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  I want my girlfriend to juice but...

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Author Topic:   I want my girlfriend to juice but...
Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 260)
posted June 25, 2000 11:29 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for mightydog   Click Here to Email mightydog     Edit/Delete Message
She, like a lot of women have been trained not to gain weight no matter what. I tell her buffed legs and butt are "in" and attractive. She wants to stay fit and that means that needle on the scale getting lower. She lifts weights to get toned and makes some progress but soon as her legs get bigger, the weight comes on and then its back to cutting down on food and getting catabolic to loose weight! Will some of you women please contribute a few words on the joy of juicing/muscle gains in hopes that i may forward the message and sway her to our Elite Fitness cult?

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 402)
posted June 25, 2000 03:38 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for MS   Click Here to Email MS     Edit/Delete Message
You can lead a horse to water....

Maybe she actually WANTS to look like Kate Moss.

The Mad Scientist

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 397)
posted June 25, 2000 04:48 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Frackal   Click Here to Email Frackal     Edit/Delete Message
The supermodel look is not very attractive at all to me, and most guys I know. They look like meth addicts with pretty faces. (of course, many of them ARE drug addicts) Give me a girl with an ass, legs and a six pack any day.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 872)
posted June 25, 2000 08:19 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for FitnessChick   Click Here to Email FitnessChick     Edit/Delete Message
send her a link to this whole board & let her read & learn.....

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 101)
posted June 26, 2000 09:21 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Fitnessbarbie   Click Here to Email Fitnessbarbie     Edit/Delete Message
mightydog: I have the same problem sometimes, and my boyfriend needs to constantly remind me that I shouldn't pay attention to the scale...it helped me when he pointed out in the Fitness magazines the women who I thought looked incredible..then he would show me their weight and measurements...I feel her pain, maybe if you show her these magazines it might help her too.

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 17)
posted June 27, 2000 04:08 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for MightyMaus4   Click Here to Email MightyMaus4     Edit/Delete Message
Hey mightydog. Read your question, being your girlfriend and all and decided to send you a reply. I do not want to look like Kate Moss or Barbie for that matter, but desire a toned physique. I do not think a woman should have legs like Arnold. I like to wear my size 6 jeans but my things have a problem fitting anymore. It is my philosophy to treat my body as the shrine that it is with healthy eating, lifting and cardio. I will not look like a woman with frog thighs. Juice is not the answer to everything. I have researched this and the evidence, especially long term or a longtitudinal study have not been done so you are taking something without knowing the longterm effects. Chemicals and living tissue are like water and oil!!!!! You do to your body what you think best. I even support your efforts. Your reasons, however, are not convincing the MightyMaus4!!!

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 260)
posted June 27, 2000 10:04 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for mightydog   Click Here to Email mightydog     Edit/Delete Message
See what I mean...

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 402)
posted June 27, 2000 02:59 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for MS   Click Here to Email MS     Edit/Delete Message
At this stage it should be clear that you've lost this one mightydog. MightyMaus is happy with her body and seems well enough informed about AAS to make her own decisions. I think she's making the right one by the way. You should work on being happy with ther body and her 'natural' progress too.

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(Total posts: 732)
posted June 27, 2000 03:22 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for WarLobo   Click Here to Email WarLobo     Edit/Delete Message
Hummm.... Well I ain't going touch this with a 10 foot poll.....

Ahh, what the heck. I'll jump in for a quickie...

MM4 your statement about the Chemicals and living tissue is 100% incorrect. Your body is a bio-electro-chemical organism. With out chemicals you would cease to exist.

You are correct about the lack of scientific studies. However, the medical community has just recently acknowledged the simple and plain FACT that anabolic steroids CAN increase muscle mass. For damn dear 50 fricking years hey have put blinders on and REFUSED to even study the possibility of the many beneficial uses steroids might have.

Your decision to stay natural is fine and I encourage you in this decision. Just don't let Calvin Klein determine how your jeans should fit. I've seen some VERY messed up clothing models trying to stay with the "traditionally" thin look and let me tell ya, it ain't healthy one bit.



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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 260)
posted June 27, 2000 03:25 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mightydog   Click Here to Email mightydog     Edit/Delete Message
OK, MS, I'll send up the white flag and admit defeat. Thank God she is not a big fat heifer, then there would be a problem. She is happy and that will make her a good soulmate. You are right. Thanks for answering my question awhile back on anavar/test too.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 260)
posted June 27, 2000 03:31 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mightydog   Click Here to Email mightydog     Edit/Delete Message
Thanks Warlobo.

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Texas Guns
(Total posts: 499)
posted June 27, 2000 05:39 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Texas Guns   Click Here to Email Texas Guns     Edit/Delete Message
Mighty dog, I would be afraid to go home tonight!! Do what we have to do in the south: Throw your hat in the door first to see if there are any shots fired!! Mr. Guns is still with us because of this safety precaution!!!

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 17)
posted June 27, 2000 05:54 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for MightyMaus4   Click Here to Email MightyMaus4     Edit/Delete Message
Thanks MS! I needed that. Mightydog wants me to look like these women in the muscle magazines. To me they do not look feminine for all the hard work and sacrifices they have made. I am against doing anything to excess because #1 you get bored with it and #2 you can really hurt yourself in the longrun.


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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 17)
posted June 27, 2000 06:05 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for MightyMaus4   Click Here to Email MightyMaus4     Edit/Delete Message
WarLobe - what can I say.... You seem like an intelligent person that seems to be an endless well of information. I have been frequenting this board for some time now. Since I am an RN I "dabble" a little bit in everything. I even medicat my patients with a form of steroids. I do not deny that steroids build muscle, that is a proven fact. Steroids are even given to people with wasting due to HIV. And yes, the body is a living "chemical factory." Our cells and even our digestion work on a chemical basis. My problem is the use of synthetically created substances acting with the ones our body creates. I applaud all you guys that have the GUTS to use roids. I can see that you can get almost immediate gratification from using "the juice." You should see mightydog. The man is huge!!! I just can't bring myself to get "stuck" for muscle gain.


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(Total posts: 732)
posted June 28, 2000 12:22 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for WarLobo   Click Here to Email WarLobo     Edit/Delete Message
Like I said countless times, I'll tell a lady "no" before I'll tell her "go".

There are a number of women who post quite often, and many more who read but don't post, who will never take any form of steroids. And most everyone, except for a very few, have spouses who are not in the game at all. And that's just fine. I hope we have enough info here to help both groups. Because by my figur�en we only have maybe three or four ladies on here who have done more than one cycle.

Cause lets face facts, it's EASY to inject. It's everything else that's hard.

I do EXPECT you to post up some good info and become a part of this board though! Your background is solid gold and your backbone is a good feature too



p.s. and just for the record Mightydog, take it from this ol wolf, you could have done a hell of allot worse, and probably not much better....

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 17)
posted June 28, 2000 11:03 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for MightyMaus4   Click Here to Email MightyMaus4     Edit/Delete Message
Hey WarLobo!
I will do my best but I do not log on every day since I work long shifts and go to school. I appreciate your input as always.
Signing off!!

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