are not, on the average, concerned with obese individuals, but those who have packed on an additional 12-25 pounds beyond what was expected in a traditional steroid cycle, and the weeks beyond.

Not all of us will gain this type of weight during a cycle, but those of us who use a high protein / high calorie diet in conjunction with heavy weight lifting, accompanied by a medium to high dosed androgenic (i.e., Dianabol, Testosterone, Trenbolone (Finaplix or Component T-H)) steroid cycle, will almost always pack on an additional 6-20 pounds of pure lard. Granted that Burger King, Hooters, and Papadeux are not on the traditional bodybuilders menu, many of us are either forced, or by personal inclination, choose to indulge in calorie/fat bombs in order to provide the necessary building blocks for muscle.
Who, after all, can subsist on 3-5 protein shakes a day? I certainly can't, and from what I've seen of the advice on the boards, a Whopper or 2 every other day seems to be the prescribed regimen for gaining LBM - the prized Lean Body Mass.

Let's look at that paradigm for a moment - LBM. Sure and granted, we all seek this Holy Grail of Bodybuilding, but too many novices and mid-level bodybuilders alike sacrifice gaining pure muscle mass, in favor of gaining 2-6 pounds of LBM with a $400 - $1100 steriod cycle - all because they want to stay lean.

I might be wrong (it's been known to happen, albeit once a year or so), but if I'm going to invest that kind of dough, I want to see some by God muscle appear. In order to build the kind of muscle I expect from a cycle, I need to consume 4000 - 6000 calories a day, depending upon what I'm doing (Touch Football, Softball, or Indoor Soccer season). Those calories don't ALL go towards LBM, many (sometimes too many) go towards pure lard.

Don't get me wrong, the intensity you apply in the gym does, in fact, burn some serious fat, while at the same time channeling blood, nutrients, and the cherished PUMP to your muscles. However, if you intend to gain serious mass, and here I give kudos to the WarPig, you'll bulk and bloat. Damnit, the bloat. We don't want to look like Beachballs, we want to look like Footballs - tight, tapered, lean in all the right places. How to eat the necessary calories, the necessary protein, the absolutely essential, energy giving Carbohydrates, without the dreaded bloat?

Here's where the first application of T-3 comes in. I won't quote any studies (there are few), but from personal experience, and the experience of those amatuer and mid-level bodybuilders I've helped, a 25-50mcg dosage of T-3, per day, will help to reduce bloating and water retention, while at the same time enhancing the effect of whatever steriod (androgenic or anabolic) the user chooses. It won't, by any means, keep the mass from piling on, but it will eliminate the dreaded moon face and the hideous stomach bloat.

The second application of T-3 is intended to quickly reduce the blubber produced by a serious mass cycle, and ALWAYS, always includes Clenbuterol. Say, for example, you've done a Raver Cycle - 2g Test, 600mg Deca, and 50-75mg Dbol a day, for 12 weeks. You've devoured 3 Cornish Game Hens at a meal, wolfed down a double Whopper with cheese, but no Mayo every other day, and forced yourself to eat spaghetti with meatballs, cottage cheese, herb-seasoned chicken breasts, pork tenderloins, meatloaf, oatmeal, grits, and eggs, eggs, eggs, tuna tuna tuna, along with 2-3 daily protein shakes.

Trust me - you're fat. You look big as shit in the mirror, but you have no abs, no separation, and no definition. The remedy?
Weigh yourself. For every pound, use 1mcg of T-3. If you weigh 180, and you look fat, use 175mcg of T-3. If you weigh 250, and you look fat, use 250mcg of T-3. Round the dosage down to the nearest 25mcg, and stack Clenbuterol at 5-12 tabs a day for 6 weeks. Follow a CKD diet, such as Body Opus or Animalobolics, do 15-20 minutes of Cardio for the first 3 weeks, and watch the fat shed.

T-3 by itself produces sweat like there's no tomorrow - you'll have wet spots under your arms, under your pecs, in the crack of your ass, and, on your forehead. You might get the shakes. T-3, stacked with Clenbuterol, will give you all of the above mentioned sweats, along with the shakes...your hands, your legs (stairs are really a bitch), and your neck, on occasion. If you have a job like mine, where the shakes are undesirable, use a potassium supplement or eat 2-3 bananas a day, it will alleviate them.
In summary, T-3 has two uses - eliminating bloat and water retention during a cycle, and rapid weight loss after a cycle. One of the things to remember while using this drug is that it DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE between LBM and pure fat - it eats tissue, period. I used T-3 exactly twice before figuring out that it should never be used without at least 400mg of Testosterone, preferably, in dieting mode, Propionate. A post cycle regimen of 1mcg T-3 per pound of bodyweight, along with Clenbuterol and a 50-100mg / day dosage of Test Prop, will work absolute wonders.

And now, for the Raver challenge (the third in 14 months) - If anyone - ANYONE can produce scientific, verifiable evidence that synthetic T-3 (Cytomel, Cynomel) causes thyroid shutdown in humans after prolonged, high dose use - I'll send them $100. A major medical journal, a study by a top 10 ranked pharmaceutical firm, or verifiable results of a personal medical evaluation (verifiable via documentation and confirmation by the physician) are acceptable. Barring that, let's not hear any further argument about the horrible side effects of T-3.
Comments, suggestions, flames can be directed to [email protected].
Out here,



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posted August 18, 2000 11:33 PM

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Here is a re-post of mine from the other day:

Ok, I just happen to be taking T3 right now -so I'll tell you how and why I'm doing what I'm doing and then you can take it from there.

Folks will usually take T3 for one of two reasons. First is to take T3 in a small level dose during their cycle to assist in the protein conversion and thereby increasing muscle growth - basically just speeding up the process a notch. This does can range from 25mcg/day to 50mcg/day, depending on individual size and response to the chemical.

The second and more popular reason is for it's WEIGHT reducing capabilities. Notice I choose the word 'WEIGHT'. This is a VERY important distinction as T3 will cannibalize anything it can. Muscle as well as fat. For this reason I strongly advise that anyone who is planning on using T3, combine it with some sort of anabolic. I can�t stress this point enough. If you do not, then you WILL lose muscle. Yes you will lose some fat, but the overall net effect will set you back more in the long run. Get your B/F tested by the best method you can!!! This is how we monitor the �gains� if you will, and how the cycle is going.

So, now that we know that taking T3 solo is not in ones best interest, how shall we put together a ladies basic T3 �cutting� cycle to lose the fat, become leaner, more defined and possibly even a bit stronger (remember it can help build muscle)? You first decision is to pick an anabolic. This could be any of a number of steroids. Anavar, primo, winny, sust, deca�. You get the point. The dose of the steroid does not have to be excessive, remember the propose of the steroid is to PRESERVE the muscle while the T3 burns the fats by increasing you metabolism. Now to the T3 dosing schedule.... As you might imagine, this is never the same for any one person (don�t you just love this?) What we do is pyramid up and then taper back down. How high you go is strictly up to you and how you respond to the drug. Believe me, once you hit a certain does you WILL feel the negative sides...very similar to a grand mal epileptic seizure.... JUST KIDDING! Once you hit your peak, and start to get the jitters and such, back off the does by 25mg. This is your plateau. With this in mind, here is how you pyramid up:

Day 1 - 4 50mcg/day
Day 5 - 8 75mcg/day
Day 9 -12 100mcg/day
Day 13 125mcg/day (lets say this dose gave you a case of the jitters and felt uncomfortable)
Day 14 -17 100mcg/day
Day 18 - 23 100mcg/day
Day 24 - 29 75mcg/day
Day 30 - 36 50mcg/day
Day 37 - 42 25mcg/day

This is a six week cycle. It�s not really recommended to go longer. Notice the faster ramp up? And then we slowly come back down off of the T3. This will give your body time to readjust and come back on line. Now as to the gear use. I like to start one week before the T3 and end one week after the T3 cycle. This will insure maximum muscle preservation.

And there you have it. Key points to Remember;

1. Do not do a T3 cycle without gear.

2. Taper up the T3

3. Taper down more slowly

4. Get your B/F measured BEFORE you start!



[This message has been edited by WarLobo (edited November 15, 2000).]

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posted August 19, 2000 12:15 AM

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I'm speechless. Thanks.


Through mud and blood, to the green fields beyond..

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posted August 19, 2000 06:24 PM

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Great posts. Can you please email me some advice on a clen/T3 cycle?

14% BF

"I make one fuckin mistake..."
(The guy who injected Anabolic Steroids in the right side of his sphincter)

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Cool Novice

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posted August 29, 2000 05:40 PM

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bump for a answer to Natasha's post

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posted August 30, 2000 11:33 PM

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Lobo,Great thread!thanks...SAMM

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posted September 08, 2000 10:42 AM

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Just bumbing - been getting many good questions.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted September 08, 2000 11:04 AM

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lobo what about synthroid t4 does that burn muscle tissue or is it weak enough not to? and do you need to be on a cycle of anabolics with that also?


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posted September 08, 2000 11:38 AM

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It's basic action is the same, it's just much weeker and not near as cost effective. So I would suggest the same plan of action while taking T4 (I take it you have a supply of this on hand?)



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posted September 20, 2000 10:56 AM

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Elite Bodybuilder

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posted September 20, 2000 02:46 PM

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Great stuff..can you copy this post to the Anabolic Board?..I'm sure there are many bro's out there that could use the info..I just got some t3 and will be using it in the not too distant future.

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posted September 21, 2000 01:26 AM

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I've posted a T3 thead few times on the A Board, but that damn board moves just to fast and in two days it's gone....
Guess you'll just have to check in on the Women's board now and then.... we do have a good, informative time here - on many subjects



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posted October 02, 2000 10:38 AM

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted October 03, 2000 01:31 AM

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I think I'm ready to start my T3. Could you please recommend a mild T3 ramp up cycle for a 132 lb. female (with an average body temp of 97F BRRRR!!!!!) to be used with oxandrolone, of course.

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posted October 03, 2000 04:00 PM

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posted October 03, 2000 05:42 PM

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JC, the ramp up and T3 amounts are listed in the post up near the top - like the fourth one or something. The only difference is how high your individual tolerances. When you find your peak, back off 25mg and hold, then gradually come back down.



[This message has been edited by WarLobo (edited October 03, 2000).]

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posted October 03, 2000 06:02 PM

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Badglin, I'm not to sure how it would work with GH alone. I've always believed you should us an anabolic combined with the GH. And this would be no different when using the T3. I guess I'm a bit confused as to why you want to use this combination. The T3 cutting cycle works wonders with a mild and very inexpensive roid, why use expensive GH?



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posted October 05, 2000 01:30 AM

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1 mcg.per lb. is WAY too much T-3 to do over any period of time(for a person with normal thyroid) Shit...Some people on this board take these posts as "good advice".Please research something like this.And yes you can fuck up your thyroid by taking too much for too long.One of my buddies is a IFBB pro who now has fucked up his thyroid for life because he took too much.


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posted October 05, 2000 07:34 AM

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Juicygirl: 97F? Ha! Ah, I remeber those days, normal blood pressure, normal body temperature, brief moments of sanity... shit, my body temperature runs so high now that children and small animals crowd around me for warmth.

T3: Ive never gone above 150mcg. Anything more and my blood pressure went up and my heart was beating in my ears.
Id say screw the GH, too. Its expensive and can be put to better use than a cutting cycle. Any anabolic and T3 will work nice without blowing a bunch of cash on GH!
Ive even used heavy androgens for dieting (as long as no contest is coming and any water retention isnt an issue). Hell, if water retention isnt an issue, I PERFER a heavy androgen to diet with! Better anabolic properties equals better results to me...


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posted October 05, 2000 04:29 PM

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1mistake, so what are your suggestions? Please post something we can use if your going to slam. At least back your postion with some info.... If you have a better way, damn man, SHARE!

How much was your pro taking and for how long. Did he get blood work at all? Did know the risks involved? Or did he blindly jump in and take massive amounts? Or did he fuck it and did it anyway?

That first post is a very basic and safe T3 dosing schedule. At most, one will only hit the max dose for a few days. And more than likely many women will feel the effects below 100mcg and back off a notch.

Many top level personnel feel it is actually more safe pre contest to take some T3 so they can increase the calorie intake and still drop a few pounds of fat as opposed to severely limiting calories and starving the body.



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posted October 05, 2000 04:51 PM

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My post was not to slam-its just that some people on the board take some posts as the "word of God" and could cause harm to themselves.For a healthy person 1mcg per lb. is just too much.The risk to benefit is extreme.Once again this is not to slam but 250mcg(10 cynomel) is just a HUGE risk.Its safe to say AT LEAST 6 out of 10 pros have permanantly screwed their thyroid forever. My buddy only used 5-10 tabs a day and his doctor almost fell off his seat when he went for bloodwork.4-5 tabs-MAX for no more than 2months,3 tops


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posted October 09, 2000 11:15 PM

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If you look at what I was posting as an example of a T3 dosing schedual, the whole thing top to bottom is only six weeks - and maxed out at a very conservative 125, which makes up a very small portion of the overall plan.

I wish you would give us some more info on the pros cycle. And help us all out....



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posted October 11, 2000 10:10 AM

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Warlobo-You stated in your own words if you weigh 250lbs take 250 mcg. of t-3.All I'm saying is that I believe that is too much.I know 1st hand what some of these guys do-I've prepped many national level guys and girls for shows-plus I'm from the Boston area and its a "small world" with the pros here.Good boy....good...stay..grrrrr...haha


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posted October 11, 2000 11:25 AM

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I love to see a good dog-fight, or dare I say cock fight? J/K


....beauty knows no pain.

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posted October 11, 2000 03:22 PM

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Ok, I see where we have crossed our numbers a bite You were looking at the post I put up that was written by Raver - he is the one that goes nuts with the stuff. Still some good info it. I still base my doseing on indivdual effects. Which by the way, seems to top out for most at like 100 - 120 reguardless of how much you weigh or sex. Just no way in hell I could take 230mcg of this stuff based on my weight. And I still think one should only stay on this stuff six weeks. So far every lab test we've gotten back as been outstanding.

I don't discount what your saying about some of the pros, remember that both my wife and our good friend are both judges. They down right abuse the shit out of stuff. Sometimes they are very aware of what they are doing, sometimes not. And sometimes they purposely don't want to find out...head in the sand act.



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posted October 11, 2000 06:37 PM

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AHHHHH.....I missed the fact that ,that was someone elses post.I think 125mcg. is the MAX daily dose.Now my bloodpressure is back down....aaahhhhhh..


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posted October 11, 2000 07:37 PM

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Hehehe, and I was getting ready to sharpen my fangs.... I think we just disapointed Bmom.... ah well.



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posted October 19, 2000 12:39 AM

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posted October 31, 2000 06:51 PM

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Bumb - been getting more e-mails on this



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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted October 31, 2000 09:01 PM

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Okay here is my deal....I have a friend who i go to school with and he works out everyday with me...he is a big boy..he is 5'10 250lbs...mostly fat but he isnt OBESE...make any sense?? anyways....he wants to do AS to slim down alot..he has tried alot of diets that just dont see to work so he wants AS.....I have access to t3/clen/dnp/winny and others i just dont know what to give him and how much so i was hoping for your help...i have done searches on elite and all i could find was info on women doin t3 cycles...soo if you could help bros that would be great!! thanks



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posted October 31, 2000 09:39 PM

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Assuming you have read this thread Men's and women's T3 cycles are not all that different. Dosing patterns are the same, just a bit more quantity for us guys. Make sure your "on" something or that muscle will float away. Plan for eight weeks. Ramp up the T3 and then ease it back down. Whatever you decide on for gear is really up to you. Some testo or primo is good. Winny is fine to. Nothing to heavy, it's not needed.


Day 1 - 4 50mcg/day
Day 5 - 8 75mcg/day
Day 9 -12 100mcg/day
Day 13-17 125mcg/day
Day 18 - 23 100mcg/day
Day 24 - 29 75mcg/day
Day 30 - 36 50mcg/day
Day 37 - 42 25mcg/day

After your all done with the T3 cycle you might wish to head into a clen/ECA cycle - two weeks clen, two weeks ECA. And do this for a total of eight weeks. By this time you would be ready to jump back on the T3 and sauce to continue dropping that fat.

Oh, and one more thing.... DIET, as in eat correctly.



[This message has been edited by WarLobo (edited November 15, 2000).]

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Elite Bodybuilder

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Registered: Jul 2000

posted November 14, 2000 11:04 AM

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Awesome post Warlobo!! I've been trying to gather as much info as possible and this post answered just about all my quesions.

Thank you.

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Posts: 2154
From:The Mid-West
Registered: Apr 2000

posted November 14, 2000 05:24 PM

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This is a great post. This is the 1st time I've visited the Women's board.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted November 15, 2000 01:01 AM

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Great post warlobo. Although don't you mean MCG instead of MG?

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posted November 15, 2000 01:07 AM

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One question. Would you do clen before, after or during your t3 cycle. I was thinking t3 and clen may be too much stimulation for the average person. I was going to do a 8 week cutting cycle with primo/EQ in february and was curious about this...

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posted November 15, 2000 10:24 AM

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Daeo, Yah, yah , yah, so whats a factor of 10 anyway :P

I have been meaning to go back a edit that, just lazy.

On the T3, clen thing. Some folks do use both at the same time. I like using the T3 as a stand-alone and then switching to the clen with a E/C/A stack for a two week on clen, two week on E/C/A cycle. But hell, I know of a few guys who do it all at once.... Not me!



[This message has been edited by WarLobo (edited November 15, 2000).]

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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 242
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posted November 15, 2000 12:26 PM

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Don't quote me on this but I thought I read somewhere that clen/eca will supress thyroid for a short while once coming off it. If you end your T3 usage with clen or eca isn't that like adding gasoline to a fire? Or will the taper of T3 not give you a crash at all?

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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From:The Big Mans Workshop
Registered: Sep 2000

posted November 17, 2000 10:30 AM

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This is the first time that i have been on "the womans bit!" and all i did was a search and all of my questions about T3 have been answered!, I have my Primo and T3 and now i have the knowledge to use them together - Great Posts bros / broesses.


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Posts: 1680
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posted November 17, 2000 10:38 AM

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Cyborg, you may find many pleasurable things he on the women's board Glad you found the info on T3 useful.

Daeo, hummm... Well, not sure about this action. Although typically one does a nice smooth taper and then waits a week (maybe two) before hitting the ECA/Clen. But for me personally, I'm just not a big clen fan.



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