posted August 11, 2000 05:31 PM
There have been so many postings on thyroid probelms lately, I thought I would post this article I found on today.
Thyroid Disease Under-Diagnosed
Fatigue, forgetfulness,depression and weight gain may all be some of the frequently overlooked symptoms of thyroid
disease. A new study by researchers at the University of Colorado estimates that 13 million Americans may be
undiagnosed at a time when some specialists are urging that a simple thyroid test become a routine part of many adults'doctor visits. Even mild thyroid problems can cause big
consequences: Pregnant women with underactive thyroid risk have children with lower IQs,
and new research shows that even a little hypothyroidism can raise cholesterol levels. The thyroid, a bow tie shaped gland
in the front of your neck, causes a variety of health problems because it produces hormones that regulate metabolism and
stimulate almost every type of tissue in the body. For unknown reasons, it can become
overactive (hyperthyroidism) and speed up certain body functions,or become underactive
(hypothyroidism) and slow body functions. Symptoms of hypothyroidism include: fatigue,
weight gain, depression,forgetfulness, a hoarse voice,mood swings, intolerance to cold. Symptoms of hyperthyroidism are
usually more clear and include: fast, irregular heartbeat, high blood pressure, sweating,nervousness, sleeplessness,
weight loss, depression, vision problems or bulging eyes. Overt thyroid disease raises people's risk of heart disease, bone
thinning osteoporosis and infertility.
Associated Press, "Thyroid disease overlooked, study says" The Seattle
Post-Intelligencer, April 11
2000, A3