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Author Topic:   WarLobo
Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 18)
posted July 13, 2000 08:32 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Leotard   Click Here to Email Leotard     Edit/Delete Message
I'm taking cynomel after my cycle and I wanted to know what you amounts that you think I should take. I have never used it before, but I do know what to expect. I've heard and seen that you should go two days on two of and then I've heard you should go one week on one off, then I heard you should go two weeks on and one off. What is the right way to use this. Thanks

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(Total posts: 898)
posted July 14, 2000 12:20 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for WarLobo   Click Here to Email WarLobo     Edit/Delete Message
What is your current weight?



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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 18)
posted July 14, 2000 10:56 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Leotard   Click Here to Email Leotard     Edit/Delete Message
I'm 5'11" 150lbs

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(Total posts: 898)
posted July 14, 2000 12:03 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for WarLobo   Click Here to Email WarLobo     Edit/Delete Message
Ok, I just happen to be taking T3 right now - so I'll tell you how and why I'm doing what I'm doing and then you can take it from there.

Folks will usually take T3 for one of two reasons. First is to take T3 in a small level dose during their cycle to assist in the protein conversion and thereby increasing muscle growth - basically just speeding up the process a notch. This does can range from 25mg/day to 50mg/day, depending on individual size and response to the chemical.

The second and more popular reason is for it's WEIGHT reducing capabilities. Notice I choose the word 'WEIGHT'. This is a VERY important distinction as T3 will cannibalize anything it can. Muscle as well as fat. For this reason I strongly advise that anyone who is planning on using T3, combine it with some sort of anabolic. I can�t stress this point enough. If you do not, then you WILL lose muscle. Yes you will lose some fat, but the overall net effect will set you back more in the long run. Get your B/F tested by the best method you can!!! This is how we monitor the �gains� if you will, and how the cycle is going.

So, now that we know that taking T3 solo is not in ones best interest, how shall we put together a ladies basic T3 �cutting� cycle to lose the fat, become leaner, more defined and possibly even a bit stronger (remember it can help build muscle)? You first decision is to pick an anabolic. This could be any of a number of steroids. Anavar, primo, winny, sust, deca�. You get the point. The dose of the steroid does not have to be excessive, remember the propose of the steroid is to PRESERVE the muscle while the T3 burns the fats by increasing you metabolism. Now to the T3 dosing schedule.... As you might imagine, this is never the same for any one person (don�t you just love this?) What we do is pyramid up and then taper back down. How high you go is strictly up to you and how you respond to the drug. Believe me, once you hit a certain does you WILL feel the negative sides...very similar to a grand mal epileptic seizure.... JUST KIDDING! Once you hit your peak, and start to get the jitters and such, back off the does by 25mg. This is your plateau. With this in mind, here is how you pyramid up:

Day 1 - 4 50mg/day
Day 5 - 8 75mg/day
Day 9 -12 100mg/day
Day 13 125mg/day (lets say this dose gave you a case of the jitters and felt uncomfortable)
Day 14 -17 100mg/day
Day 18 - 23 100mg/day
Day 24 - 29 75mg/day
Day 30 - 36 50mg/day
Day 37 - 42 25mg/day

This is a six week cycle. It�s not really recommended to go longer. Notice the faster ramp up? And then we slowly come back down off of the T3. This will give your body time to readjust and come back on line. Now as to the gear use. I like to start one week before the T3 and end one week after the T3 cycle. This will insure maximum muscle preservation.

And there you have it. Key points to Remember;

  • Do not do a T3 cycle without gear.
  • Taper up the T3
  • Taper down more slowly
  • Get your B/F measured BEFORE you start!



[This message has been edited by WarLobo (edited July 14, 2000).]

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 540)
posted July 14, 2000 12:45 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for BigPappa     Edit/Delete Message

Good plan above for T3 cycle. Question: For women, what about stacking with clen? is that too much thyroid augmentation? I have heard T3 compliment each other and some even do T3 in the 2 weeks that they are off from clen. during the classic 2 week on/2 week off plan. What do you think?

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(Total posts: 898)
posted July 14, 2000 05:19 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for WarLobo   Click Here to Email WarLobo     Edit/Delete Message
Yes I've known people to stack this. I'm not one for recommeding it though - hell I advise against it. You realy need the time for T3 to work and to taper off properly. Save the clen and the e/c/a for another day. I can't see why one would need the clen/T3 stack. If you can't drop the pounds over six weeks with the T3 then I think you need to look at your over all workout/diet plan. And lets not forget the rebound effect if you don't do the T3 right.... sheeesh, talk about wast of time and effort.



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(Total posts: 898)
posted July 19, 2000 02:52 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for WarLobo   Click Here to Email WarLobo     Edit/Delete Message
Ok, I'm going to go against my better judgement and back track just a bit. You can use a small T3 with the clen and e/c/a stack. And yes, clen will suppress the thyroid. BUT, this is why you cycle the clen and e/c/a every two weeks. The margin of error when using T3 in this manner is much smaller and I'm not sure this such a good risk to benefit ratio.

Just wanted to be more clear on this.



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