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  Heres my plan

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Author Topic:   Heres my plan
Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 27)
posted July 08, 2000 09:27 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for RACHANN   Click Here to Email RACHANN     Edit/Delete Message
My goal is to gain 7# and get my bodyfat to 15%. Currently I'm 5'6-143# with 20% fat.
M-1.Oatmealw/protin mixed in cooked in 1c skim milk
2. nofat cottage cheese,sm apple
3. 1 can tuna 2 slices whole wheat.non fat mayo
4. 1sm banana,1/2c. skim milk
5. chicken,sm. salad w/nofat dress./ green veg
6.protein drink
T-1.Protein drink
2.3 boiled egg whitesw/nofat mayo on 2 whole wheat
3.Oatmeal w/1/2c. cottage cheese and sugar substitute.
4. 1 cut beef jerky(1.5g. fat)
5. brown ricew/chicken, egg whites,and brocoli(stirfry)
6.Protein drink
W-1.egg white omletw/tomatoe and salsa inside 1c. skim milk
2.banana, cucumber, 1/2 c. cottage cheese
3. tuna 1slice whole wheat
4. raw green veggiesw/no fat dressing
5.turkey,1/2 c. brown rice,1/2 c. veggie
1 slice whole wheat
Th-1. Oatmealw/protein,1/4c. berries cooked in 1c. skim milk
2. protein drink
3. 1 citrus fruit1/2c. cottage cheese
4. chicken in broth w/raw potatoe cut in
5. natural peanutbutter on whole wheat and a small apple.
6. protein drink
F-1. egg white omlet w/tomatoes and salsa
2. Beef jerky(low fat)
3. tuna on whole wheatw/no fat mayo. 1/2 c. green veggies.
4. protein in oatmealw/fruit 1/4 cup berries
5. 1c. skim milk and 1 banana
6. protein drink
Sun.-same as wednesday

1.Incline dumbell press4 sets of 15,12,10,8
2.Flatbench barbell press4 sets of 12,10,10,8
3.Incline dumbell flyes 3sets of12,10,8
4. Pushups 3 sets of 15,12,10
1.Dumbell kickbacks3 set 12,10,8
2.Pushdowns 4 set 15,12, 10, 8
3.Above head extentions 3sets of 12,10,8
Tue.Back and biceps
1. lat machine pullto front4sets15,12,10,8
2.Close grip puudown to front4 sets of 15,12,10,8
3.Seated row4sets of 15,12,10,8
1.Incline dumbell curls 4sets of 15,12,12,10
2. Standing barbell curls4 sets 15,10,8,6
Wed.Cardio and abs
Cardio is either stationary bike 45min. a nice, long walk60min or sometimes I goto my sisters and use her stairmaster
1. crunches 3 sets of 50,50,50
2. leg ups on end of bench w/weight on chest
3sets of 25,20,20
Th- Legs
1.Squats 5 sets of 15,15,12,10,8
2. Leg extentions4sets 15,12,12,10
3. Weighted lunges4sets of 15,12,10,10
4. Leg curls 4sets of 15,12,12,10
5. Standing calf raises 4sets of 18,18,15,12
Fr- Shoulders
1. Military press(behind neck)4sets15,12,10,8
2. Standing side laterals4sets15,12,10,10
3. Upright row barbell 3sets 12,12,10
4. Seated bent over dumbell laterals4sets 15,15,12,12
Every other Friday I'll do supersets w/ barbell curls or hammer curls.
S- Cardio and abs again
Sunday will be my recoup day with maybe a walk as I find that very relaxing.

Please look all this over and give me some idea as if this plan looks at all like I have a chance of getting the results I want and don't be nice to me if its not good enough,TELL ME.
Thanks you guys.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 371)
posted July 08, 2000 01:00 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for superdave   Click Here to Email superdave     Edit/Delete Message
why not just get bodyfat down at your height and weight? unless you want a lot of muscle, you look like you just need to drop the fat and a few pounds.

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 63)
posted July 08, 2000 02:18 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for missgalaxy   Click Here to Email missgalaxy     Edit/Delete Message
Rach -

From lookin at your pic's you don't look like 20% bf - when's the the last time you got that checked? I don't know that much about tryin to gain cause i'm always tryin to lose. Wait for some more people to review your plan and i'm sure you'll get more replys. I just want you to stay encouraged.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 160)
posted July 08, 2000 03:34 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for riptchick     Edit/Delete Message
Rach, you're gonna do well just by your effort. Not bein an expert myself, the only .02 I could give would be to not be overly concerned with the grams of this and that. (I'm not saying don't count them by any stretch of the means.) The reason that I say this is because so many of my friends have tried to diet and became infatuated with the gram thing. Early on it is much easier to focus on just a couple things at a time.

Friends of mine that compete aren't even that concerned about the small things until contest time. Their biggest concern is scarfing down enough protein every 2-3 hours and training like hell to failure in the gym.

You can really "clean up" a diet easily if you are already eating enough protein spread out in small meals over the course of the day.

I KNOW YOU CAN DO THIS! We're all behind you.

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 29)
posted July 08, 2000 03:49 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for BuffBlondie   Click Here to Email BuffBlondie     Edit/Delete Message

Your plan looks realistic and on the right track, definately! Keep things in perspective, and remember that snags will happen. When they do, deal with 'em, learn from them, and keep moving forward! Try to be flexible with things, too, as being too rigid with your workouts/diet can make you go crazy sometimes! Keep working hard and keep us posted on your progress!

If you do what you've always done, you'll end up with what you've always gotten!

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All times are ET (US)

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