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Author Topic:   Exercise Obsessed
Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 72)
posted August 07, 2000 02:39 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for BuffBlondie   Click Here to Email BuffBlondie     Edit/Delete Message
Hey board!
I agree, the board has been dead, and I haven't been posting, so i'm guilty of helping keep it dead...anyhow...it ain't gonna die!
Just wanted to share something that might or might not relate to you guys -
I have come from being anorexic to being an exercise bulimic, meaning that I exercise to "purge" calories. I don't binge like I have in the past, but exercise is always the top priority in my life, to a point where I isolate myself and everything else is unimportant, including relationships. Anyhow, I have been wrapped up in this crap for too long. I don't enjoy training like I have before, it's punishment and I have to always do more than before. I'm a perfectionist anyway, so i'm never going to be happy because no one is perfect! This is my problem, which i'm making a concerted effort to overcome. Just wanted to know if anyone has had similar struggles, and what has helped you overcome them? My body image is whacked-out, and I always see myself as fat, even though i'm at 11.5% bodyfat right now - it's as if the leaner I get, the fatter and more negative I feel. I have decided not to compete for a while, as I feel the rigidity of preparation just perpetuates my negative self-image and keeps my workout addiction thriving. I want to be able to eat pizza on weekends like I used to, and not feel guilty. I used to eat clean through the week and then eat crap on weekends, and stay lean. Now i'm eating pre-contest-wise, and i'm having a harder time shedding bodyfat even though i'm busting my ass...
OK, sorry to ramble...just had to get things out!
Thanks for listening!

If you do what you've always done, you'll end up with what you've always gotten!

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 614)
posted August 07, 2000 03:09 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for skydancer   Click Here to Email skydancer     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 76679089
I hear you Buff - I've gone from anorexia to bulemic to compulsive overeating in my lifetime. The body image thing is still hard to shake off...I am leaner and stronger than I ever have been in my life. I've had to continually give myself positive messages to shut off what I call K-Darth - the radio inside my head that tells me 24/7 how fat, ugly and useless I am. I VERY rarely look in the mirror and see fat anymore. What I see is room for improvement which is a far cry from how miserable I used to be. I just really had to get out of the numbers game - how much I weigh, how much my bf is, how much my hips measure.

There are no easy answers except if you are exercising/training to work off food than your head is not in the right place. Try to concentrate on doing it because it feels good to your body, because its right to sweat and burn, because you feel so damn good when you are done.

Patience is a bitter plant, but it has sweet fruit.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 176)
posted August 07, 2000 03:30 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Fitnes1   Click Here to Email Fitnes1     Edit/Delete Message
I agree w/ Skydancer. Also, in addition to what she said, you want to exercise for yourself and no one else.

Keep a positive attitude & don't beat yourself up when you're working so hard at it.

Reward yourself w/ the progress you've made.


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Iron God
Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 328)
posted August 07, 2000 03:41 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Iron God   Click Here to Email Iron God     Edit/Delete Message
BB and Sky,

Do you train alone or have partners?

Nam Et Ipsa Scientia Potestas Est!

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 34)
posted August 07, 2000 04:18 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for luv2workout   Click Here to Email luv2workout     Edit/Delete Message
No girl you are not ALONE!! I too have struggled with all of the same things you have talked about..I always ask myself why??? I just am not sure..I have a husband who tells me everyday how beautiful i am but i constantly try to make myself look better and no i am never satisfied. I always think "if i had a tummy tuck, if i had lipo, blah, blah, blah"...I dont know what the cure is but when you find out let me know

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 176)
posted August 07, 2000 04:26 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Fitnes1   Click Here to Email Fitnes1     Edit/Delete Message
luv2workout- Yes, I, too do what you're saying about constantly trying to improve myself......my husband is also very supportive & complimentary. I sometimes think SOCIETY has placed a "label" on what's attractive. Contrary to the belief of some - I think fitness women are the most attractive women of all. Not the skinny model-types, although they usually have pretty faces. It's just everyone being entitled to their own opinion, I guess.


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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 614)
posted August 07, 2000 04:53 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for skydancer   Click Here to Email skydancer     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 76679089
IG - no training partner...I'm an early bird at the gym and while everyone is getting to know me I train alone. My body image has shifted incredibly the past year so its all good.

Patience is a bitter plant, but it has sweet fruit.

[This message has been edited by skydancer (edited August 07, 2000).]

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 194)
posted August 07, 2000 09:54 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for tnheygirl   Click Here to Email tnheygirl     Edit/Delete Message
I agree with you all. I have worked in the beauty salon business a long time as well as all my family is in the business and let me tell you the pressure to look not just good but what society says is "up to date" is ridiculous. I can tell you the prettiest people in my salon whether they are good or not get the most clients. This is the first time in my life I realize I do look good with no make up on and I don't have to wear it anymore to feel pretty. It's just a shame that it took so many years of feeling ugly if I wasn't "made up" to realize that.

"To Thine Ownself Be True"

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 72)
posted August 07, 2000 09:56 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for BuffBlondie   Click Here to Email BuffBlondie     Edit/Delete Message
I'm glad to know i'm not alone! Thanks you guys, I have had a much better day today. It's very hard to let myself be "lazy", but this is going to be a challenge i'm determined to face! There is so much more to life! What it all boils down to is one's self-perception. I doubt that most people feel 100% good about themselves, but many are able to accept their faults, learn from their mistakes, and not beat themselves up for doing their best. I am glad this is a positive group! Hope everyone has had a great day!

If you do what you've always done, you'll end up with what you've always gotten!

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 614)
posted August 08, 2000 06:56 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for skydancer   Click Here to Email skydancer     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 76679089
bump - IG you asked the question about the training partner...I answered...now what was the point pretty please?

Patience is a bitter plant, but it has sweet fruit.

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All times are ET (US)

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