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Author | Topic: The plan |
Temple Amateur Bodybuilder (Total posts: 36) |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() First of all I WILL EAT!!!!! I will eat 5 times a day NO EXCUSES and I will eat no less than 30g of protein with each of those meals. I will take 1/2 tsp of flaxseed oil with each meal. I will not eat in the middle of the night or withing two hours of going to bed. NO SUGAR 2 Hydroxycut 1 meal off not 1 free all I can eat slop the hog day 100 g or less starchy carbs all eaten before 2 pm lots of fibrous veges cardio a.m. empty stomach 5 days per week weight training heavy 5 days per week p.m. Continue with creatine, l-glutamine glucosamine and multi vitamin Send husband in for the big snip snip so I can stop taking those damn birth control pills (this might be where I run into a problem) How many total grams of carbs and fat do I need to make this work? Currently 5"4" 150# aprox 28% bodyfat 37 years old. I want to look like Fitnesschick and Bikinimom. Does it look like I have it right??? Temple IP: Logged |
WarLobo Moderator (Total posts: 749) |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() You may run into a problem with lifting "heavy" five days a week. Even if your on it's damn near imposible. Other than that I think you have a good plan. I would like to see some more specific goals. Late Lobo IP: Logged |
BigPappa Pro Bodybuilder (Total posts: 441) |
![]() ![]() ![]() Hey LOBO: Actually, my girl trains "heavy" at least five days a week. She is "on" and works out with weights pretty damn hard. She recovers well though because she consumes a lot of protein and eats right. Burnt out?...maybe...but by then she'll be on the cover of MuscleMag or close. We hope. IP: Logged |
Temple Amateur Bodybuilder (Total posts: 36) |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Here is the split - can you tell me how you would modify the split or the intensity to keep from overtraining? Day 1 chest/bis Day 2 back/abs/tris Day 3 hams/glutes Day 4 shoulders/abs Day 5 quads/calves Goal 1 is to drop .75% to 1% bodyfat per week until I am in the 15% bf range. Goal 2 To see consistent gains in strength Goal 3 I want to see my muscles, to be able to look in the mirror and be happy with what I see ( I can see my tricep and looking at it has turned into a major obsession) Goal 4 To be able to wear those size 9 shorts to the Sturgis Motorcylce Rally (6 weeks away) - Warlobo did I read somewhere that you ride??? Goal 5 to run a 5k by September. Thanks Temple IP: Logged |
Dlady27 Pro Bodybuilder (Total posts: 416) |
![]() ![]() ![]() Temple, Take a look at my pictures on the board. I was the same height and weight as you last year, and my body fat was at 27.9%. I did so I know you can! My body fat is now down to 15% and I now weight 130 lbs. And I am still trying to make my body fat go down even lower. So I am lifting at the gym, and I do cardio 3 to 4 days a week. IP: Logged |
Temple Amateur Bodybuilder (Total posts: 36) |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Just looked at your pics and am greatly encouraged - I started at a high of 185 and God only knows what the bfp was. It is no longer a question of IF I am going to get there it is only a matter of WHEN. IP: Logged |
Texas Guns Moderator (Total posts: 504) |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() To keep the bodyfat off, we are going to burn it off at a slower rate than maybe you are looking at? Can anyone say whether losing 1% per week is good? I would love to burn it at that rate, but find it almost impossible. Also depends on your metabolism. If this program is very new to you and something you have never done before, then watch out. You will see some drastic results. Only because you will be shocking your body into "getting busy". I on the other hand have done this for some time and my body just goes at it's own slow pace. Just wait til the juice starts flowing. Then we'll see who's king around this place!!!!!! Good luck with your program. Be sure not to go too heavy as to injure yourself or keep you from doing the movement correctly. I find that when I go too heavy I do not work the muscle the way I want to. Also try supersetting your exercises. Mrs. TG IP: Logged |
WarLobo Moderator (Total posts: 749) |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Here is my .02 on the workout. On chest day you will hit you tris - no way around it, then on day 2 you hit them again.... Same goes with the bis on day one then you hit them again on day two. I used to do this and NEVER saw any arm development cause of over trainning them. I went to back/bis and chest/tris and have gain and inch on my arm since the first of the year. On day three you hit your glutes, how do you do not hit your quads and even your hams. If your determined to lift five days out of seven maybe something like this Day1 Chest/tris/abs If you find that this is to much, combine day 5 and day 6 which will give you a nice two day rest. Late Lobo IP: Logged |
bikinimom Pro Bodybuilder (Total posts: 118) |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Hey Temple - Where are your days of rest? Five consecutive days of heavy lifting (whether this means heavy weights with lower rep range or intense lifting - lots of supersets, drop sets, giant sets, etc with less weight and higher rep range, also less rest between sets) seems a bit much. When will your muscles have time to recover and grow? Patience, Rome was not built in a day. I know that you are eager to see results, but you have to go about this "full steam" yet with intelligence, so to speak. Does this make any sense? I myself train 3 on, 1 off, 2 on, 2 off. I hit each body part once per week, hit it hard and watch it grow! I'm not so concerned with cardio because I'm still bulking - I can wait for all that shit, it will come soon enough as I want to compete in Oct. Other than this - I think you have a plan! IP: Logged |
Temple Amateur Bodybuilder (Total posts: 36) |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Fitnesschick was the one who gave me the training split and said I could do my legs in two seperate days to burn more calories. What you said about the arm workout makes sense Warlobo and I will modify that part. I think that I may begin with a 4 day split and see how that goes. I have alot of nausea when I work legs and alot of times feel that I am not hitting all parts hard enough as I run out of energy before I am done. I think the 1% bf loss per week goal came from MS as something that could be achieved if everything is being done right and it is the maximum one can hope for. My husband was very into bodybuilding about 10 years ago but never paid attention much to diet however he is my resident PROPER FORM POLICEMAN - if I hear "If you can't control it you had better not be lifting it" one more time I think I'm going to hit him as I got it the 100th time he said it. This has been a gradual transition from just cleaning up the diet, to adding some walking, then adding some weight, then upping the cardio intensity and the weight intensity and now feel that it is time to take it up another notch by really cleaning up the diet and training with some real purpose. Temple IP: Logged |
WarLobo Moderator (Total posts: 749) |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() BigPappa, I know some can do this, I even will switch up and go for two-a-days every now and then to shock the system. But this only lasts about three weeks and then I usually take four days off. 'Course I'm an old fart and do not recover as fast these days. As I'm typing this, I recall reading in some obscure article that women are better at tolerating pain. This all being based on some hormone that women have more of. During high stress levels, women have a greater tendency to be able to block the pathways that send a signal to the brain. GADS... I can't remember !!!!!! MS & Art we need your research skills cause this is something worth looking into.... Late Lobo IP: Logged |
bikinimom Pro Bodybuilder (Total posts: 118) |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() I have done splits where I hit certain body parts more than once a week. That's fine what I'm asking is are there any days off? or is it 5 days in a row of continuous lifting? IP: Logged |
Temple Amateur Bodybuilder (Total posts: 36) |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() I was planning on doing it as a 5 on 2 off as I need to keep my lifting schedule to during the week if possible. If I combine the legs into one day which I think I will then it will be a two on, one off, two on, two off. Sorry I didn't make myself clearer, must be the sugar withdrawals I am going through right not. Temple IP: Logged |
MS Pro Bodybuilder (Total posts: 428) |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Well I am guilty of saying it was possible to lose 1%bf per week. I did not mean to endorse this as the best option. It is how I diet for a show, but as Mrs guns pointed out, it is very hard to keep the weight off when dieting this quikly which is why clarifying your goals is so important. Dieting for a show is not the same thing as permanently changing your body composition. This is best done more slowly so the way you eat and train become more lifestyle adaptations. Of course I also know how hard it is sometimes to take the patient approach (Mrs Guns!!!). I don't think your training split looks too bad. 5 days per week is manageable so long as you back off the instant you start to feel worn out, injured or just not recovering quickly enough. But I agree with WarLobo on training your chest/tris on one day, and back/bis on another. Otherwise you'll be training your tris 3 days per week (on chest day, on tri day and again on shoulder day). Best of luck to you. I see from your determined tone that you will achieve your goals. Just don't let that determination cause you to injure yourself or burnout. ------------------ IP: Logged |
Artemis Amateur Bodybuilder (Total posts: 45) |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Warlobo: Let us know if you find the obscure article about gender based pain tolerances. I've heard that in *sound-bite* form, but it's not something I would bet the farm on. There's another idea out there floating around (in dentistry ?) that men and women respond differently to the common painkillers. These alleged variations in response to intense stress/pain could also be confounded by cultural sterotypes. Personally, I notice overtraining very easily. I'd suggest Temple up her workout intensity first, then add workout volume second. And burn off energy outside the gym in some sort of sport(s). Take up new active hobbies. Build muscle at the gym. Burn calories elsewhere, and by other means. For MS: who said "Dieting for a show is not the same thing as permanently changing your body composition." how are we sure of this? IP: Logged |
MS Pro Bodybuilder (Total posts: 428) |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() I know it's not the same thing for me. I have no intention of staying around 8%bf after a show. In fact I don't care how much fat I out on after the show so long as I put on permanent muscle gains. Right now I'm ~18%bf which I'm beginning to realize most of the women on this board would NOT be happy with. I'm happy. I consider myself a bodybuilder first, and otherwise not worth looking at. Or perhaps I should say I don't care whether or not people like the way I look. If I wanted to look like a buff-babe all year round, I would take a slower, more sane approach to dieting so that the end result was sustainable. Maybe take 20 weeks to get there instead of 10. And I wouldn't diet so low-aim for 10-12%. But I also appreciate that most of the women on this board would be very happy to just get down to 12 %bf. I know when I diet for a show and I get to around 12% I feel good. I always think "I could maintain this physique quite easily, what a shame I've still got another 4-5% to go". I've tried maintaining 12% after a show, but (remember I'm still 'natural') found it IMPOSSIBLE to gain any muscle/strength. That's why I say clarifying goals is important. Included in goal consideration should be: Do you want to look good for a day (week/year), or for life? Do you want to gain muscle, or just look lean? Do you want to use AAS to achieve your muscle goals, or are you willing to put a bit more fat on to gain muscle? Are you in a hurry, and if so, why? If you're in a hurry are you willing to use AAS/T3/clen/lipo to get there fast? Are you willing to maintain the 'dieting' lifestyle for the rest of your life? In other words, are you willing to sacrifice 4th of July barbeques, or bring your own 'special' food with you to Christmas/Thanksgiving for the rest of your life? Or do you think you can make the change in your eating habits so you will really prefer 'healthy' food choices even when surrounded by people eating fun-foods. Can you get used to the family and friends commenting and ridiculing your funny eating habits? Can you join in on a family food occassion, eat some of everything on offer and NOT FEEL GUILTY for the next 6 months? Most diets fail. Many people achieve their desired weightloss but cannot maintain it despite their best intentions. It appears to me that a lot of this failure comes from a lack of planning. All the dieter can think about is getting those scales or skin-calipers to a certain number and they have only a hazy idea about what they're going to do once they get to that number. That's enough rambling for one day! You go Temple! (And all you other board members). ------------------ IP: Logged |
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