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  Girlfriend on Deca and Winny?? Help Her out

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Author Topic:   Girlfriend on Deca and Winny?? Help Her out
Go Fast Man

Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 166
From:New Jersey
Registered: Apr 2000

posted August 10, 2000 12:27 PM

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My GF has a great body but is somewhat thin, she would like to gain additional lean mass. I now of the side effect of various A/S on women, I am just not sure of the dosages. She is 5'8" 110@ approx 9%BF (This is my Guess) I was going to recommend 50mg EOD for 8 weeks In addition to 50mg Deca per week. Years ago, Some idiot in Europe had her once do a small amount of test (250mg a week I guess) for a period of two weeks (she claims to have made decent gain during that time... I don't see how in just two weeks) other then that I would call her a first time user. Any dosages/drug recommendations would be appreciated.

Thank you,

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Posts: 1233
Registered: Jan 2000

posted August 10, 2000 03:07 PM

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I've said many a time that you should only one roid at a time for beginners. Find out how it reacts. If you go with winny, start with a bit less to make sure she is not going to get bad sides form it. Winny can be funny, it can work like the bomb for some. Others it brings far to many sides.

You'll get some more responces so I'll let a few others chime in.



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Elite Bodybuilder

Posts: 736
From:Somewhere in the South Pacific
Registered: May 2000

posted August 10, 2000 03:37 PM

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WarLobo and I agree on sticking with one new AS per cycle until she knows how it works on her. But instead of giving doses, I would rather have you/her tell us what kind of diet and training she's currently on (before she starts the AS). I find it difficult to believe, at 5'8" and 110 lbs that she couldn't make huge gains by just eating, sleeping and training right. And if she's not eating, sleeping and training right now, she will not get the full benefit from AS anyway. Of course she'll take whatever she wants in the end. It's just that she sounds like she's in such a good position to make quality natural gains first.

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Cool Novice

Posts: 13
Registered: Aug 2000

posted August 25, 2000 03:12 PM

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a litle women whit big muscles

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Cool Novice

Posts: 27
Registered: Jul 2000

posted August 27, 2000 11:12 PM

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At 5'8", 110 she has to be pretty thin. What I mean is that she can't be eating right and training right if that really is her body composition. She could make awesome gains just applying the basics here. Then (if desired) use the juice to gain the extra edge. An often overlooked point on male/female AS use is length of training. Most guys got into training when they were 13-15 to get stronger for football, wrestling etc. Even if they started juicing at a very young age, say 19, they still have 5 years of training under their belt. I've seen a lot of women take up weight lifting and six months later are looking for the best AS to supplement their gains. This may be changing with more female athletes hitting the gym in high school but the differential is still there. I think IG's ninth commandment should be thou shall train hard and heavy and make every effort to maximixe your natural potential before using AS. Up your girls calories and get her at least to 130 before you consider putting her on something. Galen

Surgeon to the Gladiators...

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Posts: 1233
Registered: Jan 2000

posted August 28, 2000 10:35 AM

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MS, that's why your here For all that "natty" stuff

And why I didn't go into much detail, knew she was going to get a "eat right" post.



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