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  super tired..could it be the primo?

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Author Topic:   super tired..could it be the primo?
Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 82)
posted July 09, 2000 10:37 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for dirtyratt   Click Here to Email dirtyratt     Edit/Delete Message
i cannot get enough sleep. sleep until 1 or 2 the last couple of days. i know it is good to sleep b/c that is when your muscles grow, but geez. i waste my day in bed. any advice. maybe go to bed earlier than 2am would help. dirtyratt

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 84)
posted July 10, 2000 10:17 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Dawn   Click Here to Email Dawn     Edit/Delete Message
DR, Ive had a similar problem, I have to make myself get up out of bed...and it doesnt hurt that I have a 6 mo old that is screaming at the top of her lungs that she wants food. But, once Im up, Ive had extra energy. Im anemic, so I take a lot of iron which gives me a little kick. Do you take any vitamins? Iron?

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 82)
posted July 10, 2000 02:16 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for dirtyratt   Click Here to Email dirtyratt     Edit/Delete Message
just a daily vitamin. nothing special. email me when you have a few minutes. i want to ask how your cycle is going. did you do your second shot. i did and used a smaller needle. didn't hurt as much. anyway, talk to you later. gotta go get a publix sub for lunch:P dirtyratt

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 35)
posted July 10, 2000 02:23 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for tnheygirl   Click Here to Email tnheygirl     Edit/Delete Message
D-rat- I'm sleeping a little longer myself as well as a nap every day around 3 for a couple more hours. I can't complain I LOVE to sleep. It's the best drug in the world!
My skin doesn't hurt anymore but I am a little concerned with a small sexual problem I had last night. Everythings going fine then all the sudden I feel like someone put a blender through my belly button and turned it on! It almost felt like things were swollen and he was hitting them. Any problem with this?

"To Thine Ownself Be True"

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 82)
posted July 10, 2000 08:02 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for dirtyratt   Click Here to Email dirtyratt     Edit/Delete Message
i preformed just fine last night, so i think never has the blender feeling before. did you workout your abs xtra hard yesterday? eat enough? maybe it is your man. is he HUGE? whatever the problem was, i am sure you are fine. stop taking the primo if it continues though. it is not worth it. be safe girl!
keep me updated. i want to know.


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(Total posts: 810)
posted July 10, 2000 09:13 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for WarLobo   Click Here to Email WarLobo     Edit/Delete Message
Growing muscles need sleep, your going to get that every now and then.

As to the blender thing - Umm, I think I'll leave this one alone



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