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  Nolvadex and women???is it useful??

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Author Topic:   Nolvadex and women???is it useful??
Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 21)
posted July 10, 2000 10:01 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for MissFIT     Edit/Delete Message
Does anyone know if taking nolvadex would help trim fat??? I heard that for women it would help in the inner thigh area? Is this true and has anyone had experience with it. Any info is more than helpful.

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 12)
posted July 10, 2000 10:54 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Leotard   Click Here to Email Leotard     Edit/Delete Message

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(Total posts: 830)
posted July 10, 2000 01:58 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for WarLobo   Click Here to Email WarLobo     Edit/Delete Message
It has been know to assit in that area. It's not the majic pill you might be looking for. However, combine with an overall stragy, it can be usefull.



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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 21)
posted July 10, 2000 02:41 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for MissFIT     Edit/Delete Message
Lobo---I don't have that much to lose on my legs, they seem to be the most muscular part of my body..but more around the middle. Would it help there??? I want to lose more fat around my abs and get them ripped. I went off the bc pill about 3 weeks ago and I think that might help getting that last little bit in the middle down but also wanted to know if Nolvadex might help...my husband said it might but to check since he's not an expert in women and cycles. I started doing Winny 1cc e/o/d. So far so good The only thing with that is that it's ouchy...
What would you recommend for my next cycle if I choose to do it?? Primo/Sust/Winny??
I will post a pic when I am done with this cycle...

PS..is it ok to use Nolvadex while on Winny???
Thanks for all the help

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(Total posts: 830)
posted July 10, 2000 03:03 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for WarLobo   Click Here to Email WarLobo     Edit/Delete Message
Since your already on winny, lets jsut keep things basic and work on building some quality muscle before we go adding in to many variables. Like I said, nolva can help, but it's not like it will be permanent. While on the onther hand, if you build the muscle, it will help you by requiring more calories. I would rather see you notch up your cardoi my 15 min rather than spend your cash on supplements like nolva.

Let the winny do it's majic, eat well, and concintrate on lifting. I think you will enjoy the results.



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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 21)
posted July 10, 2000 03:22 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for MissFIT     Edit/Delete Message
Thanks Lobo. I appreciate your advice.
I'll stick to Winny and see how the cycle goes. I currently do 45-60 min of cardio 4 to 5 times a week. I started taking Xenadrine but had to up the dose to 3 times a day for 2 days and back to 2 times a day for two day. I didn't feel the Xan when i only took 2pills twice a day. Sleeping isn't even a problem with 3x's /day. Hopefully it will all pay off in the end just need patience.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 512)
posted July 10, 2000 03:36 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for MS   Click Here to Email MS     Edit/Delete Message
WarLobo's advice is good, and I think you will be pleased with the results of just dropping the BC for now. I've answered a similar question in WonderWomen's thread a little earlier today. Save the Nolvadex for when you some day get the idea in your head to compete!

The Mad Scientist

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 174)
posted July 11, 2000 10:19 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Monster   Click Here to Email Monster     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 35077339
Definatly listen to MS! Nolavadex is nothing to mess with for women. The reason the FDA turned down long term use of Tamoxifen in women as a preventative for breast cancer is the fact that long term use of it in women cause a rebound effect and actually activated the cancer cells in question.
No I dont want to sound like an alarmist or get anyone worried, its just that you will definatly want to save it for when its needed.

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(Total posts: 830)
posted July 11, 2000 11:57 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for WarLobo   Click Here to Email WarLobo     Edit/Delete Message
Yes your technicly correct, but they were talking about fricking years not a few weeks... But your point is still valid in that you don't really need untill the show is a few weeks away.



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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 494)
posted July 12, 2000 12:23 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for BigPappa     Edit/Delete Message
There are two main factors here to guid your decision to take it:

1) It WILL help you lose the stubborn fatty areas and any "cottage cheese".

2) Those losses are only TEMPORARY so if you want to shape up for a beach trip, a show, or some other event, start taking one pill a day for 2-3 weeks before that event. You shouldn't stay on it for more than threee months. You can also taper at the end by breaking the tab up in quarters.

My girl is taking it and her legs, stoumach get an obvious benefit.

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 21)
posted July 12, 2000 07:40 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for MissFIT     Edit/Delete Message
Thanks for the replies. I guess it's to each his own. For now I will not take the nolvadex and drop that stubborn fat with extra cardio. My husband is ordering some extra nolvadex just in case I decide that I want to try it.
BigPappa---Did your girl have any side effects with it?

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 494)
posted July 12, 2000 10:34 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for BigPappa     Edit/Delete Message
No sides, YET. A rebound is of couse possible but won't know until she is off. By then, summer will be nearly gone and she can afford the extra water weight and all.

Damn, we are some vain mo' fo's!!!

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 99)
posted July 12, 2000 11:37 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for WonderWoman   Click Here to Email WonderWoman     Edit/Delete Message
I found that the nolva wasn't worth it. Yes there was some assistance in the leg leaness department, but unless you're super lean already you won't see much difference. I've found that most of us are initially expecting miracle like results and that just ain't gonna happen. Let me not say that we can't make great transformations we've all seen the photos. I just think we get more bang for the buck if we concentrate on developing the muscle, that consumes more calories, and allows us to be leaner with much less effort. Quick question for the board, How many of you eat lots more than you used to but look much better? I know I do. It also takes less time and focus to 'lean out a bit' than it used to . Merely my humble .02. There was some rebound water retention after I stopped the nolva, but not much and it didn't last long. Which is also relative. If you've done competitive any thing that involves losing weight you will know that after the diet is over the 'rebound' of normal eating can be extreme and last for weeks. The last show I did I weighed in at 160. Post show and within 3-4 days I balooned up to 194 with pitting edema up to my hips!! Not good. It took about 3 weeks to get back down to a relatively normal 175 or so. This was also pre 'juice'. Imagine if I'd been an 'assisted' athlete back then. Any way unless you are gonna compete, you won't need the nolva.

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 21)
posted July 12, 2000 12:47 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for MissFIT     Edit/Delete Message
WW--Thanks for the advice. I have totally made up my mind against it. I'll stick with what I am doing now and weight for better results. I never expect miracles, I just work my butt off trying to get what I want. Sometimes it gets discouraging when you're not seeing what you should and I think that's when people look for additional help. atleast I know that's how I feel at times.
Thanks to ALL!

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