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  WarLobo, some Primo advise, please.

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Author Topic:   WarLobo, some Primo advise, please.
Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 46)
posted August 08, 2000 02:17 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Cocktails     Edit/Delete Message
I have read that a woman never really has to go off the Primo. I was wondering what your thoughts are on that. Also, if I do a 12 week cycle and should end it, how soon can I start another cycle? Also, if I wanted to add some Winny to the cycle, can I do it at anytime or should I start everything together? Also, have read that the Winny tabs are deadly on the liver, but the injections don't last and have to be done just about everyday. Ouch! What is your feelings on this items?
Thanks for the help!

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 394)
posted August 08, 2000 12:40 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for DYLAN     Edit/Delete Message
I know this question was for WarLobo, but I'll give my advice anyway.
Wherever you read that you never have to come off primo is wrong. I would not do more than a ten week cycle, and give yourself at least another 10 weeks in between cycles.
And for the Winny, both the tabs and the injectable are harsh on the liver. make sure you drink lots of water and take liver helpers like milk thistle every day. It's true Winny has to be taken EOD, preferrably every day. And you can also swallow the injectable winny if you can't get the tabs and don't want to be giving yourself shots every day.

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 46)
posted August 08, 2000 01:22 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Cocktails     Edit/Delete Message
Thanks for the info. How much winny would you suggest. I'd prefer to do Anavar but can't seem to get it anywhere. Is Anavar alot better than the Winny and should I continue to search for it, or go with the winny?

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(Total posts: 1050)
posted August 08, 2000 05:18 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for WarLobo   Click Here to Email WarLobo     Edit/Delete Message

Hey there Ctails, was out for a bit. One the cycle deal. With the low level of dosages and not having the need to ever resume test production, other than putting up with some of the sides, a women theoretically never really has to come off. Now I don�t� recommend this, but hey, just an FYI. If your planning on a cycle of say, 10 to 12 weeks, I generally like to give a good six weeks off before hitting it again. Longer is fine too.

Have you cycled both the winny and the primo separately? You need to know how each will react with your body before you stack them. Or you may end up with some unwanted sides.

Winny should be taken EOD or even better ED. Go with the oral as it can be a pain in the ass to inject. And yes, winny is hard on the liver, but at these lower dosages your not going anywhere near the levels of what any male would take. Drink plenty of water, maybe some live protection pills, and NO DRINKING.



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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 46)
posted August 09, 2000 12:35 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Cocktails     Edit/Delete Message
How much Winny to start. Have never done any. Currently doing 100mg Primo, once a week. Also, when you say Liver Pills, what does that mean. Milk Thistle? Don't drink so not a problem. How long to use the Winny for?
Can I do the Primo cycle and then do the winny? Or should I take 6 weeks off, and than just do the Winny? Sorry for all the questions, but can't seem to find the info I need on the past posts.

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(Total posts: 1050)
posted August 09, 2000 11:28 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for WarLobo   Click Here to Email WarLobo     Edit/Delete Message
Since you have never done the winny, save it for your next cycle. This way you can get a good fell for how each roid works for you. Wait about six weeks after your last primo shot then start out with the oral winny. Do you have the tabs? If so, then start out with a nice safe 8mg per day. Should everything be side free for two weeks bump it up a notch to 10mg per day - if you want. You may find that this dose gives you good strengh gains and all is well.

Milk Thistle is what I was talking about for liver protection along with plenty of water.

We can talk more about all the details when you a bit closer. But for now just continue with the primo only.



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