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  Sassy - talk to me about Opus

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Author Topic:   Sassy - talk to me about Opus
Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 222)
posted July 07, 2000 10:42 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for JayeLynn   Click Here to Email JayeLynn     Edit/Delete Message
Hey Sassy, I see from the wierd concoctions thread that you did the Opus diet. I'm seriously considering a short cutting cycle and just (finally!) finished the book. Can you give me a little feedback on your experience?

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 70)
posted July 07, 2000 03:47 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for SassyS     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 76194850
Sure, JL. I went on the diet probably a total of 3 times. 1st time didn't follow the book too closely, 3rd time followed it exactly as humanly possible. From my experiences:
1. Downsides: the first time (if youve never been on a Ketogenic diet) you will feel TIRED and greasy. Im serious about both, as you read its ALL meat and fat. The first few days it will feel like heaven (bacon, cheese, whole eggs, full fat hamburger patties, then you'll get sooooo very sleepy and lethargic (plus you'll fart up a storm with NASTY meat farts)
So, do as he writes and EAT!!! Eat those meats, all the time whenever you can, drink TONS of coffee or diet soda for the caffeine. Also drink more water than youre used to. If you can, wake up and eat some meat in the middle of the night.Take some Slim Jims or beef jerkey to the gym with you.. you will be running on NO sugar and I came close to passing out more than once.
2. Upshots: I built a TON of muscle and was strong as shit! Lost average of 8 pounds a week, then gained avg. 2 back on weekends when I carbed up. Also, its almost a whole cheat weekend, with tons of sugary yummies. Oops, downside to those carbs and sugars: the first time I carbed up with a vanilla icecream, whipped cream, hot fudge sundae, I started crying my eyes out (literally) about half-way through my sundae. Shows just how strongly sugars affect not only our bodies but our emotions. Took the fun out of my sundae and I had no idea what I was crying about.
Get your ketosis strips and pee on em religiously and watch em turn purple. Then you know youre really burning off that extra poundage.
I didn't eat many veggies the 3rd time on, I was trying to keep my carbs under 12gr per day, so I took a fiber pill to help my digestion. Also took my multi-vitamin so I didn't get scurvy, LOL!
Also, you really have to keep working out, no matter how tired you are, take some Adipokinetics or caffiene pills if needed to keep you going.
Hope this helps, overall, I would go on it again, but not ever for longer than a few weeks at a shot. Good for your cutting cycle though. BUT WHATEVER YOU DO... DO NOT CHEAT!!! (im sure youre aware of this by reading the book), I put a friend of mine on it with me and she gained more than 10 pounds in 2 weeks because she would take drinks of her little boys orange juice at breakfast.

Eat a pound of bacon for me

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 222)
posted July 07, 2000 04:05 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for JayeLynn   Click Here to Email JayeLynn     Edit/Delete Message
did you minimize your fats during carb-up?
did you go with maintenance calories or 10% deficit?

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 222)
posted July 07, 2000 04:23 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for JayeLynn   Click Here to Email JayeLynn     Edit/Delete Message
...and where did you find ketosticks?

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 70)
posted July 07, 2000 08:06 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for SassyS     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 76194850
Yes, I did minimize my fats, but only because its hard to keep up that high amount of fat when youre concentrating on sugar and NOT high fat proteins. I was eating avg. 300 gr. of protein a day. Then during the carb loading phase I avg. maybe 100 pr.
1st time i went maintenance, 2nd & 3rd I went 10% down. You dont realize how hard it is to eat that many calories of pure meat.
Any pharmacy should have them (Eckerds, CVS, etc...), just ask the pharmacist OR order them online at www.diabetespartners.com.

Theyre very inexpensive. Get a few bottles of them, I peed on them everytime I went.

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 70)
posted July 07, 2000 08:16 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for SassyS     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 76194850
If you ever liked Vienna Sausages, theyre good to snack on: 3 links= 150 calories, 6 gr. protein, less than 1 gr. carbs. (You have to re-learn the label reading process and ignore the fat content)

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 222)
posted July 10, 2000 10:46 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for JayeLynn   Click Here to Email JayeLynn     Edit/Delete Message
god, I'm already spaced out.

I'm a little concerned about how to come off the diet. Did you end the diet in ketosis or at the end of your carb-up?

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 222)
posted July 10, 2000 12:46 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for JayeLynn   Click Here to Email JayeLynn     Edit/Delete Message
...one more.
Did you use vanadyl or any other like agent to excellerate ketosis?

Came to work today with two varieties of vienna sausages, chicharoni's, two varieties of spam, canned corn beef and two of those little cans (like sardines) of smoked salmon and smoked baby clams. I left the bacon, a small ham, a roll of liverworst, and the hotdogs at home with the eggs. My grocery cart has never looked like this!

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